HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 765: Time has advanced for another year

"HP approached the magic world (

The next day was the day when the students left school.

When Jon came to the top of Hogwarts Castle and watched the students leave the campus one by one like a solitaire, he suddenly noticed a special situation.

Calculated according to the normal time, at this time of each semester, Pippi would often sit here, but not today.

Jon glanced around and found him in another place. He was sitting on Hogg's shoulder. Although a ghost sitting on the shoulder of the spirit body looked weird, the two of them looked a little normal.

After all, Hogg's body is still very strong, a bit worse than Hagby, but it is still about the same as the big guys in the Muggle world.

After all, it is the spirit body of a castle.

Like Jon, they were all watching the leaving students, seeming to be seeing off.

Jon smiled, and finally left the school and got on the train behind the students. Of course he still sat with Stephen and them.

On the way back, some unpleasant episodes will naturally occur, but these are all in his expectation.

First of all, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore had obviously waited for a whole week, and finally waited until there was no teacher present to beat Harry.

They were lying in ambush on Harry's way back from the bathroom. If they hadn't accidentally chosen the location of the attack just outside a box full of D.A. members, the security of the attack would not fail.

These D.A. members saw what was happening outside through the glass and rushed out to help.

In this battle, Ernie McMillan, Hannah Abbott, Susan Pence and others used all the various spells Harry taught them.

When Harry, Ernie, and Justin carried Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore into the shelves and let them stay there soft and soft, the three of them squeezed into their uniforms like three giants. Slug.

Harry thanked the others, accompanied Ron back to their own box, and bought a lot of pot cakes and pumpkin pies.

Hermione is reading the "Daily Prophet" again, Ginny is doing a quiz on "The Devil", Neville is stroking his Mi Bu Mi Bao, it has grown a lot this year, and now it has been touched. There will be a strange low groan.

Harry and Ron spent most of their time playing wizard chess, while Hermione was reading snippets from the Daily Prophet.

The newspapers are full of articles about how to repel the Dementors, the Ministry of Magic’s attempts to hunt down the Death Eaters, and so on. There are also some hysterical letters saying that the author had seen Lord Voldemort from them early in the morning on a certain day. Pass in front of the house.

"It hasn't really started yet,"

Hermione sighed frustratedly and folded the paper. "But it's not far away."

But there is another good thing, because the notebook can be used again, which can be regarded as a little motivation for her.

"Hey, Harry."

Ron said softly, nodding towards the corridor outside the glass window.

Harry looked over, and Qiu Zheng was walking by outside, with Marietta Ekmo wearing a balaclava next to him.

He and her gazes met and looked at each other for a while, Qiu's face flushed, and he continued to walk forward.

Harry immediately returned to the chessboard and saw that one of his pawns had been eaten by Ron's horse.

"What's going on between you and her?"

"there is nothing."

"I—oh—heard she is going out on a date with someone else."

Harry was surprised to find that he didn't feel any discomfort when he heard these words.

The hope to impress Qiu seems to have been a thing of the past, and it no longer has much to do with him; these days, he feels the same about many things he hoped for before Sirius died.

It has only been one week since the last sight of Sirius, but this week has passed too long and too long. It extends in two worlds, one is the world where Sirius is, and the other is the world without Sirius.

"Just stop thinking about it, buddy,"

Ron emphasized, "I mean, she is very beautiful, and other things like that, but what you want is a cheerful and happy person."

"She might be happy with others," Harry said with a shrug.

"Who the **** is she with now?"

Ron asked Hermione, but Ginny answered: "Michael Kona."


Ron said, he craned his neck from his seat and stared at Ginny and said, "But you are dating him!"

"Never again."

Ginny said flatly: "During the Quidditch match, he didn't like Gryffindor's defeat of Ravenclaw, so he was unhappy.

I ignored him, so he ran to Qiu's side to comfort her. "

She scratched her nose with the tip of a feather, flipped "A Contrary" indiscriminately, and began to confront the answer.

Ron looked very happy when he heard this.

"Very well, I always thought he was a bit idiot."

He said that he forced his queen into Harry's crumbling castle, "That's good for you. Wait, find a better one."

He said, giving Harry a sneaky glance with a weird look.

"Yes, I have chosen Dean Thomas, do you think he is better?"


Ron yelled and knocked the board over: Crookshanks rushed towards the chess piece, and Hedwig and Piglet screamed unhappily above their heads.

The train was approaching King's Cross station and slowed down. Harry thought he had never been reluctant to leave the train like he did now.

There was even a thought flashing in his mind, what if he just didn’t get off the train and just sat there stubbornly ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and waited until September 1st and it sent him back to Hogwarts, what would happen? What?

However, when the train finally stopped with smoke, he took off Hedwig's cage and carried it in his hand as usual, dragging the box to get off the train.

When the ticket inspector signaled that Harry, Ron, and Hermione could safely pass the magic wall between platforms 9 and 10, he found that something unexpected was waiting for him on the other side: a group of him Someone who didn't expect it was standing there to greet him.

Crazy-eyed Moody, he wears a bowler hat, pressed very low, covering the magic eyes, looking as fierce as he did without a hat, his rough skin is holding a stick The long wooden staff wore a fat traveling cloak.

Tonks was standing behind him, the sun pouring down through the dark glass on the platform ceiling, her bubblegum-like pink hair gleaming in the sun, wearing a pair of jeans with many patches, and a pair of A bright purple T-shirt with the quirky sisters singing group pattern.

Next to Tonks is Lupin, his face is pale, his hair is gray, and a long, old coat is over his worn jumper and trousers.

Standing in front of them were the Weasleys, Fred and George. The Weasleys wore their best Muggle clothes, while Fred and George wore their dark green scaly materials. New brand jacket.

These members of the Order of the Phoenix are here to welcome Harry's return.

About this matter, Jon is very clear, because he motioned these people to pick up Harry, and help Harry do something.

Otherwise, Harry's holiday might not be so pleasant.

......Although it was not very pleasant at first.

But in any case, time has advanced by another year.

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