The last blow came from the wind.

The one who finally dealt the final blow to the Knights of Favonius was their revered wind god, Lord Barbatos: "If you don't want your eyes, you can donate them to people in need."

Well, there are indeed several Knights of Favonius who are still in Mondstadt. They collapsed and immediately ran to the training ground behind the Knights, and went to special training with the confused Irene.

Sora on the screen didn't know how these Knights of Favonius who suffered a major blow in the real world would react. He just continued to report without emotion: "But when they were about to succeed, the Fatui took the lead."

On the small screen, a Leiying Warlock twisted his waist, waved to Ying and Paimon teasingly, and took away the Sky Harp.

[Paimon: Ah, it's these bad guys! ]

[Klee: It's a bad guy, can I use the hopscotch? ]

[Jin: I can use it when the opponent is hostile to you, but not at other times. ]

[Linnie: This, this is a bit too cruel...]

[Alice: Do you have any objections? ]

[Linnie: No, absolutely not! ]

[Ying: Hiss, @Young Master, Young Master, are you Fatui still accepting people? ]

[Paimon: That's enough! ]

Wendy: "After the alarm was triggered, the traveler and the bard hid in the Angel's Gift in a panic."

Sora: "The development of the situation seems to have come to a temporary end."

[Jin: No, wait? Did he just run out? ]

[Jin: After the alarm was triggered, he ran from the deepest part of the secret room, not only through the entire cathedral, but also through the entire Mondstadt, and then ran all the way to the senior's bar? 】

【Kaeya: Oh, combined with what Venti said earlier, "If you don't want your eyes, you can donate them to people in need", I'm afraid it's not the case, even the wanted order doesn't explain it clearly. 】

Jin really couldn't understand it. This was too outrageous. With such distinctive images and combinations like Traveler and Paimon, how could they not be described clearly on the wanted order under such circumstances?

If this is the case, it's not a matter of special training afterwards, but it's possible to directly disrupt and reorganize these misfits who are still in Mondstadt, or even simply dismiss them and recruit new people to form a new Knights of Favonius, which might be a better situation.

Not to mention that Captain Jean thought it was outrageous, even other viewers, as long as they were still normal people, after learning a little about the details of the matter, they all thought it was outrageous, making them wonder if it was because the Wind God was unreliable that the Knights of Favonius were also unreliable.

Wendy: "As for the story after that, let's talk about it later."

[Ying: After that, the Sky Harp should be found anyway, after all, there was a video of Wendy's heart being taken out before, ah, no, it was the video of us returning the harp to the church. ]

Wendy: "Okay, that's all the content of this issue of Mond News, and next is the reading of comments."

Wendy: "Let's see what kind of letters the audience sent to our TV station before."

[Mona: Huh? This is the first issue, where is the reading of comments? And where should these letters be mailed? ]

[Charlotte: It's really a mystery. ]

Indeed, even Wendy on the screen was silent for two or three seconds, standing there motionless, and then the impatient Sora broke the silence: "Why don't you read it?"

Wendy said as a matter of course: "Have you forgotten the fact that no one watches our TV channel?"

[Barbara: I, I, I, I am watching! ]

[Ying: Now everyone in Teyvat is watching it. ]

[Charlotte: Enviable ratings! If our Steambird Newspaper can also achieve full coverage of the Fontaine region and a subscription rate of over 80%, I dare not even think of such a good thing. ]

Wendy: "Okay, then that's all for this issue of Mondstadt News. I'm the host Wendy."

Sora: "I'm the host Sora."

Sora & Wendy: "Thank you all for watching."

As the two spoke, cheerful music sounded again on the screen.

Then Klee opened the door with that lovely smile: "Wow."

Then there was Qiqi covering her head with the Command Spell, the giggling princess, Ganyu releasing elemental bursts, Klee throwing bouncy bombs at the poor hillbillies and slimes, and Diona with her cat ears.

Finally, there was the scene where Albedo released his elemental combat skills and let Klee stand on it to throw big bouncy bombs.

"Next time, let's go fish fry together!"

[Ying: Okay, Okay, Klee, baby,

You can fry fish anytime. ]

[Klee: Really?! Great, Honor Knight sister is a good person! ]

[Jin: Klee! ]

[Yaoyao: Hey, Qiqi is on the screen again? And Ganyu sister too. ]

[Imperial Princess: Huh~]

[Oz: Miss is in a good mood now. ]

[Imperial Princess: Oz, this sentence does not need to be translated! ]

[Ganyu: Hey, hey, why, why am I wearing this outfit above? ]

[Xianyun: Is there anything wrong with this outfit? I chose it for you. ]

[Ganyu: Ah (panic), um (thinking), that (light bulb), by the way, this outfit is too precious, I usually only wear it in important scenes, usually, I should wear work clothes. ]

[Ying: Ganyu, believe me, you will definitely wear the outfit in the picture in the game, and once that outfit is released, I am not afraid that those LSPS will not spend money. ]

[Ying: But Qiqi and Diona are also very cute. ]

[Qiqi:? Thank you? ]

[Diona: Ah, it's a new scary guy. ]

[Yanfei: Hiss, Ganyu's image in the game is always wearing this Xianyunliu suit? ]

[Yanfei: I, I have a bad feeling, what exactly is my image in the game...]

Let alone Yanfei, after seeing the game image of Ganyu, a non-loli character, many girls among the star users became nervous.

This screen, although there have been other female characters in the game before, but otherwise, like the captain Qin, Lei Dianying, who are acceptable, or Barbara, Nilu, who are performing, even Mona, the swimsuit-like clothes on her body are actually the orthodox uniforms of their school of astrologers.

But the situation is a little different now. As we all know, Ganyu is the secretary of the Seven Stars of Liyue. She has a high status and position in Liyue, but in the game, she wears such tattered clothes all day long. What's more, her clothes always seem to be a little short of the mark, which makes people want to cry. This fact has made many female star users who have not seen their game images on the screen, or have seen but not seen them clearly, a little panicked.

[Amber: Hmm, why does my image just flash by? I can't see what I look like in the game at all! ]

[Amber: Although I can see that it is the Knights' uniform I often wear, but... will it be the same as Captain Jean. ]

[Jin: My clothes...]

[Barbara: Mine are okay. They are my uniforms for performances. ]

[Yunjin: I hope that my clothes in the game are not too rude. ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: I can't bring shame to the family. ]

[Navia: Mine is fine. Although that outfit was designed by Chizhi, I can only wear it on special occasions... But it's nice to wear it all the time in the game. ]

[Alice: That's just the beginning. Usually, this kind of game will have summer limited edition swimsuit skins. ]

[Qin: ]

Qin can understand both words, but why are swimsuits and skins linked together?

[Ying: It's called swimsuit skins when the characters in the game are replaced with various swimsuits. ]

[Qin: What? ! Difficult, is there a scene where I work, work, and fight in a swimsuit? ]

Qin couldn't imagine that everyone in the Knights' Order would wear swimsuits, or other more unbearable clothes, openly walking around the streets of Mondstadt and interacting with people. That scene was a bit too advanced and completely beyond the imagination of her, a lady from a noble family.

【Ying: Believe me, there will be, otherwise I would not have seen such words as “I hope all players dress like human beings in the cutscenes” in other worlds before.】

! ! !

Good fellow, it turns out that there is something more exciting.

Qin, this honest child, can no longer imagine what kind of creatures players are. It feels a bit hard to describe that they are lawless.

In this regard, Xumi’s friends understand it more deeply.

After all, they have the void, which can be said to be the country closest to the concept of games from top to bottom. Even in terms of virtuality, Xumi has done more than real games in some aspects.

【Question: As the beginning of the story, how long did it take for the traveler to be tricked by Paimon to Mondstadt after he rescued Paimon, who was drowning despite being able to fly for some reason? 】

【A. Seven days】

【B. Half a month】

【C. One month】

【D. Two months】

【E. Three months】

【F. Half a year】

【System: This question

The difficulty is low, the answering method is to answer quickly, and all users can answer the question without restrictions. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Lisa: Although it is unlimited, everyone can answer quickly. ]

[Kaeya: Oh, isn't this limited to Paimon and the Traveler? Oh, Amber may be able to answer it. ]

[Amber: I won't rush for this, what if the reward is unlimited apple juice. ]

[Ying: That's right, Paimon can now eat unlimited sweet flower chicken at my place. If you can drink unlimitedly, then I don't have to worry about her living expenses of 300,000 Mora every month. ]

[Xiangling: 300,000 Mora? ? ? This, it seems that the plan to raise Paimon has to be abandoned. ]

[Paimon: Hey, what plan did you say? ! ]

[Xiangling: Hehe. ]

[Paimon: Hum, two months! ]

[Paimon: After I met the Traveler, it took two months before I arrived outside Mondstadt. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user Paimon with the five-star one-handed sword Sky Blade. ]

[Paimon: Ah (disappointed), why is it not an unlimited drinking reward? ]

Paimon really thought it would be an unlimited drinking reward limited to her and the Traveler. After all, the difficulty of this question was low, and even if she answered the question correctly the first time, she should theoretically get the highest level reward for this question, but this reward should not be considered high.

[Barbatos: Uh, how should I put it, this sword... ]

[Tevarin: How about you start with me? ]

[Wendy: If I'm not mistaken, Tevarin, this should be the material on you, right? ]

[Tevarin: Yes, I was just knocked down by you, and it's still warm. ]

[Barbara: Come to think of it, the reward I received on the first day, the bottle of the breath of the God of Wind, seemed to have appeared in my hand directly from Lord Wendy. ]

[Seno: Hmm, then the Mora in my hand...]

[Tinari: It seems that it was probably played with by the God of Rock the day before. ]

[Funina: This screen is sometimes quite good at taking advantage of you. ]

[Funina: Wait, it won't use my personal belongings as rewards in the future, right? ? ? ]

[Ying: If possible, I'll reserve one. ]

[Ying: Oh, by the way, I want one for Ying and Xiaocao too. ]

[Ying: ? ? ? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh, little guy, you are really brave. ]

[Nashida: Well, that, Traveler, when you come to Xumi, we can talk privately...]

Faced with the current wool-pulling behavior denounced by star users in the discussion area, the screen was like a bloodless and tearless self-discipline system, without a single reaction, still describing the specific functions of the rewards according to the established rules.

[System: Full refinement, full damage, full level, attack power 608, element charging efficiency 55.1%, weapon skill-piercing high sky teeth, critical strike rate increased by 8%; when casting elemental burst, gain the momentum of breaking through the air: movement speed increased by 10%, attack speed increased by 10%, normal attack and heavy attack hit, additional 40% attack power damage, lasting 12 seconds. ]

[System: The knight's sword symbolizing the honor of the wind dragon has now been recovered. The blessing of the wind god blows on the sword spine, containing the power of the sky and the long wind. ]

[System: Preface - The Wind Dragon was in a painful coma due to the poison that permeated its organs, and even the most eloquent poet did not know where Tevarin had gone. In a century-long slumber, the people of Mondstadt forgot the Wind Dragon's fight to the death. When Tevarin returned from enduring the poison that penetrated his bones, he did not hear the sound of his friend's piano. The people who had been protected now hurriedly fled and called him "the dragon". Honor will eventually be restored, and the poison will eventually be purified. The singer's melody will eventually awaken people's memories. This sword is a prayer for the Wind Dragon to restore his reputation. ]

[Paimon: Hmm, look, it looks so powerful... But. ]

[Paimon: But it seems that I can't use it. ]

All the audiences in Teyvat saw the live broadcast of the system awarding Paimon with a reward.

Naturally, everyone saw that little Paimon was not as good as the sword master. Even when the Sky Blade fell from the sky into Paimon's hands, Paimon, who was originally flying in the air, was dragged down by the Sky Blade and almost couldn't hold on to this one-handed sword.

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