HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 653: Long time no see, Professor Snape

   The meeting did not last long, after all, there was nothing to do.

   All the content at this stage revolves around how to protect Harry. Jon didn't think this was a very appropriate decision, but Dumbledore insisted on it, and he had no choice.

   It's just that he still retains other opinions at the same time.

   If a child is not allowed to touch these things, how can the child grow up?

Naturally, these words cannot be said to the people in front of them. After all, some of the people in front of them absolutely agree with his views. Once he speaks them, it is likely to conflict with Dumbledore’s ideas. This is not a good thing. .

   After briefly putting the existing things together, Jon didn't continue to say too much, and let the wizards discuss it by themselves.

Harry's voice can be heard constantly in his ears, it seems that the young man has been frustrated, said some mocking sentences, and the little ghosts of the Weasley family, made some strange conjectures. .

   Snape never participated in discussions with these people. He appeared here only to appear here to show that he was still a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

"...In addition, regarding our old friend Fudge, Minister of Magic, I think we should definitely make some reasonable measures to warn him and tell him to be clear about the existence of the mysterious man, lest he is like now, like an old man. Confused..."

"These things are not necessary now," Jon knocked on the table. "Since you have nothing else to discuss, then stop here. Even if today's meeting is over, Professor Snape, I will wait for you outside. , I have something to find you."

   He stood up and walked outside, and when he passed by Mrs. Weasley, he said to the housewife again.

   "The little guys upstairs are almost out of control now, let them come down to eat, otherwise, the kitchen will be full of dung eggs."

   After he said this, he stepped out one step at a time. Instead of opening the kitchen door, he directly tore the space and left the house.

This method of tearing the space really surprised the wizards in the house. They are all very mature wizards. Naturally, they know how difficult it is to tear the space. This is completely It is related to strength, but also to have corresponding experience.

"...If you say that, did the old black wizard come back?" Tonks' eyes flashed with gossip: "I have long heard that the first generation of the Dark Lord has settled with Dumbledore. Look at this. Means, won't our new leader be this one, right?"

   "Of course not, he is a member of the Hufflepuff family...but he does have something to do with that one..."

   What else Sirius wanted to say was suddenly interrupted by Snape.

   "Some people shouldn't say things that shouldn't be said, otherwise, Principal Phineas won't be able to protect you."

   Sirius rolled his eyes. Although Phineas was his elder, he did like Snape more, and he had always had a bad relationship with Snape, but he still obediently did not say anything.

   Jon is involved after all.

   Tonks smelled a signal of danger in Snape's words, and didn't say much.

   Now that the meeting is over, they should leave here. Mrs. Weasley has already gone upstairs to ask the children to eat.

   These people walked out of this small room, said a few words to each other in the hall, and then walked out of the room door.

   Harry happened to see this picture when he came out of the house.

——The dim entrance hall below was crowded with wizards, including the few people who had previously served as guards for Harry. They were discussing something excitedly and quietly, and in the middle of the crowd, Harry saw the black and shiny head And the protruding nose-he disliked him the most about Professor Snape, and when he poked his head from the railing to take a look, these people quickly left.

When they came downstairs, they happened to see Lupin and Mrs. Weasley and Tonks applying magic to the door. Mrs. Weasley saw Harry and the others come down, and turned to talk to Harry, admonishing him to be in this building. What can’t be done in the house.

   But there was a bang right after them.


   Mrs. Weasley yelled angrily and turned to look behind her.

   Harry also looked at it immediately. It turned out that Tonks had tripped over something and was lying on the ground face up to the sky.

   "I'm sorry! I blame the hapless umbrella stand, this is the second time I tripped over!"

   Before she finished her words, another terrible deafening scream echoed from the house.

   The old lady in a portrait was awakened and began to scream desperately. Then the other portraits were also awakened and joined the screaming.

   "Beast! Bastard! Dirty and sinful sinner! Bastard, freak, ugly, get out of here! How dare you tarnish my ancestor’s house—"

   Tonks began to apologize non-stop, and moved the umbrella stand of the huge troll legs back to its original position, and Mrs. Weasley began to apply magic to the other portraits to stop them from screaming.

   At the end of this farce, a man with long black hair rushed out of the door and grabbed the curtain and shouted to the old lady in the painting.

   "Shut up, you terrible old witch!"

   The old lady's face suddenly turned pale~www.NovelMTL.com~ She screamed, her eyes widened.

   "You-the prodigal son, the shame of the family, the evil seed I was born!"

   But no one paid attention to her, Sirius just cursed, and then together with Lupin, he finally pulled the curtain back again.

   Then he turned around and fiddled with his hair.

   looked at Harry and said, "Good evening, Harry, it seems you have met my mother."


   "Yes, my good mother."

Sirius didn’t want to talk about these things. He just briefly introduced Harry to why he put his mother’s portrait here and the source of the house, and then he took Harry to the basement kitchen. It was still dark and deep, and it looked very dirty, and there were already many people on the long wooden table.

   If they want to come, they will start their dinner here.

   Outside of this house, the wizards apparated and left the moment they left the door. Only Snape did not use magic to leave, but walked to the opposite lawn.

   Jon was standing here waiting for him, and when he saw him coming, he smiled slightly.

   "Good evening, Professor Snape, long time no see."

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