Gu Zhongyu looked sideways at Li Guoli. It seemed that he had done a good job of keeping it secret this time. Tang Ren probably really didn't know about the relationship between his master and him.

"After the celebration banquet is over, are there any other activities on Director Li's side?"

"We are going to sing and relax together. Why, Mr. Gu, you want to come too?"

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu did not respond to his question, Li Guoli asked him about their evening activity arrangements, and answered him unhappily.

"I won't disturb your evening entertainment. It's just that Shishi has some things to do and won't participate. I will take her home after dinner."

After hearing this, Li Guoli understood what he meant no matter how stupid he was.

Is it normal for a boss to take his subordinate home?

At first, Li Guoli thought that Gu Zhongyu was simply dissatisfied with Tang Ren's suspected poaching behavior, so he came to cause trouble.

Now it seems that I am not only poaching, but also trying to add color to others' hats!

Now Li Guoli couldn't continue to be confident. He planned to go back and tell Mr. Cai that he had to warn Wu Qilong not to take advantage of Liu Shishi.

This is Gu Zhongyu's girlfriend. The woman who dares to rob the CEO of Zongheng Entertainment does it because she dislikes the smooth development of Tang Ren's company? Or does Wu Qilong feel that his acting career is boring and wants to quit?

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Mr. Gu." From this point of view, Li Guoli felt that Gu Zhongyu's approach this time was quite gentle. He just took advantage of his words and probably had no intention of stumbling on Tang Ren.

The battle between Zongheng and Huayi a few years ago was well known in the industry! So for no reason, no one wants to offend Gu Zhongyu, the little evil star, even for Tang Ren now.

The celebration banquet began. Except for a few invited, most reporters were blocked outside. Even in the hall, no one was allowed to take photos at will, so the crew members also relaxed, drinking and gossiping when it was time. gossip.

All the leading actors gathered together. Wu Qilong, who was supposed to sit with Liu Shishi, was now placed in the lower position, while Liu Shishi sat in the upper position with Gu Zhongyu. The two were very close to each other and behaved very well. close.

"Here, the chicken feet you like to eat."

Gu Zhongyu picked up a piece of tiger skin and chicken feet and put it in Master Liu's bowl. The two people who hadn't seen each other for a while missed each other very much. They even played little tricks under the table.

Gu Zhongyu grabbed Liu Shishi's little hand and kept tickling her palm. Occasionally, he would dab some oil on her smooth thighs, making her blush.

"Stop it!" Liu Shishi whispered in Gu Zhongyu's ear. She was still not used to this kind of intimacy in the presence of so many people. It would be embarrassing if someone found out!

"I miss you! I haven't seen you for so long since I went to Hengdian this time. Why do you seem to have a few more pimples on your face?" Gu Zhongyu pointed at the pimples on Master Liu's face and said softly.

"Maybe it's just acclimatization! I'm worried too! I can't get rid of it no matter what."

"It's okay. I'll help you and it will subside in a few days."

"What? Do you still know about skin care? Or can you prescribe prescriptions?" Master Liu asked curiously. We have known each other for such a long time, why didn't I know that you still have skills in this area?

"I don't know how to do these things, but I heard an old Chinese doctor say that acne is actually caused by rising deficiency fire. I can help you solve this problem from the inside." Gu Zhongyu said with a bad smile.

"Solve it internally? How to solve it...get out of here!" Liu Shishi said angrily and shyly after being stunned for a moment before she understood. She knew that this guy couldn't spit out ivory from his mouth!

In this life, Liu Shishi was noticed by Gu Zhongyu when she was still a student of Beijing Dance University. The two became acquainted when they collaborated on "Young Generals of the Yang Family". Gu Zhongyu played Yang Silang and Liu Shishi played his daughter-in-law Luo Shi's daughter. However, the two did not rub shoulders. Sparks come out.

At that time, Gu Zhongyu had already started the wonderful adventure of the "little white dragon in the waves" in the entertainment industry. During that time, he was very energetic and fell in love with flowers every day, not to mention that he had a real girlfriend Liu Yufei, so I am not very interested in Liu Shishi, who is still in his youth.

Liu Shishi himself is a quiet person, and it is impossible to pursue him actively, so the relationship between the two parties is only maintained at the level of ordinary friends.

By the time Liu Shishi officially graduated from Beijing Dance University and wanted to choose a management company, Gu Zhongyu's Zongheng Entertainment had already been established. After learning that Tang Ren had begun to contact Liu Shishi, he felt that he could no longer be passive, so he took the initiative.

Fortunately, Master Liu is a girl with a simple personality, Buddhist type, and is easy to deceive. After Gu Zhongyu offered various favorable conditions and sincere "sweet words", he finally successfully signed this young lady to his company.

And Tang Ren's Cai Yinong regretted it very much after learning that Liu Shishi joined Zongheng Entertainment, because she really liked this girl, or she would like any female artist with a similar temperament to her!

This incident became one of the regrets in her heart, so when Liu Shishi first cooperated with Tang Ren, he tried every means to get her back to Tang Ren.

Not long after Liu Shishi signed in Zongheng Entertainment, Gu Zhongyu started the "rabbit eating grass on the edge of the nest" operation.

It was during the period when Gu Zhongyu was nicknamed "Gu Delai" because of Hua Yi's conspiracy. As one of the few female artists in the company at this time, Liu Shishi naturally had to collaborate with him frequently.

In "Latent", Gu Zhongyu plays the role of underground gangster Yu Zecheng, and Liu Shishi plays the male lead Bai Yueguang Zuo Lan.

During the period of "Struggle", Gu Zhongyu was the unruly Lu Tao, and Liu Shishi was the persistent Milei in love.

During the period of "The Princess", Princess An Ning played by Liu Shishi would surround Gu Zhongyu and call him brother every day...

After working together for several consecutive dramas, they were together day and night, and Gu Zhongyu's title of talent was also well-known at that time. The relationship between the two began to become unclear.

Gu Zhongyu took Liu Shishi to eat delicious food whenever he was free. At first, they ate outside, and later he cooked and brought her his own food. She gained several pounds during that time because she was prone to obesity!

If Liu Shishi was injured during filming, Gu Zhongyu would be the first to come to take care of her. He was not only concerned about her health, but also wanted to taste the medicine himself.

After filming, as long as there was a little gap in time, the two would go out together and visit all the scenic spots and historical sites passed by during filming.

As the saying goes, a strong woman is afraid of a clinging man, let alone a talented handsome man like Gu Zhongyu. Liu Shishi couldn't keep a normal heart all the time, so soon, the two sides further sublimated the simple friendship!

But at this time, Liu Shishi had already known some of Gu Zhongyu's philandering behaviors, so although the two broke the window paper, they did not treat it as a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Liu Shishi always told him that the two of us are only together temporarily now, and I will leave you immediately when I find a boy I like!

So Gu Zhongyu has been dealing with those boys who try to make Liu Shishi "like"!

Look, there is an old man in his forties who wants to steal his Gu's wall!

But this guy is doomed to fail. No matter what conditions, he can't compete with himself, not to mention that Tang Ren will also warn him, unless he doesn't want to mix in the mainland entertainment circle, in which case Gu Zhongyu will be happy to help him retire early!

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