HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 743: The Ministry of Magic hopes you have a good time tonight

"HP approached the magic world (

Twilight fell.

The sky gradually showed a faint, hazy purple, scattered with small silver stars.

Soon, only the lights of Muggle towns can let them know how high they are from the ground and how fast they are.

Harry's arms wrapped around the horse's neck and hugged tightly, wanting it to fly faster.

How much time has passed since he saw Sirius lying on the floor of the Department of Mysteries?

How long can Sirius resist Voldemort?

Harry could only conclude that his godfather neither obeyed Voldemort’s orders nor was killed.

Because he was sure... whatever the result, it would make him feel the joy or anger of Voldemort flowing through his body, making his scars burn like the night Mr. Weasley was attacked.

They flew in the darkness; Harry felt his face stiff and cold, and his legs tightly clamped to the sides of the night chute were also numb, but he did not dare to change his position, lest he slip down, he could not hear anything. Only the rumbling air current galloped in the ears, and the mouth was dried by the cold night wind and frozen.

How far did they go?

He is unaware of this; all his hopes rest on the night sky below him, which is still steadily flying through the dark night sky, and almost never **** its wings when flying forward.

If they are too late...

He's still alive, he's still fighting, I can feel...If Voldemort believes Sirius will not succumb...I should know...Harry's stomach shook; Yeqi's head suddenly bowed to the ground and he followed Its neck slid forward a few inches.

They are finally about to land.

He seemed to hear a scream from behind, so he turned his head nervously, not seeing the body that was falling...probably they were all just like him, surprised when they changed direction.

The bright orange lights all around became bigger and bigger and rounder; they could see the roof of the building, the headlights of the traffic were like beetles’ shining eyes, and the square windows showed through Dim yellow light.

Suddenly, they seemed to be rushing towards the sidewalk; Harry tried his best to catch the night sky, ready to deal with the impact of the sudden landing. However, Ye Qi fell lightly on the black ground like a shadow.

Harry slid off its back and glanced around the street. The dump truck that was about to overflow was still parked not far from the dilapidated phone booth. Under the monotonous orange street light, it couldn’t be seen. Clear their original colors.

Ron landed nearby, and then he planted his head from the night sky and fell on the sidewalk.

"I don't want to do it again."

He said, struggling to stand up.

He seemed to want to walk away from Ye Qi, but he couldn't see it, so he hit its hind legs and almost fell on his back.

"Absolutely, absolutely can't do it again, this is bad enough—"

Hermione and Ginny fell on either side of him,

The action of sliding down the horseback is more elegant than Ron, but after returning to the real ground, the relaxed expressions on their faces are almost the same;

Neville jumped off his horse tremblingly;

Luna slid off the mount gently and skillfully, looking very ordinary.

"Where shall we go now?"

Luna asked Harry politely and with interest. It sounded more like an interesting day trip.

"Here." Harry said. He slapped his mounts gratefully, then led them to the dilapidated phone booth and opened the door.

"Come on!" He urged his hesitant companion.

Ron and Ginny walked in obediently;

Hermione, Neville, and Luna also squeezed in;

Harry glanced back at Ye Qi, who were looking for rotten food scraps in the dump truck.

Then he squeezed into the phone booth behind Luna.

"Who is closest to the phone, dial 62442!"

Ron's arm bent awkwardly toward the dial and dialed the number; when the dial quickly turned back to its original position, a woman's indifferent voice came into the phone booth.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and your affairs."

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger," Harry said quickly, "Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood , We are here to teach people, unless your Ministry of Magic rescues him first."

"Thank you," the indifferent voice said, "Guests, please pick up the badge and don't put it in front of your clothes."

The six badges slipped out of the metal slant that was supposed to be used to withdraw the coin.

Hermione picked them up and passed them over Ginny's head to Harry without a sound;

Harry glanced at the top one: Harry Potter, rescue mission.

"Guest of the Ministry of Magic, you need to be checked at the security checkpoint and register your wand. The security checkpoint is located at the end of the main hall~www.NovelMTL.com~Got it!" Harry said loudly, and his scars were another burst of scars at this time. Pain, "Can we act now?"

The floor of the telephone booth shook suddenly, and the sidewalk outside gradually rose past the window. Ye Qi, who was looking for food, slowly slipped out of sight; the darkness closed above their heads, accompanied by the boring sound of friction, they descended to magic The depths of the Ministry.

A thin golden light shining on their feet, getting wider and wider, moved to their bodies.

In such a narrow space, Harry grabbed his wand and squatted down as much as he could to look outside through the glass to see if anyone was waiting for them in the main hall, but the main hall seemed empty.

The light was darker than during the day; there was no fire in the mantel mounted on the wall, but when the elevator stopped steadily, he saw that on the dark blue canopy, the golden symbol was still constantly and irregularly Wiggling.

"The Ministry of Magic hopes you have a good time tonight."

Said the woman's voice.

The door of the phone booth opened sharply, and Harry rushed out, followed by Neville and Luna.

The only sound that can be heard in the main hall is the continuous rushing sound of the golden fountain. The water flows continuously from the wands of the wizards and wizards, the arrows of the horsemen, the tips of the goblin hats and the ears of the house elves. In the round pool.


Harry said softly that six people were running at full speed in the hall. He ran to the security checkpoint through the fountain at the forefront, where a wizard who weighed Harry's leopard wand was sitting there, but now there is no one there. .

Harry thought there should be security guards here, and believed that no one was keeping the door an ominous sign. As they walked through the golden gate to the elevator, his ominous premonition intensified.

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