HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 731: Save Lady Longbottom

"HP approached the magic world (

If he could choose, Jon might not choose such a life.

But the reality is not a choice.

He has become like this, in fact, there is no way. If he does not do it, no one will do these things, and things will develop according to a set procedure as he knows, and even worse than that ending. .

From a long, long time ago, he promised that he would not interfere with the development of the plot, and to this point, he has indeed done it.

He did not interfere with the development of the plot, but reasonably added some things to the plot, so that the people he felt sorry for survived.

If Joanne still wrote a biography of Harry Potter, then the content of this book must be no different from what Jon had read.

The savior is still saving his world, and in a dark place that people cannot see, there is such a group of people silently doing things that cannot be known by others.

Jon used to worry about whether these things would be known to Voldemort. After all, once some things got bigger, he couldn't hide from others. Of course, he later found out that he was worried. Voldemort didn't seem to be a very good person. , What he did... how to put it, it seems that after the soul is divided, the way of thinking has gradually become simpler.

So there is no need to worry about Voldemort's energy to wreak havoc on him.

In fact, after careful contact, he knew that Voldemort was not a person who deliberately made trouble for others. He didn't care much about what the group of people under his hand did, even though those people were doing bad things under his banner. He didn't care at all, he only cared about his own power, and whether he could get rid of the people who threatened him.

Such as Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

The reason why the two of them will become Voldemort's targets is because of Voldemort's limited intelligence sources, the two of them are the most direct people who can threaten his life.

Just like Harry.

Voldemort was also kept in the dark.

No matter who it is, everyone who surrounds Harry has maintained absolute unity on this matter. They will not let Harry know too much. After all, Voldemort can spy on Harry's thoughts... this situation has been Appeared.

Although this situation is likely to make Harry think more, but it doesn't matter, Harry himself is not the most important person.

In this current era, there are many things that are more important than him.

"How about it, are you sure?"

In the night in the ward, Jon took Laura and stood by the Longbottom couple's bed.

"Let's start with this witch. She still has a little bit of wisdom left. Her husband's thoughts are indeed troublesome."

"Do you need my help?"

"I'll try it first, and I'll call you if I need your help."

Jon nodded, took a step back, and stood on the other side of the bed.

Laura stood by the head of the bed and closed her eyes.

This is the first time she has tried to use magic power. She still doesn’t know what magic can be used. Qiao Hui didn’t teach him any magic, but this is also a little selfishness of Jon. In his impression, if it is an ordinary person If you transform into a wizard, you will often get some blessings.

For example, Filch has been a goalkeeper guard for so many years. After becoming a wizard, he learns magic such as speed and precepts much faster. His father is the same, he is not good at attacking magic, but he has a very strong talent in doing research. .

He wants to see if this characteristic is common.

If every ordinary person who is good at transforming into a wizard can go further in what he is good at, or even directly evolve a new magic, then he can make a lot of money.

So after a long absence, he put on the glasses. The current pair of glasses is an imitation made by Helga. The effect is naturally not as good as that of Ravenclaw, but it is better in terms of the profound and essential understanding of the world. Winner.

After all, it was made from the perspective of a god.

And within his sight, another scene appeared. A light blue chain made of magical elements connected Laura and Mrs. Longbottom lying on the bed, and the silver-white spiritual power Following the connection of the chain, Laura entered the mind of Mrs. Longbottom one by one.

From the perspective of memory magic, this step is Laura reading her mind.

Jon has never seen a few psychologists, but he has some understanding of the treatment options used by the psychologists.

After becoming a wizard, Laura did come up with some better methods to treat, but these methods are not magic, but there are more ways than normal methods.

But it is enough.

It is impossible for every ordinary person to evolve new magic after being converted into a wizard. This situation is more like evolution. After evolution ~www.NovelMTL.com~ these people have mastered power, and the power they have mastered is like As written in the novel, it is something brought from blood and experience.

And this kind of power is handy for them to use.

It's like Laura now.

After a while, the magic chain broke, and Laura opened her eyes again.


Jon raised his brows.

Laura did not speak, but she shook her head.

"She was seriously injured. I could feel the complicated information in her mind, but for a while, there would be no way to read anything specific, so I couldn't find the entry point."

"Don't worry, try again later."

Laura gave a more precise answer this time: "This is not a question of trying several times. It is a question of my inability to enter her consciousness itself. She has a strong sense of self-protection, although she is crazy now, but She must have been fighting against these things before she went crazy, so she forced her to protect her consciousness, and this protection was especially strong when she was sleeping. Her stream of consciousness was like a barrier, not allowing me at all. Read any information."

"Is there any other way?"

Jon wanted to help the Longbottoms very much. The most important thing is that during this time, Dumbledore asked himself for such a thing. Everything was on the right track, and other things didn’t require him to participate. During this time, this matter is even more important.

"There is not no way. If it was before, I would try hypnosis and forcefully break through their spiritual defenses, but now I have naturally become a wizard, naturally there are other ways. I can transfer my consciousness into her subconscious. It’s just that if I come this way, I’m likely not to come back, so I need someone’s help."

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