The man immediately wanted to break free, but Lin Mianmian sneered.

"There are four bodyguards standing at the door. Do you think you can escape?"

The man was immediately discouraged, "What do you want?"

"As long as you honestly tell me who betrayed my itinerary to you, I will let you go. If you don't tell me, I will send you to the police station immediately and make sure you stay in jail until you last." Lin Mianmian Get straight to the point.

"Really?" The man was dubious, "As long as I tell the truth, you will let me go."

Lin Mianmian looked at the man's bald head that was struck by lightning and had no hair on it, and nodded seriously, "Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. I won't cause trouble for you. If you don't tell me now, I'll get in later." Detention center, tell the police to go."

The man gritted his teeth and said, "I said yes, but the person who arranged for me to harm you said that as long as I complete the matter, he will give me 100,000 yuan."

[Huo, Xu Feng is really generous with his actions. 】Su Ming couldn't help but exclaimed.

Next to Lin Mianmian, Xu Feng was the only one who knew her latest itinerary and where she lived, and who was willing to spend a lot of money to ruin her.

In other words, Lin Mianmian is too stupid to understand this.

"I'll give you double." Lin Mianmian said cheerfully. After hearing Su Ming's words, she felt that Xu Feng was instigating this matter most likely, but she still wanted to confirm it from the man's mouth.

"Really? It's Xu Feng, he sent me here!"

"Sure enough, it's him! This beast! He's already in jail and he's still not honest." Xu Mianmian stood up angrily and cursed angrily.

The man urged urgently, "I already said, can you let me go and give me money?"

"Give me money?" Lin Mianmian snorted coldly, "You want to rape me, but you still want my money? Are you dreaming!"

"You don't mean what you say! How could you do this?" The man suddenly became anxious.

"A beast like you doesn't need to talk about integrity."

Lin Mianmian said calmly, "When we go to the police station later, as long as you make it clear to the police that you are just an accessory and Xu Feng is the mastermind, I can help you say a few words in front of the police and help you get a reduced sentence."

Su Ming couldn't help but sigh after hearing her words.

[I thought this stupid woman would really give him money. It seems that she is not completely stupid and has some intelligence. 】

Lin Mianmian immediately straightened her body proudly.

Of course! She is smart, Xiao Ming's eyes are indeed sharp.

After sending the man to the police station, Lin Mianmian immediately carried Su Ming to the prison to question Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, I'm usually so kind to you, why do you want to hurt me again and again?"

Seeing Lin Mianmian appear in front of him safely, Xu Feng knew that the man must have messed up the matter, but he still pretended to be innocent on his face, "Mianmian, I really have If you realize your mistake, you will reflect on it in prison in the future. I love you so much that I was afraid that you would leave me, so I gave you that kind of medicine."

"Stop pretending. If it's about the past, I don't even bother to see you. Why did you send someone to sneak into my hotel and let him rape me?" Lin Mianmian looked at him with an expression that was unspeakable. nausea.

"Rape you? Who is it?" Xu Feng was shocked and said excitedly, "Which beast actually wants to do such a thing to you! Tell me! I will never let him go!"

"That's enough! Stop pretending! He has already said that you instigated it! The police are interrogating him now, Xu Feng, you are so disgusting." Lin Mianmian's voice trembled, "You just wait to go to jail for the rest of your life! "

"No, no, no! Mianmian, you must have heard wrong. I love you so much, how could I instigate other men to hurt you? You doubt me so much, my heart is going to break." Xu Feng burst into tears, like a A passionate man abandoned by his lover.

Lin Mianmian felt a chill. Just as she was about to refute, she received a text message from her assistant.

When the man was being interrogated by the police, he suddenly changed his story and insisted that the incident had nothing to do with Xu Feng.

She immediately rushed back to the police station with Su Ming in her arms, only to see the police coming out of the interrogation room.

"Police officer, he just admitted to me personally that Xu Feng ordered him to do it. How could he suddenly change his story? Doesn't he know that as long as he tells the truth, his punishment will be reduced?" She asked anxiously.

The policeman glanced at the direction of the interrogation room and felt helpless, "I understand your feelings, but now the prisoner keeps saying that he was not ordered by anyone. There is no substantive evidence that Xu Feng ordered him to commit the crime. We can't make a decision for a while." Feng’s crime.”

Obviously, both the police and Lin Mianmian knew that there was something fishy in what the man said, but before the law, evidence comes first.

There must be a reason why this man insists on one person taking all the blame, but it will take time to investigate clearly.

As for how long it will take, no one knows, and the police won't have a clue for a while.

Lin Mianmian felt irritated. No wonder Xu Feng refused to admit it until his death. It turned out that he had already prepared a backup plan.

[This person is not even afraid of going to jail, but he still wants money. There must be someone in the family who is waiting for the money to save his life. You will know if Xu Feng has made any large expenditures recently. 】

Su Ming was speechless. How could he even think about such a simple thing?

Lin Mianmian was reminded by him and suddenly remembered something.

"Officer, I remember that Xu Feng went to the hospital to see someone before, but no one in his family was hospitalized. Maybe the person he went to the hospital to see was related to the person who wanted to rape me."

"Ms. Lin, even if the person Xu Feng was visiting was the prisoner, that cannot be used as evidence to prove that Xu Feng instigated him to commit the crime. Do you understand?" The police felt that Lin Mianmian was just making random guesses, but they still let him People went to check the hospital surveillance that Lin Mianmian mentioned.

Unexpectedly, they discovered that Xu Feng had frequently visited a patient in the hospital in the past month.

And this patient was the man's mother.

At the same time, the police also checked the payment account of the man's mother's hospital and surgical fees and found that the account owner was Xu Feng.

However, in the face of so much evidence, the man still refused to admit that Xu Feng sent him to rape Lin Mianmian.

"It was Xu Feng who kindly saved my mother. Lin Mianmian sent him to prison. I wanted to rape Lin Mianmian to repay him. It had nothing to do with Xu Feng!" He gritted his teeth.

"Really? But Xu Feng has already gone to jail, and you will also go to jail soon. There will be no one to take care of your mother. I heard that she was thrown out of the hospital because she could not pay the hospitalization fee." Lin Mianmian He grasped the man's weakness and said calmly.

Hearing this, the man suddenly panicked, "No, Xu Feng promised me that he would. As long as I do things for him, he will help me take care of my mother!"

As soon as the words came out, smiles appeared on the faces of Lin Mianmian and the interrogating police officer.

The man also realized that he had been tricked, but it was too late.

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