Gu Zhongyu is so angry that he wants to curse!

I can understand that you have to lock the door of a public toilet in a film and television city at night.

I also accept that it is locked before eight o'clock.

But can you ask if anyone is there before you lock the door?

MDZZ! Are you afraid that someone will steal your shit?

"Naza, call your assistant and ask someone to open the door." Naza said, took out her mobile phone, and then found out... her mobile phone is broken!

It should be that she fell to the ground and broke it when she was angry about that crappy novel just now.

Naza had to show him the mobile phone with a broken screen. Looking at Naza with an innocent face, Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to make this call himself.

He couldn't call the staff or actors. He was trapped in the women's toilet. If they knew, he would be dead!

After thinking about it, he could only call the unreliable assistant.

At this time, Bai Lu was lying on the bed, watching the Korean drama on TV, eating a bag of potato chips with relish. The damn boss was discussing the script with others tonight and had no time to order her around.

At this moment, the phone rang. Bai Lu picked it up and frowned. Her intuition told her that Gu Zhongyu calling her at this time would definitely not be a good thing!

"Hello, boss, what's the matter?"

"Listen, find a tool like a vise or a hammer, and quickly come to the women's bathroom on the far left of the fourth floor of Cuiweiju in the east. Remember, don't tell anyone, and don't let anyone see you here!"

? ? ?

Are you crazy?

Do you want me to accompany you to the women's bathroom to peep?

The boss's perversion is beyond my imagination!

Bai Lu didn't want to be a pervert like the boss, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves, so she had to put on her clothes, cover herself tightly to prevent being recognized, and then take the small road to Cuiweiju under the cover of night.


"Boss, are you in there?" Bai Lu tiptoed to the door of the bathroom, but didn't see Gu Zhongyu, so she asked tentatively.

"Yes, I'm in there. Do you have any tools?"

"Time is too tight, and you won't let me find anyone to help. I only found a screwdriver. I don't know if it will work." Bai Lu looked at the small screwdriver in her hand, a little unsure.

"Then go look around. There should be tools like a fire axe. If not, go to other rooms to see if there are any handy tools!"

"Boss, are you okay?" She heard that Gu Zhongyu's voice was a little wrong, as if he was in pain.

Is the smell in the toilet too strong?

"What can I do? Go find something to pry the door open quickly!"

Bai Lu looked everywhere on the fourth floor. Fortunately, she finally found a wrench in the tool room in the corner, so she hurried back and started knocking on the bathroom door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound of the wrench hitting the door echoed in the corridor. Fortunately, there were not many people here, otherwise they would have thought it was a thief sneaking in!

Fortunately, the lock of the bathroom was not very strong, and the door was not thick, so Bai Lu, a girl, did not take too long to open it.

When she banged the door with all her strength for the last time, the door actually fell down and almost hit Gu Zhongyu on the head!

"Boss! How could you do that..." Just as Bai Lu broke into the door and wanted to condemn the boss's shameless peeping behavior, she found that Sister Nazha was also inside.

Oh my! What are you two doing running into the bathroom and locking yourselves in the middle of the night?

"Ahem! When we were reading the script tonight, Nazha became a deserter. I came here to catch her, but I didn't expect that I was locked in by mistake." Gu Zhongyu explained, and he was actually telling the truth.

But looking at Bai Lu's big eyes staring at him and the corners of her mouth that were disdainful, Gu Zhongyu knew that she would definitely not believe his words.

"It's all your fault! I told you to slack off, but you still don't know how to work harder even though you're in the drama group! Go back and study the script carefully. If you slack off again, I'll show you how I'll deal with you!"

Naza listened to Teacher Gu's instructions honestly. Her face was red and it was a little difficult for her to speak.

I was afraid that someone would come over and think they were perverts. Let's leave now!

Before leaving, he put the door back in place. Fortunately, it was not popular to install cameras these days, so no one could record them.

Otherwise, I would think these three people came to the toilet to steal feces at night!


Gu Zhongyu asked Naza to go back first, and he himself returned to the script reading after a ten-minute interval.

"Teacher Gu, why did you go for so long?" Zhu Yilong asked. He played Li Mi and Zhang Xiaojing, who had a lot of dialogues. He just wanted to rehearse the words, but he didn't wait for Gu Zhongyu for a long time.

"It's Nazha! She was slacking off, so I caught her back." Gu Zhongyu said righteously, completely ignoring Nazha's resentful look.

It's all your fault!

Hearing this, everyone present laughed. No wonder they didn't see Nazha just now. She was a deserter even when reading a script! But they didn't dare to blame her. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Gu Zhongyu doted on this little girl.

"Nazha, the 46th scene, the dialogue between Wen Ran and Zhang Xiaojing, read it with me now!" Seeing that Nazha didn't show any embarrassment and looked complacent, Gu Zhongyu was furious.


Nazha had no choice but to pick up the script and began to read it, but she read it in a mess and stuttered.

Seeing Nazha reading the script in such a bad mood, Wan Qian next to her took the initiative to care: "What's wrong? Is your throat uncomfortable? Drink some water first!"

Her throat was indeed uncomfortable now, and it seemed that she would have to buy some rock sugar and snow pear to moisten it later.

Seeing that she was not in good condition today, Gu Zhongyu had to let Nazha go back to rest and not participate in the script reading today.

After Nazha left, everyone continued to study the script, and the reading lasted until after eleven o'clock in the evening.


Gu Zhongyu went back to his room and lay on the bed. At this time, Dun Dun, who had woken up from a nap, also crawled over, stepped on his thighs and acted coquettishly, wanting the poop shoveler to give him a meal.

"Oh no, Dun Dun! Your master was molested by a female hooligan in the bathroom today! Woo woo woo" He hugged Dun Dun, pinched its big face plate and began to stroke the cat crazily!

Dundun:? ? ?

No, I just want to act coquettishly and cutely to get a can of food. If you don't give it to me, don't abuse me, right?

Forget it, who told me I was a cat? Being a cat means I can’t have dignity. Living under someone else’s roof and eating their food, shouldn’t I be allowed to be touched? Alas!

Dun Dun had no choice but to lie on the bed, letting the unsatisfied Gu Zhongyu rub her, looking helplessly at the ceiling...

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