The more you look at the past, the more you will see.

Happy lives are all the same, but tragic pasts are all strange.

The Sixth Leader of the Fatui was deceived by his colleagues for hundreds of years. His entire life was like a big tea table full of tragedies. After watching it, the audience in Teyvat who knew the Fatui a little bit -

It can only be said that it was not surprising at all.

After all, the Fatui really don't act like human beings.

There are still some Fatui at the bottom who act like human beings, but the executives at the top really have their own characteristics of not being human beings, which is very consistent with the positioning of the big villain.

How to say it, there must be something hateful about pitiful people, or it can be seen from the other side, there must be something pitiful about hateful people?

Now I just realized that even an executive officer might have been tricked by his own people to the point where he is now.

It is not easy for the chief executive officer, the stern clown, to lead such a group of young masters to develop the Fatui to the point where they are now.

I don’t know if this guy is angry when watching this video now. After all, it was he who ordered the doctor to step on the bellows sand. Now seeing that the doctor has done so many tricks in addition to completing the task he assigned, I wonder what he feels at this moment.

"The scattered soldiers never thought that the desired things would be presented in such a cruel form."

The soft and sticky voice of Nashida was like a knife stabbing at the scattered soldiers.

[Yae Shenzi: Alas, is it a sin? Hmm? It has nothing to do with me? It’s okay then! ]

[Lei Movie: Heart... In the future, the program needs to be more flexible. 】

【Raiden General: ······】

Yae Shinko is weird. It was the Institute of Teachings who persuaded the doctor to quit. Why did the doctor take the most vengeance on Inazuma?

Good guy, he came to Inazuma and made a god-made puppet that was almost integrated into ordinary people bitter and resentful, and then he worked tirelessly for hundreds of years to torment Inazuma...

What's the matter? Seeing that Inazuma's talents are declining, they are easy to bully?

"The heart taken from killing others is an ominous thing, but it can protect him from filth..."

Even though this happened hundreds of years ago, when Sanbing heard this, he still felt his chest tighten. His empty chest felt as if his heart was being grabbed, which made Sanbing feel worse instantly.

"He thinks he was completely betrayed by Niwa!"

【Sanbing: I thought I had been betrayed three times. ]

[Sanbing: Haha, hahahahahaha, in the end, I was the one who betrayed them...]

"This betrayal allowed him to survive. Angry and sad, Sanbing threw his heart to the ground and resolutely left Tadingsha."

Nashida's narration ended. Ying stood not far behind Sanbing, looking at Sanbing's back, and heard Sanbing muttering in a voice full of resentment and hatred.

"Dottore, how dare you do such a thing...! Niwa didn't flee for fear of crime at all, you killed him!"

[Nashida: Well, it's not good. ]

[Ying: Hmm? This plot is indeed not good. ]

[Buyer: I think what Buyer said was not good, it should be Sanbing, not this video. ]

[Nashida: Yes, I used the void to build a model of Sanbing and performed it a little. After bringing in the possibility of the future, what he is more likely to do after this is-]

[Buyer: Delete himself. ]

[Paimon: Is it like the original Daichi Tree King wanted Nashida to delete her? ]

[Nashida: No, that's different. ]

[Buyer: There is one thing to note when using the World Tree to delete a certain existence, that is, only you cannot delete yourself, otherwise I wouldn't have made it so troublesome. ]

[Nashida: I guess there will be a series of troubles after that. ]

[Sanbing: Humph, don't worry about it, I'm not the weak me in the video. ]

[Sanbing: I won't die before I take Dotore's head to pay tribute to Niwa. ]

[Gongzi: Oh, kid, although we didn't have a good relationship before, you are quite pleasing to my eyes now... But out of duty, I will stop you. ]

[Rooster: Alas (tired)... The Fatui solemnly declare that everything in the video is false, and we reserve the right to hold this observatory responsible for slandering the Fatui. ]


Ying: Uncle, didn't you give up on whitewashing before? ]

[Rooster: Ahem, Ms. Traveler, sometimes, there are things and people that you have to do. ]

[Paimon: Wow, is this the so-called helplessness of adults? ]

[Ms.: Humph. ]

[Young Master: Yo, are you okay? ]

[Ms.: Fortunately, I'm not dead, I just had a few nightmare-like dreams again. ]

[Clown: Scaramucci, are you sure you're serious about what you just said? ]

[Country Collapse: Ah, that's right. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh, even this most annoying name is used to abandon the name of a scattered soldier. It seems that you are really determined. ]

[Clown: Huh (tired), I understand, we will also treat you in the way of the Fatui. ]

[Country Collapse: Ha, I wish for it! 】

In the original work, the Scattered Soldiers were first knocked down from the peak of their lives by the combination of the God of Grass and the Traveler. They were already hit hard, and then they knew the truth of the year, so they gave up on themselves and wanted to atone for their sins by deleting themselves.

But now the Scattered Soldiers have not experienced the beating of the Traveler in the original work, and with this big screen that distributes resurrection opportunities to all Teyvat, the Scattered Soldiers' mentality has also changed a little.

Unlike the so-called whitewashing theory mentioned by the Traveler in the discussion area, he is very rational at this moment, and thinks more reasonably than the Scattered Soldiers who were defeated and awakened at the dream-come-true moment in the original work.

He does not think he should be whitewashed, because even though he has been deceived by the doctor for hundreds of years, many of the things he has done in these hundreds of years are done out of his heart.

He is a villain, no matter what he was like at the beginning, but now he is not a good person, even if he thinks so.

It's just that now he finds that the evil he did before was unnecessary, and even failed the expectations of many friends, so the Scattered Soldiers want to do something now.

"First, find a way to revive Niwa and the others. No, should I revive all the people I have hurt over the years? In short, I will pay back what I owe first. I, San... Guobeng, never owe anyone anything!"

That's what Sanbing thought.

When he thinks that the debts he owed in the past have been paid off, then all that's left is a happy time to find the Fatui, or more accurately, to trouble the Doctor.

However, Sanbing also knows that if he really goes head-to-head with the Doctor, even if the other executives don't intervene, he can't beat the Doctor head-on.

Even if he has some self-destructive tendencies now, he can't waste his precious life like this. He has to give the Doctor a hard beating before he dies.

The strength of the top three Fatui executives is completely different from the executives behind them.

In his original destiny, even if he became a god, according to the information in the discussion area a few days ago, he became a god under the control of the doctor. It must be that dream-like, he who got the heart of Thunder God should not be able to beat the doctor who definitely set up many backdoors, not to mention that he has not yet become a god.

Besides, in the past few hundred years, he has become so strong now because of the doctor's step-by-step adjustments. God knows whether the other party has set up any hidden hands in his body.

"It seems that I need to find someone to help, tsk."

Sanbing was actually reluctant to ask for help, but reason and guilt told him that he must seek help at this time, otherwise it would be a distant thing to tell Niwa in person about his guilt over the years and the "heart" he got.

Of course, you can also put your expectations on another side, such as the screen that is now distributing rewards.

"This screen suddenly shows such a video at this time. It's not just to make fun of me, right?"

Although he is also a bad party and has a bad reputation in the outside world, and there may be many people who specialize in making such videos to ridicule himself, Sanbing still has expectations.

Only at this time, he really envied those positive characters under the sun. In a work, positive characters are more likely to resonate with readers.

Sanbing stared at the screen that was giving questions, and his mood was not very good.

[Question: Bengbeng Xiaoyuanmao always thinks that he has been betrayed three times. Of course, we who know the inside story feel that this is outrageous. The first is God, the second is human. Let's not talk about these two points for now. The third is that among the same kind, the frail child that Sanbing met in the cabin by the sea once told Sanbing a story about the heart. May I ask, whose story is this? ]

[A. The story of a princess with skin as beautiful and kind as white snow]

[B. The story of a tin soldier who finally merged with a lover who could never express his love to each other]

【C. A story of true love between a beast and a beauty】

【D. A story of a little girl selling matches in winter】

【E. A story of a blue demon helping a red demon to integrate into the human race】

【System: This question is of low difficulty, and the answering method is to answer quickly. Any star-level user can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...】

【Ying: Ah, this screen is not even acting now. 】

【Kaeya: Is there a possibility that this exclusive question is set up by the screen to make the fight between Sanbing and the Doctor more intense? 】

【Xiangling: Ying, you have no right to say this. It is obvious that Ying and Paimon have two exclusive questions. 】

【Paimon: It seems to be okay. 】

【Gongzi: But, puff... What the hell is a round hat? Hahahaha, you have this title? ! 】

【Paimon: Yes, yes, it's outrageous... I mean the cute name. ]

Sanbing rolled his eyes and ignored the guys who were making fun of him in the discussion area. It was just a mockery. It was nothing to him now. It was not as shocking as the mention of his ally in the past.

Sanbing, with a strong mind, said his answer very calmly.

[Guobeng: I choose B, the story of the tin soldier. ]

[Gongzi: Well, this story is quite famous. I remember that I told it to my sisters and brothers before. It is indeed a story about the heart. ]

[Nasida: According to the records of the void, I remember that it was finally melted and cooled in the fire and condensed into a heart-shaped tin block. ]

[Xinhai: But the other stories, excluding the ones I haven't heard of, can actually be related to "heart" if you interpret them in depth. I can only say that this question is a special question for some people. ]

[Ying: Please remove the word "some". It is a special question for someone. Thank you. 】

Looking at what other people said in the discussion area, San Bing snorted disdainfully.

Although he knew the truth of the year, the problem was that after so many years, San Bing's character had long been fixed, and he could never find the innocent and kind appearance of the past.

What's more, San Bing was not going to change. His only purpose in living in this world was to atone for his sins and revenge.

It doesn't matter if his attitude is a little bad, he doesn't care anymore, anyway, he is a villain.

Compared with how others see him, what he cares more about now is the reward that this suspicious screen is about to give him.

Of course, the expectation value is not very high. After all, the difficulty of this question is low. For a low-difficulty question, even if you get it right the first time, the reward given is actually just that.

Well, it must be very good, but it is a bit unrealistic to say that you can overthrow the Fatui and kill the doctor.

[System: Reward Zun... General five-star users will receive a lightning cannon and a pirate compass. ]

[System: Pirate compass, a universal magical item that exists in many worlds. Legend has it that the pirate compass can guide you to find the things you desire most. ]

[System: After being modified by this observatory, the pirate compass has adapted to the local system of Teyvat continent. It can be used once every 24 hours. When using it, the holder imagines the thing he desires most in his heart. If this item or person exists in the world bubble where Teyvat continent is located, it will continue to guide until the holder finds or abandons the item. ]

[System: If this item or person does not exist in the world bubble where Teyvat continent is located, the pirate compass will fall into a silent state and accumulate progress bars for the non-existent things or people. According to the internal evaluation value of the item or person in the system, after a certain number of repeated searches, the progress bar will accumulate to the full amount, and the item or person will appear in the Teyvat world. ]

[System: Friendly reminder, don't do anything weird. If you say you want a treasure that can become the law of Teyvat, this pirate compass can also pdd it for you, but it's not certain when it will be put together. 】

Sanbing looked at the compass in his hand with some surprise. It was obviously just a simple compass, but he didn't expect it to have such a theoretically terrifying power.

Yes, it was terrifying.

Because theoretically, the value of this compass exceeded the entire Teyvat.

But everyone knows that since it is said that everything is theoretically impossible.

Sanbing knew that if he really wanted to do something big, the maintainer of justice would break through the "interception" of the screen and appear in front of him to destroy the compass.

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