Chapter 68. Reparation

“Truly, that b*stard Edward Ronan…!”

Karasuma Tenshin’s cheeks quivered with rage as he expressed his fury.

Indeed, as Kim Do-jin had said, evidence of ‘Ronan Industry’s’ involvement had been uncovered.

Their aim was clear: to seize control of the ‘Karasuma Clan’ through Karasuma Ryota, and he could not allow that to happen without a fight.

Of course, it was not just them; Kim Do-jin and Astrid Lindell, who had directly taken matters into their own hands to kill Karasuma Ryota, were the same.

Yet, to be honest, it was surprising.

‘To think Kim Mu-ho had such a child…’

I had only remembered the name of the eldest son, Kim Do-gyeom, as somewhat threatening, but there was a youngest son as well.

No, I didn’t know everything yet, but he seemed even more formidable than the eldest, Kim Do-gyeom.

The audacity to dare infiltrate the mansion of the ‘Karasuma Clan’ and nearly succeed was no small feat.

And the ability to remain composed even in the face of death…

He was an extraordinary talent, one who could have been eliminated without a second thought, even if it weren’t for a son’s revenge.

‘Kim Do-jin…’

Karasuma Tenshin silently repeated Kim Do-jin’s name, making a vow.

Once I finish my revenge against ‘Ronan Industries,’ I will surely kill Kim Do-jin as well.

* * *


The moment Astrid Lindell safely exited the mansion, she let out a deep sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Kim Do-jin’s negotiation had succeeded; what if it had only fueled his anger instead?

No matter how formidable Astrid Lindell was, she could not stand against Karasuma Tenshin, one of the ‘Ten Greats.’

Even if he possessed the incredible ability to regenerate from a severed neck, what good would it do?

If his head were to explode entirely, even ‘super regeneration’ would be impossible, and Karasuma Tenshin was a monster capable of severing that neck time and again until the magical energy required for ‘super regeneration’ was depleted.

Thus, the moment she faced Karasuma Tenshin, she felt a dizzying fear, but Kim Do-jin was different.

“I’m glad it went well. I was beginning to think I might have to reveal the commander’s identity in such an extreme situation.”

As Astrid Lindell brushed her chest in relief, Kim Do-jin shook his head in response.

“No. If that had been the case, it would have only hastened our demise. The goodwill that Tenshin showed me stemmed not from him, but from my own power.”

Few knew that Karasuma Tenshin concealed his vile and ugly nature.

He had meticulously built a benevolent image for decades, even before his awakening.

So, it was understandable that Astrid Lindell found it hard to believe Kim Do-jin’s words, yet she asked without a hint of doubt.

“I see. But… what should we do now? We’ve let them go for now, but I don’t think they’ll forget their grudge…”

In response, Kim Do-jin glanced at the mansion’s wall beside them and replied.

“Yes. The moment they see no need for us, they will try to kill us, confident they can capture us again at any time. But… when that time comes, will they truly be able to do so?”

Karasuma Tenshin was not underestimating Kim Do-jin, nor was he letting his guard down.

Yet, even that was not enough.

In truth, the identity of Kim Do-jin, the youngest son of Kim Mu-ho, was that of the very person he feared the most: ‘Kim Do-jin.’

Of course, the original body of Kim Do-jin resided in another realm, and only his spirit had taken possession here.

‘Things are about to get busy.’

In any case, a temporary alliance had been forged, and the tasks ahead were clear.

Kim Do-jin hurried his steps, formulating plans in his mind.

* * *

Time passed, and Kim Do-jin and Astrid Lindell returned to the Karasuma Hotel.

“Are you okay!?”

Jin Seo-hyun and Misaki Ai, who had arrived first and were waiting, greeted them with worried expressions.

They had already been informed via phone that the two were safe, but it seemed they still expected some degree of injury.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

Yet, Kim Do-jin bore no wounds, and Astrid Lindell was in no better state.

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“Phew! That’s a relief… But how on earth did you manage to escape unscathed?”

Jin Seo-hyun and Misaki Ai had heard from Karasuma Seishiro, who had been freed from mental control.

They knew that the schedule had changed abruptly, and upon hearing the emergency alert, Karasuma Tenshin had flown to the hideout of Karasuma Ryota.

So, despite being Kim Do-jin and Astrid Lindell, they had worried that death was inevitable. How had they managed to escape safely?

“Ah, well…”

Kim Do-jin soon explained the circumstances, and upon hearing this, Jin Seo-hyun wet her lips and spoke.

“This is serious. You promised not to seek revenge, but if Karasuma Tenshin is truly the person you described, he won’t keep that promise.”

To this, Kim Do-jin nodded and replied.

“Yeah. We can discuss that in detail later, but for now, let’s join the school trip schedule as if nothing happened.”

At his words, the others turned to check the time, realizing that there was indeed little left before the next event.

“That sounds good.”

Kim Do-jin soon sent Astrid Lindell, Jin Seo-hyun, and Misaki Ai back to their rooms, but for some reason, Misaki Ai halted mid-step and turned back to look at Kim Do-jin.


Though her eyes were covered, he sensed that she wanted to say something.

So he waited quietly, but perhaps feeling pressed for time, Misaki Ai merely nodded slightly before exiting the room.


Kim Do-jin stared at the door she had just closed, a peculiar expression on his face, before preparing to leave himself.

* * *

As the official itinerary of the school trip drew to a close, the students of ‘Arc’ found themselves with one last chance to wander freely, savoring the sights around them.

‘Where could they be…’

Amidst the clusters of students joyfully exploring every nook and cranny, Misaki Ai busily scanned her surroundings, her heart racing with anticipation.

And after a spell of searching…

‘Ah! There they are.’

At last, Misaki Ai spotted someone and quickened her pace, a spark of excitement igniting within her.


The person she sought was none other than Kim Do-jin.


Kim Do-jin, standing by the lake and sipping his coffee, turned his head at the sound of her voice, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“Sure, but here?”

Misaki Ai glanced around, then nodded as if to say it was fine.

“Yes. I think it’ll be alright.”

Thus, the two of them stood side by side by the lake, the water shimmering under the fading light, and began their conversation.


Misaki Ai, the one who had initiated the talk, hesitated, a hint of shyness creeping into her demeanor, her lips parting but no words escaping.

Kim Do-jin tilted his head, waiting patiently for her to find her voice.

“Found you!”

Just as Misaki Ai was about to speak, a voice broke through the moment, drawing near.

“Ai-san, may I have a moment of your time?”

The newcomer was none other than Karasuma Seishiro, and upon recognizing him, neither Kim Do-jin nor Misaki Ai was particularly surprised.

They could easily guess the purpose of his arrival.

“Ah, Seishiro-san.”

Now facing Misaki Ai, Karasuma Seishiro bowed his head slightly in greeting.

He then turned to Kim Do-jin, offering a nod of respect before speaking politely.

“I am Karasuma Seishiro. If it’s not urgent, may I have a moment to speak with Ai-san first?”

Kim Do-jin nodded in agreement, his expression calm.

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Do-jin exchanged a fleeting glance with Misaki Ai before stepping aside, allowing Karasuma Seishiro to finally voice the words he had prepared.

“First, I wish to express my apologies and gratitude once more, Ai-sama.”

Though it was not his fault, as the heir responsible for the Karasuma clan, he could not help but feel a pang of remorse towards Misaki Ai.

Of course, mere apologies would not suffice, so Karasuma Seishiro extended a single envelope towards her.

“Uh? What is this?”

As Misaki Ai accepted it, her curiosity piqued, Karasuma Seishiro bowed his head slightly and replied.

“It is a certificate, stating that from now on, we shall provide you with as much Spirit Stone as you require, free of charge.”

At those words, Misaki Ai’s eyes widened in astonishment.

The ‘Spirit Stone’ was an essential resource for sustaining the life of her younger sister, Misaki Shiori, who suffered from a rare illness. Misaki Ai had exerted countless efforts to procure it until now.

When Karasuma Ryota had forced her into marriage, it was precisely because of the Spirit Stone that she had been unable to refuse him outright.

Since Karasuma Ryota had wielded the provision of Spirit Stones as a means of coercion, this compensation felt, in some ways, justified.

In any case, it was hard to find anything more precious to Misaki Ai than the Spirit Stone.

“Is that really true!?”

Despite her eyes being obscured, joy radiated from her face as she asked, and Karasuma Seishiro nodded in affirmation.

“Yes. It is true. Of course, all matters related to the political marriage will also be neatly resolved as if they never happened.”

Alongside his repeated apologies, Karasuma Seishiro conveyed various other compensations.

And finally, with a sudden look of regret, he spoke.

“However… I have heard that you made a deal with my father. Including the condition that all unsavory matters related to my brother’s misdeeds would remain secret…”

Misaki Ai paused, taken aback by this revelation, before responding.

“…Yes. That was the case.”

At this, Karasuma Seishiro’s expression grew even more apologetic.

“I am at a loss. That is not a true apology. Therefore… I wish to apologize on my behalf. Though I understand this may feel like a deception as well.”

Karasuma Seishiro was well aware that he could never defy his father, Karasuma Tenshin.

Misaki Ai nodded in reassurance, and Karasuma Seishiro, appearing somewhat relieved, suddenly inquired.

“Oh! And please convey my gratitude to those who thwarted my brother’s schemes. I will always strive to assist them should they need help.”

It seemed that Karasuma Seishiro had yet to learn the identities of ‘those individuals’—Kim Do-jin and Astrid Lindell.

This was evident from the lack of reaction he had shown upon seeing Kim Do-jin moments ago.

In any case, Karasuma Seishiro’s business was concluded.

“Then, I cannot keep you any longer. I shall take my leave now, Ai-sama.”

With another polite bow, Karasuma Seishiro departed, accompanied by the attendant secretaries who had been waiting behind him.

People gazed at Karasuma Seishiro with the usual awe, but not so for Kim Dojin and Misaki Ai.

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