Su Rong was in no mood to pay attention to Su Tian's complaints.

The Taoist priest just said that he would not be able to control the evil spirits the day after tomorrow at the latest, which meant that she only had one day and one night to find a way to defeat the evil spirits.

if not……

Recalling the heartbreaking pain just now, she felt that the blood all over her body had gone cold.

"Xiaotian, please wait for a moment." She glanced at Su Tian, ​​her expression no longer as gentle as before towards Su Tianshi.

Su Tian, ​​who was always good at observing words and expressions, fell silent instantly.

Su Rong dialed Su Ningxue's video call. It took a long time before the person on the other end answered the call.

"What's wrong, Third Sister?" Su Ningxue was lying on the beach in a bikini. Su Lingmeng was playing in the water next to her, and the nanny was taking good care of Su Ming.

"Are you going on vacation?" Su Rong was a little surprised.

"No, I turned on the beach system at my home in the International Center." Su Ningxue said calmly.

The technology of the International Center has long surpassed that of the outside world. Super rich people like the Su family, who are ranked in the International Center, can simulate a summer beach in their own manor in winter, allowing people to sunbathe as they wish. .

As Su Ningxue spoke, she picked up her phone and revealed the large manor not far behind her.

"I will go back to the International Center to find you now." Su Rong said immediately.

Hearing this, Su Ningxue was a little reluctant, "You can come back, but don't let Su Tian appear in front of me."

Su Tian, ​​who was standing next to Su Rong, felt a thump in his heart. He had just been attracted by the huge manor of Su Ningxue's family and couldn't help but fantasize about living in the large manor.

This kind of manor is not comparable to Su Bingzhen's large villa. Su Tian has never seen anyone's residence be so luxurious.

Hearing that Su Ningxue actually refused to allow Su Rong to take him with him, he immediately became anxious and pulled Su Rong pitifully, "Third sister, don't abandon me. This temple is small and shabby. I can't live in it at all." "Comfortable, please take me away."

"I have never seen such a big manor. Didn't you say that we will be siblings from now on?"

Su Rong frowned, thinking that after she was frightened last night, Su Tian didn't care about her and ran away, and she felt indescribable.

If it were her Xiaotian, he would never leave her alone.

She remembered that when she was a child, her family also took Xiaotian to the temple to pray for blessings and practice. At that time, Xiaotian was younger than the Su Tian in front of her, but he did not complain at all.

Su Tian is not Xiao Tian after all...

Looking at the familiar face of the child in front of her, Su Rong felt mixed emotions in her heart. She held Su Tian's shoulders and said calmly, "I'm sorry, the third sister can't take you this time. I'll take you back to the Su family in the imperial capital first." .”

"No!" Su Tian shouted immediately, "You said that we are siblings, then your home should be my home. Why are you unwilling to take me home and give me a good life?"

Su Rong was puzzled. Although the conditions of the Su family in the imperial capital were indeed not as good as those in the International Center, they were still wealthy enough outside the International Center. How could Su Tian be so excited?

"Is Su Bingzhen's family treating you badly? How about I send you back to Su Shikun's house first?" she asked speculatively.

"I don't want it, third sister, we are a family. How could you be so irresponsible and send me back to my uncle's house? Are those things you said before that you would always be good to me all false? Do you want to Leave me?" Su Tian was even more reluctant, as if Su Rong had abused her.

Su Rong frowned.

Her Xiaotian would never be so messy, and he was infinitely more well-behaved and sensible than Su Tian.

"Let go." She said coldly, "You said I left you, didn't you leave me first last night?"

Su Tian, ​​who still wanted to act coquettishly, suddenly woke up when he heard this and closed his mouth unwillingly.

But he was very unhappy in his heart. Didn't his uncle say that he looked exactly like Su Rong's dead brother?

Why doesn't Su Rong take him home? Could it be that Su Rong didn't love her dead brother as much as her uncle said?

Su Rong didn't know what he was thinking. After asking Su Shikun to pick up Su Tian, ​​she hurried back to the International Center.

Seeing that she really didn't bring Su Tian with her, Su Ningxue agreed to let her and Su Ming live together.

That night, Su Rong slept in the room next to Su Ming. The evil spirits that almost tortured her to death did not appear again.

Not only those evil spirits, she didn't even have nightmares.

At first, Su Rong was a little skeptical about whether it was a coincidence, but as a few days passed, her spirit did get better day by day.

A few days later, her good friend called her via video call and said in surprise, "Rong Rong, are you secretly doing cosmetic surgery behind my back? Why is your skin so much better? You are so beautiful now."

Su Rong was stunned and raised her hand to touch her face, "Really?"

"Of course, you don't even know how beautiful you are now. I'm a little jealous. Have you discovered some amazing beautician? Please tell me who she is?" Her friend looked at her face with a gossipy look on her face. urged anxiously.

Only then did Su Rong realize that her skin had indeed become much more delicate, and there were not even a single fine line on her face.

Is this also because of staying with Su Ming?

She was wondering when Su Ningxue happened to be pushing Su Ming's stroller back home with Su Lingmeng. Su Rong carefully observed the two of them and found that both of them seemed to have become more beautiful.

Su Lingmeng was originally young and could not see much difference, but Su Ningxue was different. Her skin was now white and rosy, and her eyes were as bright as stars, indescribable. moving.

Even her chest, well... seemed to be surging a lot.

"I won't tell you anymore. You will accompany me to a party later in the evening. When we meet, you can tell me clearly!" On the other end of the phone, my friend warned me and hung up the phone.

Su Rong quietly told Su Ningxue her suspicions. Unexpectedly, Su Ningxue told her even more surprising news.

"Third sister, you are right. Not long after I stayed with Xiao Ming, I successfully broke through the bottleneck that I had never broken through in my previous practice. I also feel that I have been blessed by Xiao Ming."

This time, Su Rong had no choice but to believe that Su Ming really had an extraordinary destiny.

Thinking of what she had done to Su Ming before, she decided to take the initiative to make up for it, so she took the initiative to suggest to Su Ningxue, "Fourth sister, why don't you let me breastfeed Su Ming recently."

Seeing Su Rong's change of attitude, Su Ningxue was of course happy and immediately agreed.

Su Rong prepared the milk powder and held Su Ming in her arms to feed him.

But what she didn't know was that Su Ming had already developed a stress reaction towards her, and felt that something was wrong whenever he saw her approaching.

[She doesn’t know what kind of tainted milk powder she prepared for me. Is she going to drink it to make me mentally retarded? 】 Su Ming was so frightened that his heartbeat accelerated, and he waved his hands desperately to express his resistance.

To Su Ming, Su Rong was even more annoying than Su Ningxue.

He directly knocked over the bottle in Su Rong's hand.

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