Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 42 Dun Dun falls into the land of gentleness

Gu Zhongyu came to the back of the mansion and saw Liu Yufei in the swimming pool.

Liu Yufei was wearing a light purple swimsuit with a thin strap around her back and tied around her neck. There was a big bow tied at the waist of the swimsuit, her hair was piled up high to form a ball, and she was wearing black sun goggles. She looked youthful and charming, and a little sexy.

Unfortunately, her figure was still a little shriveled!

Regarding this, Gu Zhongyu had made countless efforts when he was in love with Xixi, but it was a pity. I don’t know if it was destined or Gu Zhongyu’s skills were not good enough, but it still ended in failure.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming, Liu Yufei, who was lying on the side of the swimming pool to rest and catch her breath, was stunned. Why did this guy come here without saying hello?

Thinking that she was still wearing a revealing swimsuit, Liu Yufei immediately walked ashore, took the bathrobe on the lounge chair and put it on her body, covering herself tightly, for fear that the other party would see it.

Really! It's as if I've never seen it before!

Women are so strange. They have been honest with each other, but they still hide things. It's not pleasant at all. Trust between people disappears bit by bit!

"What are you doing here?" Xixi, with her hands on her waist, was very arrogant, just like when she snatched Dun Dun from him before.

"What do you think? You took my cat's things away. I agreed to lend it to you for a few days. Now it's been more than half a month. It's time for the cat to return to its original owner, right?"

"Dundun said he wants to live with me in the future. Go away! It doesn't want you anymore."

"Take Dundun out and let it say this to me in person. As long as it opens its mouth, I will leave!"

Are you kidding? It's only been a few days, and you've taught the kitten to speak human words? I worked hard to teach you for more than half a year, and you can only say "umm" and "ah". Could it be that Dundun's learning ability has surpassed yours?

"Hmph! Come with me and you'll give up."

As he said that, Liu Yufei walked into the house, as if he was sure that Dun Dun would not go with him.

I want to see what you are up to!

The two came to the second floor, where the whole floor was Liu Yufei's room. In addition to the bedroom and bathroom, there were computer rooms, piano rooms and pet rooms. Miss Xixi usually loved to entertain cats and dogs, so she also kept a bunch of cats and dogs at home, and they could be seen everywhere in the corridor. During this period of time, there were many more little guys that Gu Zhongyu had never seen before.

"Dun Dun is living comfortably in my house now, you can see for yourself!"

Liu Yufei pushed open her exclusive room for kittens, and a bunch of colorful cats with different fur colors inside almost blinded Gu Zhongyu!

This sister's love for cats is really rare. She never refuses any cats given by friends, and she also picks up a few stray cats from outside from time to time. There are now fifty cats in this small room!

Gu Zhongyu searched for a long time before he found his cat!

I saw the blue and white Dun Dun lying comfortably on the sofa, and a black cat on the left was licking its fur. Gu Zhongyu was very familiar with this cat. It was Dongdong, who was adopted by Xixi in her early years. It was one of her favorite cats. Now even her Weibo avatar is a photo with Dongdong.

On the right is a beautiful white Persian cat, which should be a new addition. It stood on the right side of Dun Dun and licked its fur, and took care of Dun Dun's big butt from time to time!

There were several cats under the sofa looking forward to it, meowing at Dun Dun, as if shouting "Uncle, come down and play"!

But Dun Dun was unmoved, pretending to be "I'm tired, let's do it another day", squinting his eyes, and making bursts of purring sounds as the two licking cats next to him served him.

! ! ! ! ! !

Fuck! This little bastard has lived the life of my dreams!

No wonder Xixi was so sure that Dundun would not go with her. It turned out that this little guy had fallen into the heavenly cat world!

"I remember that all the cats in your house were sterilized. Why do you still have such worldly desires?" Gu Zhongyu said speechlessly.

"I was wondering! A few days after Dundun came, these cats began to circle around him, and even ignored me, the owner, hum!"

Liu Yufei felt that this might be the cat following the owner. Gu Zhongyu was a big scumbag, so Dundun was also affected by the bad company and became a little scumbag cat. The scumbag physique always attracts some ignorant and young girls.

For example, Xixi herself was one of them!

Okay! Anyway, your romantic life is over, come with me, little guy!

"Dundun!" Gu Zhongyu shouted its name!

Dundun, who was enjoying it, heard the long-lost shouting and woke up all of a sudden. The cat turned its head and saw Gu Zhongyu standing at the door and glaring at him!

I'm going to die! Damn! It's all these cats that have led me astray!

The big devil is here, and I didn't even notice it?

"Come here! Come to daddy!" Dun Dun heard Gu Zhongyu's call, and immediately jumped off the sofa, walked to Gu Zhongyu's feet with his short legs, rubbed his trouser legs with his big head, and looked flattering.

" did you do it?" Liu Yufei looked at Dun Dun in disbelief. This little fat cat could only be rubbed by her obediently when she used cat food to lure him, but he had never been so obedient.

I didn't expect that when he heard Gu Zhongyu's voice, he would come to flatter him. This differential treatment was too obvious. After all, I was the mother who adopted it!

"Hey! You can't pamper this small thing like a cat, otherwise it will just think that you are a stinker. You have to learn to let it get used to you, obey you, and let it know that except the owner, everyone else is Bad guy!"

Gu Zhongyu, who picked up Dundun from his feet, told Liu Yufei about his experience in raising cats, which was actually how to make PUA kittens. Dundun, the bastard who was PUAed by him for two years, has already become a Stockholm patient!

"Do you treat other girls the same way?" Liu Yufei rolled her eyes at him and asked, how could this scumbag have so many clever ideas for such a cute kitten?

"To a certain extent, raising a cat and getting along with a girlfriend are indeed the same thing..." When Gu Zhongyu saw her asking this question, he was about to start a long discussion to see if he could also successfully PUA Sissi.

"Okay, the cat has been returned to you. Can you please leave?" Classmate Qianqian was not interested in listening to what Teacher Gu said about scumbag men. Seeing that Dundun, an ungrateful man, had no intention of staying, she now wanted to kill the owner. Drive away together.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I have something to tell you. Let's find a place to chat alone?" Although the pet room has been cleaned, the smell of dozens of cats is still too strong for the nose. Suitable for chatting here.

"Business or private?" If it was business, Liu Yufei would still have to issue an eviction order. If she had any work issues, she would talk to her agent.

“A little bit of both.”

"Then come with me! Come to my room and talk."

So, after two and a half years, Gu Zhongyu came to Miss Qianqian's boudoir again.

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