The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

"Who knows if you have any relationship with this boss?" Bai Fuya was very cautious, "You want to compete with Miss Chen, are you afraid of a little baby?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If she doesn't take Su Ming away to compete with me today, I won't let you go."

Su Shilan was too lazy to talk to Bai Fuya, "I'll tell you the truth, Chen Wanqiu is from our Su family's imperial capital branch. Today is our Su family's family affair. You Bai family members had better not interfere."

Bai Fuya was a little surprised. Thinking of Su Shilan calling the baby Su Ming just now, she also reacted.

Since it was the Su family's family affair, it was really difficult for her as an outsider to say anything, but Chen Wanqiu was now her father's guest, and she couldn't let Chen Wanqiu be in any danger.

"You can take Su Ming away, my people will take him away personally." After weighing the pros and cons, Bai Fuya took a step back.

Su Shilan now only wanted to verify whether the person who would gamble on the stone was Su Ming, and she didn't care about these things and agreed directly.

Chen Wanqiu was of course unwilling, but she was also in a dilemma.

Su Ming was carried to another room by Bai Fuya's people with a confused look on his face, and ten thousand questions popped up in his mind.

[Su Shilan wants to compete, why do you take me away? Am I something that is very annoying? ]

[I guess she lost too much money today and was so angry. ]

But at this time, Chen Wanqiu was too far away from Su Ming and could no longer hear Su Ming's voice.

Su Shilan took out the rough stones prepared by the owner of the gambling stone field, "Chen Wanqiu, as long as you pick out the best jadeite from these rough stones now, you will win."

Everyone around looked at Su Shilan as if she was a fool.

"What's the point of comparing? An expert like Miss Chen will definitely figure it out in a short while."

"Just now Miss Chen picked out the few good ones left in a pile of rough stones. Now there are only these rough stones, how could she not pick them out?"

"Miss Su has lost face, but she is still not convinced."

Bai Fuya was also very surprised. She thought Su Shilan wanted to embarrass Chen Wanqiu and would definitely propose a very difficult competition content. Unexpectedly, it was so simple?

However, Chen Wanqiu looked at those rough stones for nearly half an hour, her face became more and more solemn, but she still couldn't choose.

Everyone was very puzzled, because it was not difficult to identify these rough stones. Some gambling stone experts watching the show around had already figured out which rough stone had good jadeite. It stands to reason that an expert like Chen Wanqiu shouldn't have been able to figure it out after so long?

"Chen Wanqiu, it's been half an hour. If you can't choose it, I will consider you a loser." Su Shilan looked at Chen Wanqiu's tangled expression and sneered.

"Take Su Ming back to the manor!" she ordered proudly.

Chen Wanqiu was forced to pick a rough stone at random, "I choose this one."

Several experts in gambling on stones looked at the rough stone she chose, and they were all very puzzled.

Because they could all see that there could not be good jade in this rough stone.

At first, they still suspected that they were not good enough in their skills. Chen Wanqiu saw the details that they could not see. However, when the rough stone was cut, everyone was surprised to find that there was indeed no jade in this rough stone, just a worthless waste.

"Miss Chen, are you tired?" Although Bai Fuya was surprised that Chen Wanqiu would make a wrong choice, she did not doubt her ability, but asked with concern.

"She is not tired, but she does not know how to gamble on stones at all." Su Shilan sneered and said loudly to everyone.

"The one who knows how to gamble on jade is the baby Su Ming in her arms. That baby is born with a pair of eyes that can identify jade. Whoever gets Su Ming's eyes can also become a master of gambling on jade!"

Everyone felt incredible when they heard this.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Chen Wanqiu was also anxious.

A man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure. The gambling field is full of people of all kinds. Su Shilan directly said in public that Su Ming's eyes are special. It is hard to guarantee that there will not be people with ulterior motives who want to get Su Ming's eyes.

"I'm talking nonsense? Then how do you explain that you don't know how to gamble on jade when Su Ming is not around?" Su Shilan saw that she was so flustered, and her mood became better. She asked proudly.

"Who said I don't know how to gamble on jade?" Chen Wanqiu became more and more flustered, and fine beads of sweat oozed from her palms.

"If you know how to gamble on jade, then pick out the best raw stone here now and prove yourself." Su Shilan pointed to the raw stone in front of her and sneered.

"I..." Chen Wanqiu looked around.

Everyone uses a purpose of inquiry

Looking at her, she had no choice but to pick another rough stone.

Su Shilan immediately asked someone to cut it open, but there was still no jade inside.

"Now you can believe what I said, Chen Wanqiu is not a master of gambling on jade, but her child happens to have a pair of eyes that can identify jade. If you dig out his eyes, you can also become rich overnight by gambling on jade."

The eyes of the people looking at Chen Wanqiu became complicated, disappointment, regret, greed, and various emotions were entangled together, like an invisible big net, making Chen Wanqiu difficult to breathe.

"Since you lost, I will take Su Ming away. Boss, please bring Su Ming over." Su Shilan turned her head proudly and said to the boss of the gambling stone field.

"Oh, by the way, I will raise Su Ming, but I don't want Su Ming to remember that he has a country bumpkin mother like you when he grows up." As she said, she raised her hand, and several men around her approached Chen Wanqiu.

Bai Fuya was alert instantly and asked her men to step forward and protect Chen Wanqiu.

"Miss Su, don't go too far." She gritted her teeth and warned Su Shilan.

"Bai Fuya, you should stop meddling in other people's business. Since Chen Wanqiu doesn't know how to gamble on stones, your father won't want to see her anymore. She is no longer a guest of your Bai family." Su Shilan was already impatient.

Hearing this, Bai Fuya did not walk away, but stood in front of Chen Wanqiu and said firmly, "Whether my father wants to see her or not, that has to be determined by my father himself. What qualifications do you have to guess my father's mind at will? I am here today, so don't even think about taking Chen Wanqiu away."

While the two of them were confronting each other, the owner of the gambling stone field also came back with Su Ming in his arms.

Su Ming, who had been staying in the room, didn't know anything. He barely heard from their conversation that Chen Wanqiu lost the competition and Su Shilan was now forcibly taking him back to Su Ningxue's manor.

[What the hell, what do you think I am? Family affection is not something you can buy or sell if you want to, do you understand? 】

Su Ming complained angrily.

On the other side, Bai Fuya was extremely nervous. She was only here to gamble on stones today and didn't bring many men with her. If Su Shilan really wanted to take Chen Wanqiu away by force, her men probably wouldn't be able to stop her.

But what she didn't expect was that Chen Wanqiu suddenly took her hand and said with a firm look, "Don't worry, as long as Xiao Ming doesn't agree, no one can take Xiao Ming and me away today."

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