"Do you think I have already checked your room opening records, but I haven't found any evidence that you did something to Kexin? Go back and wait to go to jail."

Chen Wanqiu raised her head and took on an attitude that would definitely send her to prison. "Are you still sitting here with me? I guess the police are already on their way to the Song family at this time. What is the prison in the International Center?" So, you must have heard about it.”

As soon as she heard that she was going to jail, Song Xuan's mother couldn't hold herself any longer and knelt down to Chen Wanqiu on the spot, "I was wrong, Wanqiu, I really wanted to save our marriage, although I was pushed away. Xin, but I didn’t want her to die. I’ve already asked about the height of the rockery. She won’t die if she falls.”

"Really? Then why don't you jump yourself? If Ke Xin dies, will the lives of your entire Song family together be enough to compensate?" Chen Wanqiu stood up suddenly.

Although she found the room opening record and Su Ming's inner voice reminded her that Ke Xin was the victim of Song Xuan's mother, she still couldn't suppress the anger in her heart when she heard the other party tell the truth with her own ears.

"Wanqiu, don't say it so harshly. Isn't Kexin okay now? Besides, she may have broken her leg at most. Anyway, she has been in a wheelchair for so many years. She will be fine if she sits in a wheelchair for a few more days." Song Xuan's mother Still defending, "I've already calculated it, she won't..."


Chen Wanqiu couldn't stand hearing it anymore, so she rushed over and slapped her hard, "You are a crazy murderer, you dare to touch my daughter, and you still want me to forgive you, in your dreams!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several policemen rushed in and held her and Song Xuan's mother down at the same time.

The difference is that the police put handcuffs on Song Xuan's mother, but only slightly controlled Chen Wanqiu's movements when she wanted to hit someone.

"Ms. Chen, we understand your feelings, please don't be impulsive." The policeman comforted Chen Wanqiu, then turned to Song Xuan's mother and said seriously, "You are suspected of deliberate murder, come with us."

"I didn't! I didn't! You're talking nonsense! Why are you arresting me if there's no evidence." Song Xuan's mother was so frightened that her whole body trembled and she struggled excitedly.

The two policemen stepped forward and held her down, saying in unison, "Be honest! You have just admitted your crime in person. Come back with us and accept the investigation."

Only then did Song Xuan's mother react and looked at Chen Wanqiu in great astonishment, "You, you didn't even find out that it was me who pushed Ke Xin, you deceived me!"

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself." Chen Wanqiu looked at her indifferently, "You harmed my daughter, and I will send you to prison. Is there any problem?"

"No, no, no, I just talked nonsense. I didn't push Kexin at all. You can't take me away." Song Xuan's mother quickly struggled to deny what she had said.

"The public surveillance in my office has recorded everything you said, so you can just follow the police without any worries." Chen Wanqiu sneered and slapped her rudely, "But don't worry, you were arrested by the police. I will definitely notify the Song family as soon as possible and let the media report it."

"You! You bitch, you want to destroy our Song family." Song Xuan's mother gritted her teeth, "That's just a rockery, how could I deliberately murder?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you're doing it yourself." Chen Wanqiu smiled lightly, taking all the other person's curses as compliments.

While the police were taking him away, she had already informed her assistant to spread the news.

Soon the news that Song Xuan’s mother deliberately murdered her young daughter and was taken away by the police for investigation became a hot topic.

The next day, when Song Xuan walked into the class and sat down in his seat, his deskmate immediately stood up, picked up his book and ran away in disgust.

"Go away, I don't want to sit with you, a little murderer!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Song Xuan's eyes suddenly widened and he pointed at him and cursed.

The other party sniffed and looked aggrieved, "I'm not talking nonsense. It was already said in the news that your mother was a murderer and was taken away by the police uncle."

Several other naughty children also gathered around and said without hesitation, "You are the child of a murderer, so aren't you a little murderer? You can't kill people, right?"

Hearing this, some timid children were so frightened that they quickly moved away from Song Xuan. Several classmates who had a good relationship with Song Xuan did not dare to approach him anymore, as if he would take out a knife to kill someone in the next second.

"My mother is not a murderer. You are talking nonsense. I am not done with you!" Song Xuan rushed over to fight with the little boy who took the lead in talking about him.

The children immediately ran away, laughing and saying, "The little murderer is going to kill someone, everyone, run away."

"The murderer wants to kill someone!"


They kept saying things to each other, but Song Xuan couldn't catch anyone. He was so angry that his face turned red, and he burst into tears. He kept wiping his tears, "I'm not a murderer, wuwuwu!"

When those children saw him crying, not only did they not restrain themselves, but they intensified and laughed even more fiercely.

"Why is the little murderer crying when he can't kill anyone? Hahaha!"

"Are you going to kill someone with your tears?"

"Did you cry beside your mother when she killed someone? Hahaha!"

Children do not have a strong concept of life and death. They only know that killing is a very bad thing, so Song Xuan's mother was arrested by the police.

Because they had no idea, they mocked Song Xuan unscrupulously. Song Xuan cried for a long time, and finally waited until the teacher started class before the children sat back in their seats.

But Song Xuan's deskmate said he didn't want to sit with Song Xuan at all, and he was so scared that he burst into tears, "I don't want to sit with him, he will kill people, he will kill me, woo woo woo."

The other children sitting around Song Xuan were also afraid and didn't want to sit with Song Xuan.

Although the teacher was speechless, she couldn't say anything.

Just before the class, the parents of these children had called her one after another, strongly requesting that Song Xuan's seat be changed, fearing that the son of the murderer would lead their children astray.

"Song Xuan, you sit in the last seat first." The teacher arranged with a headache.

Song Xuan sat at the back with grievance, and finally waited until noon, when the parents brought their own delicious lunch into the classroom, only Song Xuan's parents did not come.

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