HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 711: Initial training

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"The Defense Association?"

Qiu said, "D.A. for short, no one knows what we are talking about."

"Hey, D.A. is good,"

Ginny said: "It can also mean'Dumbledore's Army', which is the most feared of the Ministry of Magic, right?"

There was a low voice of approval and laughter.

"Do you agree with D.A.?"

Hermione asked like a host, kneeling to count people's heads, "Most—the motion passed."

She nailed the note with everyone's name on the wall and wrote on the top: Dumbledore's Army.

"Very good," Harry said after she sat down, "Shall we start practicing?

I think the first thing to practice is to remove your weapon, as everyone knows, it is the disarming spell.

I know it’s more basic, but I think it’s really useful—"

"Oh, please,"

Zacharys Smith hugged his arms and stared wide-eyed and said, "I think your weapon doesn't work on mysterious people, right?"

Although he knew that he should not speak at this time, because he came with a mission and he came to record, but at the same time he had to maintain his character setting, so as not to let his classmates doubt him outside of work. Otherwise, although the original purpose will not be exposed, it would be bad if someone misunderstood him as a traitor. This opportunity was very valuable, and he finally got it.

"I used it to him,"

Harry said quietly, "It saved my life in June."

Smith opened his mouth blankly, and the room was silent. Although he came to record, he was still surprised when he heard the news.

"But if you don't bother to practice it, you can leave."

Smith didn't move.

None of them moved.

"Okay." With so many eyes on him, Harry's mouth was a little dry, "I think we should practice in pairs."

Everyone immediately stood up and paired up in pairs. As you can imagine, Neville was singled out.

"You can practice with me," Harry said to him, "OK—listen to three—one, two, three."

There was the sound of your weapon in the room, the magic wand flew around, the missed spell hit the books on the shelf, and the books flew into the air.

Harry was quick, and Neville's wand spun and flew out, hitting the ceiling, sparks splattering, and then fell on the top of the bookshelf with a clamor, and Har used the flying curse to take it back.

He looked around and felt that it was right to start from the basic skills. Many spells were used in a mess. Many people couldn't disarm their opponents' weapons at all. They just forced them to jump a few steps back or wince, and weak spells came from their heads. Howling flew by.

"Except for your weapons!"

Neville shouted, and Harry was caught off guard, and his wand flew out of his hand.


Neville said happily, "Never before—I succeeded!"

"Not bad!"

Harry said encouragingly, deciding not to point out that in a real fight, it is impossible for the opponent to look away, his wand loosely held to one side.

"Neville, can you take turns practicing with Ron and Hermione for a while, I'll just walk around and see how everyone is doing."

Harry walked to the center of the room, and Zacharias had a strange situation. Every time he opened his mouth to disarm Anthony Goldstein's weapon, his wand flew out, and Anthony didn't seem to make a sound.

But it didn't take long for Harry to solve the mystery. Fred and George were not far from Smith, and they took turns pointing their wands at his back.

"Sorry, Harry," George said hurriedly when he saw Harry's gaze, "I can't help it."

Harry walked around, trying to correct the wrongdoer.

Ginny and Michael were in a team. She did a good job. Although Michael didn't do a bad job, he just refused to say the spell to her.

Ernie McMillan waved his wand unnecessarily, leaving gaps in the opponent.

The Crevi brothers are very enthusiastic, but their technology is unstable. Most of the books flying on the shelves nearby are due to them.

Luna is also capricious, sometimes allowing Justin's wand to fly out, other times it just makes his hair stand up.

"Okay, stop!"

Harry shouted, "Stop! Stop!"

He grabbed the whistle from the bookshelf and blew it hard, and everyone dropped their wands.

"Good practice," Harry said, "but there is still room for improvement."

"Let's come again."

He started patrolling the house again, stopping to comment from time to time. Everyone’s skills gradually improved. He avoided approaching Qiu and her friends at first, but after patrolling twice, he felt that they could no longer be ignored.

As he approached, Qiu said in a panic, "Except your martial arts! No, except your firearm! No—oh, sorry, Marietta!"

The sleeve of her curly-haired friend caught fire. Marietta put out the fire with her wand, then glared at Harry as if it was his fault.

"You make me nervous, I did a good job!" Qiu said sadly.

"very nice,"

Harry lied, but when he saw her raise his eyebrows, he changed his words quickly and said, "Oh, no, it's bad, but I know you can do it well, I saw over there..."

Qiu laughed, Marietta looked at them sourly and turned away.

"Leave her alone," Qiu whispered, "She didn't want to come, I dragged her here. Her parents didn't allow her to do things that offend Umbridge, you know—her mother works in the ministry."

"What about your parents?"

"They won't let me go against Umbridge," said Qiu, straightening up proudly, "but if they thought that after Cedric's thing, I would not resist the mysterious person—"

She didn't go on, and looked a little confused, and the two of them were silent for a while in embarrassment. Teri Bout’s wand whizzed past Harry’s ears and hit Alia Spinnett’s nose hard~www.NovelMTL.com~My dad is very supportive of the action against the Ministry of Magic! "

Luna proudly said behind Harry that she had obviously eavesdropped on their conversation, and Justin was trying to get rid of the robe wrapped around his head.

"He always said that he believed that Fudge could do anything. For example, Fudge assassinated many goblins! Of course, he also used the Department of Mystery to develop terrible poisons and secretly drugged people who disagree with him. And his ah Kushgit--"

"Do not ask."

Seeing Qiu open his mouth in confusion, Harry said.

"Hey, Harry," Hermione yelled from across the room, "Did you see the time?"

He looked down at his watch and was taken aback—it was nine ten ten, and they must go back to the common room immediately, otherwise Filch might be caught and severely punished. As soon as he whistled, everyone stopped yelling "Except your weapon", and finally a few wands crackled and she fell to the ground.

"Very good," Harry said. "But we are over time, let's stop here. At the same time and place next week?"

"Early is better!" Dean Thomas said eagerly, and many people nodded in agreement.

But Angelina hurriedly said: "The Quidditch season is about to begin, and the team has to train too!"

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