Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 20, Picture 20: Blind Date with Long Legs (Part 2)

Gu Zhongyu thought quickly in his mind for less than three seconds, and felt that it was better to tell the truth. If two people decide to date, such things cannot be concealed at all, so it is better to be frank!

So Gu Zhongyu told Zhang Zilin everything about the paparazzi secretly photographing him and causing the old man to ban him.

"I see, I didn't expect it was because of this kind of thing! You are a little careless, but these paparazzi are really bold, and dare to blackmail! If it weren't for this relationship in your family, would you plan to pay to solve it?" Zhang Zilin joked.

"Maybe! Don't you think what I just said sounds fake? Maybe I really have an ambiguous relationship with that married actress?" Gu Zhongyu didn't expect her to believe him so easily, after all, it was just his one-sided statement.

Not to mention Zhang Zilin, whom he had just met, even his parents and elder brother felt that he must be lying when they heard his explanation. It was obvious that he was photographed while having an affair with someone, and he was still talking about helping to unfasten the seat belt. Isn't this just singing "Tante" on the grave and making fun of ghosts?

I can only say that once the character setting is fixed, don't think about taking it off casually, let alone LSP.

"Even if you really had something with that actress, so what? Anyway, it's all in the past, I don't care about it. I'm going on a blind date with you now, not with you two years ago. People will change." The little sister is really open-minded. She doesn't care about this, which makes Gu Zhongyu feel a little embarrassed.

After all, I am still the boy before, without any change!

"By the way, can you tell me who the married actress who was photographed with you is?" Gu Zhongyu deliberately omitted her name just now, but it aroused Zhang Zilin's curiosity.

"Uh! Don't tell anyone! Her husband is also a well-known director in the circle, the one in "Farewell My Concubine"!"

"Oh! Got it, got it, I won't tell anyone. You are really amazing! You dare to touch the wife of such a big director!" Zhang Zilin took a sip of coffee and chuckled.

I said it was a misunderstanding! Why didn't anyone believe me? She was really just helping me unbuckle my seat belt at that time. Although it is true that I have the heart of a Cao thief, I am not so impatient. After all, I don't have Dian Wei to protect me, so I dare not mess around.

The topic ended just like that. Zhang Zilin did not continue to dwell on this matter, as if she was really just to satisfy her gossip heart.

"Let's go out for a walk! It's too stuffy here." After drinking the coffee in the cup, Zhang Zilin took the initiative to invite Gu Zhongyu to go out and relax.

"Okay, wait a minute." Gu Zhongyu took out the baseball cap, sunglasses and mask from his bag, armed himself tightly, then stood up and was about to hold Zhang Zilin's hand.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu wanted to hold her hand, Zhang Zilin took the initiative to put her hand in his palm.

A good sign! We were able to hold hands smoothly on our first meeting. I dare not think about what will happen next time we meet!

"Being a star is also very troublesome. Going out normally is like being a thief." The two of them walked hand in hand on the pedestrian street, chatting as they walked. Today is a weekday, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. Although Gu Zhongyu's outfit is strange, most of the attention is still focused on Zhang Zilin's long legs.

Gu Zhongyu is also 1.86 meters tall, which is considered very tall, but standing next to Zhang Zilin, who is 1.82 meters tall, he did not show the effect of being taller. If this sister wore high heels today, he might be shorter than her!

"It's nothing. Celebrities enjoy wealth, status and vanity that ordinary people can't even imagine. They just pay with privacy and a little personal time. Compared to what they get, this price is insignificant." Gu Zhongyu responded nonchalantly. What he couldn't stand the most was celebrities playing the victim, saying how hard they worked or that they had no privacy. Aren't all public figures like this? They don't think about how much they have gained. If they were asked to be ordinary people again, who would be willing to do that?

"That's right. Then, if we are sure to continue our relationship, are you willing to make our relationship public?" Zhang Zilin thought of this and asked another fatal question.

"Zilin, if you want to make it public, I have no problem with that. As long as you are ready to sacrifice your privacy like me. You know, being the girlfriend of a big star is a very hard thing. You have to face reporters blocking, paparazzi secretly taking photos, and various media reports at any time. You need to bear a lot of pressure. From work to life, all the time, you may be overwhelmed. I feel sorry for you, but as long as you stay with me, I will also help you share all this and protect you from the wind and rain!" Gu Zhongyu took the hands of the two people and said these words with a tender face.

This kind of question is not the first time that Gu has encountered. He almost doesn't need to think and can blurt it out immediately. The answer is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed!

"Okay, you pass the test. I am very satisfied with this answer! Then let's not make it public for now. After such a long period of silence, if you make it public at this time, it will really have a bad impact on your acting career. And I am not ready for this for the time being. Let's keep the underground relationship like this!"

I know you are testing me. This trick is popular now, haha! Woman, your name is routine!

They had only known each other for two hours, but the relationship between the two sides was developing at a speed as fast as a high-speed train! Gu Zhongyu's appearance, talent and fame were so attractive to girls that even a queen like Zhang Zilin couldn't help but be moved.

After the two took a walk, they went to have lunch and watched a movie in the afternoon. They were discussing the evening arrangements, but at this time, Gu Zhongyu suddenly remembered that there was still a fat cat at home that hadn't been fed!

"You still have a kitten?" Zhang Zilin also likes pets and has a dachshund herself.


Gu Zhongyu thought of Dundun's sturdy physique and felt that the word kitten might not be suitable to describe it. Pig squint was more appropriate.

"Well! Its name is Dun Dun, a blue and white British shorthair. I have raised it for three years. It is chubby and cute. I went out to feed it today. Now it is evening. It may be hungry and scolding me!"

"Dundun? This name is really funny. Well, I have nothing to do anyway. Why don't you take me to your house to see the cat!"

Ah? This?

So fast?

Gu Zhongyu swore that he had no intention of luring the young lady to come to his house with cute pets. As a gentleman, how could he do such a thing as selling his son's chastity in exchange for mating rights?

But since the young lady has spoken, I am embarrassed to refuse. Let's go!

Driving a car, carrying a blind date who had just met for less than a day, Gu Zhongyu suppressed his joy on the way home. If there were no people next to him, he would have been so happy that he would have whistled!

Good brother! Tonight's offensive battle! The opposite position is a 1.82-meter German Krupp cannon!

Start accumulating ammunition now and make sure to take down the enemy turrets!

The target is the priority above all else, at any cost!

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