Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 420: The tolerant Zhang Da Niu

Fans who were the first to enter the theater discovered after watching the movie that "the trailer simply cannot carry the excitement of the feature film." Netizens posted on Weibo: "You have all been deceived by the ultimate trailer. This movie is the only feature film that is better than the trailer." A hundred times better movie!" Previously, the movie "Mermaid" was kept secret and no advance screenings were opened. Even though it was about to be released, the audience did not know much about the content of the film. Even many die-hard fans of Zhou Xingxing expressed their opinions. of "worry."

"'Mermaid' is full of emotions. The screen is full of Star Master's shadow, and every detail can evoke endless memories - folding stool, prosperity, chicken wings, lion roaring skills, knife skills overture, The sounds of sleeping, grilled octopus, the laughter of frogs, the funny policemen, etc., the joy and laughter are endless. Mr. Xing is still the same Mr. Xing, with an ordinary face and a persistent heart. Even if he is invincible, he must face love bravely and defend it. love."

As for the movies in the same period, it is miserable. Basically, "Mermaid" will take away more than half of the new box office every day, leaving some soup for them.

"The Lion" is one of Cheng Long's works with the worst reputation this year. The eldest brother has really been a bit unimpressed in recent years. He can't play small roles, so he can only play the grassroots secretary of the Han Dynasty, and he starts to talk to people eloquently. reason!


The hero is dying!

Although a year later, Big Brother will rely on Oscar recognition to win back most of the audience in terms of reputation, but movies are movies and works are just works. The quality of Big Brother's works in recent years has seriously declined!

As for "Wolf Totem", the reputation is acceptable. If it were changed to another time, it might have good results. Unfortunately, when it comes to "Mermaid", it is destined to fail to make a splash!

"Zhong Kui Conquers the Demon" was ranked second on the first day and was surpassed by other movies one after another. The box office on the first day was less than 30 million, which showed its decline. It can be said that it was a hit!

The most surprising thing is the two variety show spin-offs "Where Are We Going, Dad 2" and "Dad's Holiday". Just one year later, the combined box office of the two "Dad" is already less than that of "Where Are We Going, Dad 1" in the same period last year7 Half of the daily box office can be seen from the fact that "Dad 1" scored 6.3 points on Douban, while "Dad 2" and "Holiday" currently both have 4.0 ratings. The audience's evaluation of "Dad" is also directly related to the polarization last year. Turned into a one-sided negative review.

In just two years, the variety show movie has become unstoppable amid a lot of criticism!

The biggest winner of this year’s Spring Festival is undoubtedly “Mermaid”. Currently, all major websites estimate its box office to be no less than 2.5 billion, and some even boldly predict that it can hit the 3 billion mark!

For Zongheng Pictures, this time it can be said that they are making a lot of money and are smiling from ear to ear.

However, as the film director, Zhou Xingxing felt quite regretful.

When he signed the dividend agreement with Zongheng Pictures, Zhou Xingxing believed that the box office of "Mermaid" was unlikely to exceed 1.4 billion, so he chose a relatively conservative cooperation plan. This choice meant that he could only receive a salary of 30 million and a dividend of 60 million.

Although this kind of reward is quite generous, compared with another way of gambling, he undoubtedly missed out on greater benefits.

Because the second gambling plan allowed him to take away up to 140 million in dividends at one time, Zhou Xingxing regretted it. He not only underestimated the rapid development of the mainland film market, but also felt that he had underestimated his own Works and fame are undervalued.

Nowadays, the hot box office performance of "Mermaid" has naturally attracted the attention of many capital parties. Many people have begun to contact Zhou Xingxing, hoping to invest in his new film, many of which include projects with gambling agreements.

Zhou Xingxing, who is full of confidence, has made up his mind to go big in film production in the next step, use his strength to prove his directorial talent, and strive to create a higher box office record!

For Chinese people, the Spring Festival means reunion and spending time with family.

No matter how messed up you are outside, you still have to go home.

After Gu Zhongyu and Da Tiantian separated, it was almost noon when he returned home. His assistant Longni had already returned to her hometown for vacation. Zhang Da Niu had been accompanying him these days.

"Zhongyu?" Zhang Zilin obviously heard the movement at the door and tentatively called Gu Zhongyu's name.


Gu Zhongyu responded, changed into slippers, took off his coat, and walked towards the living room.

The temperature in the room is very high, even wearing a long-sleeved shirt will make you feel a little hot.

He opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of ice water, and took two sips.

"What are you doing?"

After wandering around for a long time, Zhang Danniu was nowhere to be seen.

Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to push open the bedroom door.

"I'll go, it's almost afternoon, why haven't you gotten up yet?"

I saw Zhang Zilin lying on the bed, playing with her left hand and playing with her mobile phone with her right hand. It was so comfortable!

"It's okay anyway, why are you getting up?" The girl replied directly without raising her head.

"are you not hungry?"

Gu Zhongyu asked curiously, and at the same time walked forward and took Dundun out of bed.


Dunzi glared at him dissatisfied. It was enjoying the gentle massage of the young lady. Are you trying to ruin my good deeds again?

Zhang Danniu is now wearing more and more revealing clothes. It is probably related to the fact that the heating in the room is too high. She is wearing a white translucent loose T-shirt, with the collar on one side falling to her arms, revealing most of her fair and plump shoulders, and Slim black shoulder straps.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the pair of long legs that Gu Zhongyu never tires of playing with!

"I have prepared a lot of New Year's goods here!"

Zhang Zilin opened the big box placed beside the bed, which was full of various snack packages.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat!"

Gu Zhongyu has no interest in snacks. He can eat a little occasionally, but he can't stand it if he really takes that thing as a staple food.

"Okay, then wait a moment, I'll change my clothes." Zhang Zilin got up from the bed with great difficulty.

"By the way, today is the second day of the Chinese New Year, don't you have to go home?"

Gu Zhongyu was so bored that he actually opened a bag of snacks from Zhang Da Niu and started eating, while shouting to the door.

"Haha! Did you forget something important?"

Zhang Zilin didn't even put on her clothes, and walked out of the cloakroom with her long legs, looking at Gu Zhongyu with an unhappy face.

Important things?

Oh no! I promised to take Zhang Da Niu to register for marriage during the Chinese New Year!

Finally, it's the part that most scumbags fear the most - getting married. Fortunately, Zhang Zilin agreed to hold the wedding later, otherwise Gu Zhongyu could go and hang himself now.

"How could it be! I mean, it's not too late to go to Las Vegas after you finish paying New Year's greetings!"

"Hehe! No need, I've made an appointment with my uncle and aunt, as well as my parents, and our two families will go out for fun together, and we can just get the certificate by the way!"

Zhang Zilin smiled with a conspiracy.

It's broken! This time, she really can't get away. She actually quietly captured several elderly people as "hostages!"

"We'll go directly to my parents' house later, they are all waiting to leave there!"

Zhang Da Niu quickly changed her clothes and took Gu Zhongyu's hand to go out.

Dun Dun saw that the two shit shovelers were going to leave it again, and it started meowing again in a hurry...

So they simply took Dun Zi with them.


In the suburbs of Los Angeles, there is a three-story building, which is the property that Gu Zhongyu bought at the beginning.

Gu Zhongyu, Zhang Zilin and both parents live here.

"Zhongyu, do foreigners have any special way to celebrate the New Year?"

After a few days of novelty, the old people lost interest, mainly because they couldn't speak the language and couldn't understand the TV, so they could only play mahjong with a few people.

"Foreigners don't celebrate the Spring Festival, but they do celebrate Christmas. Their Christmas is quite similar to our Spring Festival, that is, a big family reunion."

Gu Zhongyu put down what he was doing - watching TV, and patiently explained to them.

"How about this, we'll go to Las Vegas for two days!"

"Las Vegas? A place for gambling? I won't go!"

When Zhang's father heard the name of Las Vegas, he was a little resistant, "Zhongyu, I know you are very rich now, but you must not gamble. Nine out of ten people lose money. Even if you have a lot of money, gambling will ruin everything. I know many rich people who have fallen into the bad habit of gambling and their families have been ruined..."

"Uncle, what are you thinking about? Las Vegas is not only a gambling city, but also an entertainment city. There are many fun things and various shows! Many big stars will make a special trip to Las Vegas to hold concerts. This time, Zilin and I are also planning to register for marriage there."

Gu Zhongyu explained and shouted to the living room: "Let's go to Las Vegas!"

Then, Gu Zhongyu was educated by both parents in turn.


I have said that there is more than just the gambling industry there, why doesn't anyone believe it?

As a compromise, several people are going to Chinatown to play.


Los Angeles Chinatown is connected to the old city of Los Angeles and is located north of Sunset Boulevard.

Compared with Chinatown in San Francisco or Chinatown in New York, Chinatown in Los Angeles is definitely not that famous.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu didn't want to go to Chinatown in Los Angeles to play, because the crime rate here is very high, especially at night!

Fortunately, the group was lucky and didn't encounter robbery. It might be because there were too many people and the robbers were a little scared.

The parents of the two didn't know what Gu Zhongyu was worried about. They were very happy. Although most of the Chinese here spoke Cantonese, they could barely understand it, which was much better than English!

Chinatown celebrated the Spring Festival in a truly authentic way. Lion dances and dragon symbols, these customs that are rare in China can actually be seen abroad!

But it didn't take long for the four elderly people to clamor to return to China, saying that their relatives and friends were all in China, and it was uncomfortable to stay here during the New Year.

Gu Zhongyu was speechless. Is the smog in my great capital so nostalgic?

However, the elderly were determined, and Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to book four tickets.

Before leaving, there was naturally another round of urging to get married.

Zhang Zilin left Gu Zhongyu alone to face both parents with a shy face.

What are you shy about? You are already 31 this year!

Gu Zhongyu made another promise and finally appeased the two elderly couples.

After seeing off the parents, the two took a car back home.

Pushing open the door, Zhang Zilin skillfully opened the refrigerator, took out the ingredients, and prepared dinner.

"Zilin, after dinner, let's go get the certificate first, right?"

Gu Zhongyu looked at Zhang Da Niu's busy back, and a trace of tenderness emerged from the bottom of his heart.


Zhang Da Niu paused slightly and answered casually.

"We will arrange the wedding later. I also know that you have your own ideas. Are you...are you sure you have thought it through? Do you really agree to marry me?"

Gu Zhongyu hesitated a little, not knowing what was going on. Perhaps he was not ready to start a family. He wasted his life until he was 30 and still hadn't married. This was the first time he started a family in his two lives. It felt a little unreal.

"I'm already over 30, so of course I have to consider getting married. Do I have any other choice besides marrying you?"

Zhang Zilin turned around with the kitchen knife and asked in a joking tone, "Why, don't you want to marry me now?"

"How is that possible? I've always loved you!" Gu Zhongyu hurriedly denied.

It felt like if he said "no", the kitchen knife in Zhang Danniu's hand would fly over in the next second...

"I'm just a little touched..."

"Then you can slowly be touched, and go buy a fish by the way."

Gu Zhongyu walked out of the house and rushed towards the supermarket.

Zhang Zilin saw his gradually receding back, put down the knife in her hand, and breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that Gu Zhongyu loved her very much, but she also knew that this man was a very philandering person, and she had to set a cage for him so that he could not cross the line.

In the past two years, she could clearly feel that Gu Zhongyu was not as obsessed with her as before, so how could she tie him down?

He must be inseparable from her in both career and family!

That's why she chose to quit her job and work for Gu Zhongyu. This time, she was even more impatient to bring several parents to the United States together, so that he would not have room for regret!


In fact, Gu Zhongyu is a little regretful now... Actually, it can't be said to be regretful, but it's a bit of a mixed feeling, although he knows very well that he will eventually marry Zhang Zilin.

But, just settle it so hastily?

Marriage! A lifetime event!

A little confused, he bought a sea bass and drove back home.

On the way, the cool breeze blew on Gu Zhongyu's head, and he suddenly figured it out. Since he has already confirmed that he will be with Zhang Da Niu for a lifetime, why is he still hesitating?

In the final analysis, it was the scumbag's nature that came out. He was worried that after getting married, he would no longer be able to enjoy himself outside!

But it must be said that Zhang Da Niu was very tolerant in this regard. It was really the same as what she said at the beginning. As long as you don't bring a woman to her, she will pretend not to hear or see anything...

So when Gu Zhongyu faced Zhang Zilin, he always felt guilty.

Anyway, you have to marry her in the end, why hesitate?

Zhang Da Niu's cooking skills are average, not as good as Gu Zhongyu's. After the two finished their meal, they went to the local marriage registration office.

Getting married in Las Vegas, regardless of gender or nationality, does not require any materials other than the valid passports of both parties to the marriage, and no appointment is required in advance. As long as both parties to the marriage are present, over 18 years old, not close relatives within two generations, and the marriage status is single, it will be fine.

This, is it over?

When he saw the English marriage certificate with their names printed on it, Gu Zhongyu suddenly felt as if he was in another world.

Am I a husband now?

"Hehe! You have to call me Mrs. Gu from now on!"

After getting the marriage certificate, Zhang Zilin seemed like a child who got a favorite toy. She kept dangling in front of him and showing off the little notebook in her hand.

In the end! I won this man!

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