The two of them were so happy.

Looking at the screen, Sora and Funina were so affectionate and unscrupulously distributing dog food, and more than one person in Teyvat felt a shock in their hearts, and felt a little strange.

[Kamisato Ayaka: I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little empty in my heart, as if something was missing. ]

[Kamisato Ayato: ? ? ? Ayaka? ? ? ]

[Xiao Gong: It's so strange, I suddenly feel that the fireworks in my hand are not as attractive as usual. ]

[Keqing: Yeah, very romantic, yeah...]

[Nielu: So, so this is romance? ]

[Noelle: Oh, sorry, I accidentally broke the broom. ]

[Navia: Hiss, if you don't consider the strangeness of the characters in this video, this video is actually quite, um, how should I put it, romantic? ]

[Yuan Shang: Oh, this is a path that our cult has never imagined. ]

[Sora: Please don't add fuel to the fire, okay? ]

[Qin: This, this is the scene in "The Melancholy of Young Vera", when Vera is at the door of the restaurant, looking at the candles behind the window - cough cough. ]

[Barbara: Sister, cough cough, did Captain Qin also watch "The Melancholy of Young Vera"? ]

[Ying: Good boy, let me see how much black history I can collect today. ]

[Linnet: Well, I'm more curious, why did my brother take out a red rose? ]

[Ying: So your brother is also——]

[Linnet: Well, vows and promises, the flower language of red roses, although I understand that my brother gave me red roses to remind me of this, but it always feels a bit strange to do so in a tavern. ]

[Ying: ? ? The flower language of red roses in Teyvat is this? ]

[Noelle: Yes, Miss Honorary Knight, as a maid of the Knights, I folded a lot of red roses and carried them with me to remind myself to always pay attention to the etiquette of maids and keep my mouth shut. ]

[Ying: Ah, uh, um, okay. ]

[Funina: I always feel that the flower language of red roses you said is different from what we think? ]

[Ying: It's almost what you are doing in the video (looking up at the sky). 】

【Funina: ······】

"You are as comfortable as being in a quilt, but as elusive as the wind, like the perfume on your wrist~like the red high heels you can't let go of..."

After the two people's hands formed a heart shape together, the audience in the discussion area thought that was all. Those who should bite the handkerchief bit the handkerchief, and those who should throw things threw things. Oh, the above is only for people from Fontaine.

As for people from other countries, they all said that they had learned a lot, and some even learned and applied it immediately.

However, no one expected that on the screen, Kong, who had originally formed a heart shape with Funina, changed his left hand that was touching Funina, and a diamond ring suddenly appeared on his empty hand.

Kong held the diamond ring between his thumb and index finger, leaned forward, and slowly but firmly put the diamond ring on the ring finger of Funina's right hand, who was at a loss for what to do with the surprise and whose eyes were trembling.

The camera in the video even gave a close-up of the diamond ring on Funina's right ring finger, so that all the viewers in front of the Teyvat screen could clearly see the whole process of Sora putting the ring on Funina.

After putting the ring symbolizing love on Funina, Sora kissed her hand affectionately and gentlemanly.

Watching Sora's actions, Funina on the other side had a faint blush on her face, and she couldn't help smiling. Her eyes trembled, and she stared at Sora without blinking. After a long time, she was a little embarrassed and turned her head away with shyness.

[Linette: A very standard marriage proposal demonstration. ]

[Ying: I, I will have an extra sister-in-law? ]

[Alice: Think about it, in this kind of card drawing game, the official chose your brother as the protagonist, you are not going to have an extra sister-in-law, but you should have many extra sisters-in-law. ]

[Sora: Let me go...]

[Alice: Are you sure? ]

[Kong: ? ? ? ]

[Alice: If the official chooses your sister as the protagonist, it won't be a matter of Ying having a few more sisters-in-law, but a matter of you having a few more brothers-in-law. ]

[Kong:... You should choose me. If I don't go to hell, who will? ]

[Ying: Come on, even if I am the protagonist, it will be a matter of you having a few more sisters! ]

[Ying: By the way, in this "sister", the first sister is a definite adjective. ]

[Kong: I think that's even worse

Cake. ]

[Ying: I don't want you to feel, I want me to feel! ]

[Navia: @Funina, Lord Water God, are you okay? There has been no response since just now. ]

[Claurinde: Well, Lord Funina... She has been looking up at the sky for three minutes. By the way, Lord Funina's eyes now look as if they are dead. ]

[Funina: Tired, destroy it, justice come quickly. ]

[Navia: Finished, Funina has already had the idea of ​​world-weariness. ]

[Kong: Is it that serious? This makes me seem very unpopular. ]

[Charlotte: Uh, Mr. Kong, if there is a ranking list of the people that Fontaine wants to kill the most, guess where you will be ranked? ]

[Xiawolei: First, I guess there is no escape. ]

[Claurinde: Why do I feel that more and more people are gathering outside Momang Palace? ]

[Nawilet: I just received the application report for organizing a parade. ]

[Charlotte: The Momang Palace staff, who took three days to get a stamped document for a maintenance application, can prepare a complete parade application document on the spot in just a few minutes...]

This efficiency is simply not that of a Fontaine.

[Nasida: Mr. Kong's own conditions are actually quite good. Even if you refer to the impression Ying gave me, Mr. Kong should have been very popular. ]

[Buyer: But, the Abyss Cult, um, is hopeless. ]

[Ying: You deserve it, brother. ]


[Yuan Shang: Oh, don't be like that, Your Highness, we also have many Abyss-style beauties in our Abyss. ]

[Kong: My aesthetics are more inclined to normal people. ]

[Yuan Shang: That's a pity. Obviously, your photos are very popular in the church. Every time they are sold, they are snapped up by brothers and sisters in the church. ]

[Kong: (horrified)!!! ]

[Ying: Wait, it's okay for the sisters of the Abyss Cult, but why do brothers also buy photos of their elder brothers? ]

[Yuan Shang: Princess, you have to know that after hundreds of years of torture in the Abyss, some brothers' mental state is no longer normal. ]

[Ying: Don't call me Princess! ]

Kong now suddenly feels as if he has replaced the position of the young master in this discussion area two days ago.

Since the young master was hated by everyone in Liyue, how did he become the persecuted one in the discussion area?

Fortunately, the question and answer on the screen saved his life.

[Question: Putting a ring on a lover, whether on the continent of Teyvat or outside of Teyvat, has a very special meaning. According to the worldview and original intention of the creator of this video, what beautiful meaning does Long Ge put a diamond ring on Fu Fu's right ring finger have? ]

[A. This is a rare opportunity, propose]

[B. I'm already married]

[C. A common way of giving gifts between friends]

[D. A contract, a contract to fight side by side]

[E. A ritual to help the woman awaken her substitute]

[F. A sign that the woman has reached adulthood]

[System: This question is of low difficulty, and the answer method is to answer quickly. Any star user can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Ying: A free question... Even the simplest one can know the answer to this question by combining the environment and atmosphere in the video. ]

[Funina: No, I don't admit it, I choose D! This is clearly the proof of my bond with my best friend after solving the Fontaine prophecy together. ]

[Navia: Oh, Funina has already started to escape from reality. ]

[Xiawolei: Alas, but Lady Funina, have you forgotten that there is a penalty for answering the question incorrectly? ]

[Ying: For a low-difficulty question and answer, the punishment should be the lowest. ]

[Funina: Humph, punishment or something, come on, anyway, I, Funina de Fontaine, will never admit the content of this video. ]

[Ying: Have you ever thought that your current idea may cause the screen to give you relevant punishment, my dear Funina~. ]

[Sora: I am more curious, why do you call me Brother Long? ]

[Ying: Indeed, Funina is easy to understand, after all, Funina, Brother Long... Could it be the nickname of your voice actor, or did you do something big related to dragons in the official demonstration? ]

[Funina: Can I withdraw it? ]

[Navia: No. ]

[Ying: Stay strong, my friend, you are the water god of Fontaine, the C position player of the Seven Ruling Group of Teyvat. ]

[Xiawolei: Indeed, Lady Funina, if there is any bad punishment, you still have us to support you behind the scenes. 】

【Funina: Just verbal support, right?】

Funina was already a little powerless and didn't want to

After speaking, she wanted to go back to one minute ago and strangle the impulsive self to death.

No, if possible, she wanted to go back to this morning and strangle the damn screen to death.

[System: Wrong answer. ]

[Fu Nina: Oh, it was wrong as expected. ]

[Chizhi: It's impossible to be this answer. ]

[Fu Nina: After all, there is still hope. If people have no hope, what is the difference between them and salted fish. ]

[Xin Hai: Legend has it that Inazuma has a big sword named Sea Emperor with Pearls...]

[Xin Hai: So, salted fish also have dreams (seriously). ]

[Yae Shen Zi: Yes, yes, I will bring you a few more sets of clothes when I go back. ]

[Lei Yingying: Our Inazuma still has such a strong fish? Are you sure this is not a variant of the demon god? ]

[Sea Emperor with Pearls: Haha, let me try the knife! 】

【Thunder General: ······】

【Ying: Good fellow, fish can talk here. 】

The Pearl Sea King did not reply to the traveler's words, as if the comments in the discussion area just now were all illusions. Of course, it is also possible that the existence behind the screen was having fun and gave this salted fish a chance to speak.

After all, if even this salted fish can have the opportunity to speak freely in the discussion area, then other one-star and two-star characters who cannot speak freely will be depressed and bang their heads against the wall?

Especially the two-star characters. Originally, those immortals who were demoted from three stars to two stars but could still speak freely were very unhappy. Now a fish with no other characteristics except being a little hard can speak freely in the discussion area, which is very unbalanced.

Soon no one cared about the Pearl Sea King's matter, because the screen confirmed the punishment for Funina.

[System: The punishment for the five-star user Funina who answered the wrong option is——]

[Funina: Come on, whether it is not allowed to eat small cakes for a month, or helping Navilete with official business for a month, I will accept it. ]

[Navilete: I will not be interested in helping me with official business. ]

[Navia: Please translate it, don't make trouble for me. ]

[Funina: Hey! ]

[System: Repeat the video "Sora, your magic is a bit exaggerated... Eh? ? !" ten times. ]

[Funina: ······]

[Navia: This screen, as expected, every reward and punishment is targeted at the person involved. ]

[Alice: And it will be divided into different levels. The difficulty of this question is low, so this punishment is relatively simple. Except for some social death, there is no other difficulty. ]

[Funina: It's not simple at all! No no no! I'm a big star, I don't need to rely on scandals to create hot spots! ]

[Funina: No, I haven't had any scandals at all! ]

[Ying: Do you want to be exempted? Facing such a simple punishment, consuming precious exemption privileges. ]

[Then Villette: Ms. Funina, purely from a personal perspective, I don't recommend consuming exemption times under this level of punishment. ]

[Leosli: Anyway, everyone knows it's fake, how about you just treat it as starring in a love movie? ]

[Funina: ······Okay, just treat it as being on stage, I'm a professional, anyway, I don't have to do anything······]

[Funina: Although I think you just want to see me have fun. ]

After saying this, Funina was silent for a while, and after two minutes, Clorinde spoke hesitantly.

[Clorinde: Lady Funina, she, she is already hypnotizing herself. ]

[Navia: Good guy, you are worthy of being our big star. ]

[Sora: You guys are doing this, I feel like I am hated by heaven and people. ]

[Ying: The leader of the organization who does nothing, what good treatment do you expect? ]

The usual quarrel between the traveler brothers and sisters did not affect Funina's punishment.

Others only saw the screen that had just turned black light up again. At first, it was in the angel's gift. Linni conjured a red rose for Linnit, and it was still normal here.

But in the next plot, that is, the camera gave Kong and Funina turned their heads to watch the interaction between Linni and Linnit, everyone found something wrong.

Funina was trembling.

Funina was resisting.

Funina was about to overflow with water elements.

When Funina and the others turned their heads around, everyone could see more clearly.

At this time, although Funina used her superb acting skills to control her body and performed exactly as shown in the video just now, anyone with a discerning eye could see the shame and anger in Funina's eyes. Especially when she cooperated with Kong to form a heart shape in mid-air.

This is even more so.

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