The reward was given to me at once, and the reward I wanted most was given to me.

Seeing the rewards given on the screen, as well as the introduction of this small civilian-3 floating city, especially the "renovation precautions" that almost hit him in the face, Leosli, who was far away in Melo Petersburg, showed a playful smile on his face.

[Leosli: Wow, this screen really knows everything. ]

[Leosli: Give it to me right away, the reward I want most at the moment. ]

[Charlotte: Uh, why does Mr. Duke need this floating city... Could it be that Mr. Duke secretly trained an army in Melo Petersburg, and now he just needs such a floating castle to launch a blitz on Fontaine? ]

[Leosili: Ahem, you reporters are just thinking about making a big news. ]

[Leosili: Take a good look at the friendly reminder on this screen. ]

Leosili is now happy to laugh with Charlotte in the discussion area.

Although he is a little cynical and has no respect for Fontaine.

But Leosili knows that the answer he just tried out has a meaning that is too outrageous, which will have a great impact on the current situation in Fontaine.

Leosili doesn't really care whether Fontaine will be blown up or not.

However, at this critical moment, Leosili really doesn't want Fontaine to put its limited strength on internal disputes because of himself.

So Leosili, without any communication with Funina, also cooperated with Funina tacitly and chose to muddy the waters and let the matter of the Eye of God in the previous Q&A be dealt with first.

[Charlotte: Well, they are all related to population resettlement and transfer. ]

[Charlotte: Well, does the Duke want to transfer the population, or count in units of ten thousand... that prophecy? ! ]

[Leosli: That's right, you can say I'm worrying too much or I'm crazy, but under the water, the criminals in our Melo Petersburg have a much greater sense of crisis than you people on the water. I want to ensure that the people underwater can escape in time even if they face a crisis like the one in the prophecy. ]

[Ying: Hmm? So what is the prophecy you have been talking about since just now? ]

Ying, who is very good at grasping keywords, feels like she has discovered something. Maybe this unclear prophecy is the main line of her Fontaine chapter?

After all, isn't it like this in traditional RPGs? A very dangerous prophecy has been circulating in a certain place since ancient times, and then it happens that the protagonist wanders all the way to the local area and helps the local area solve the crisis in the prophecy.

As an old player who has completed all the Ys series, Ying said that he knows this routine very well.

[Linnie: Ah, let me explain this. ]

Linnie's eyes lit up when he saw the traveler's question.

Question: How to cover up a hot topic?

Answer: Cover it up with a more hot topic!

Having already got the answer he wanted, Linnie, like the Duke and Furninna, now needs others, at least most people, to ignore the previous video and Q&A.

As a magician, Linnie is very knowledgeable about people's psychology. He knows that openly stating the prophecy in the discussion area at this time may cause some commotion, but it will definitely make most people ignore the problems in the video and Q&A itself.

At this time, Linnie, who is counting on the rare serious Lady Furninna, like the gods of other countries, to be the main C, does not want Furninna to suffer any additional troubles.

At least that's the case now.

[Linnie: In our Fontaine, I don't know when, there is such a prophecy circulating... Well, it can't be said to be a prophecy, because this thing can actually be regarded as happening. ]

[Linnie: All Fontaine people are born with sin, no matter how the righteous country of Fontaine judges, it cannot be eliminated. ]

[Linnie: Until one day, the sea level of Fontaine will begin to rise, and the people carrying sins will gradually be submerged by the sea...]

[Linnie: In the end, everyone will dissolve in the sea, leaving only the water god crying on the throne, and only then... the sins of the Fontaine people will be washed away. ]

[Ying: Uh, how should I put it, your prophecy is too classic, so classic that I don't know how to complain about it. ]

[Linnie: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: Let me put it this way, I

I haven't played adventure RPG games before. I can't say that every one of them has similar prophecies, but if you watch them one by one, you will definitely miss some. 】

【Ying: By the way, as long as the creator of this game is a traditional game screenwriter, or the kind of guy who likes to pay tribute to classic old games, your prophecy will definitely come true. 】

【Alice: Just like if a gun appears in a certain shot in a movie, the gun will definitely fire in the next scene. 】

【Ying: It's about the same, and don't worry too much, because the next plot is generally the protagonist group and the locals working together to solve the crisis in the prophecy. 】


Seeing that this traveler, who has basically been appointed as the protagonist of the "Genshin Impact" game, has already put a final conclusion on the prophecy of the Fontaine region.

Now, the Fontaine people who didn't believe in this prophecy and were still heartless and having fun in the trial exploded.

Just as Linni expected, no one cares about the problem of Funina's Eye of God anymore.

Thanks to the nonsense and substitution of the previous few people, most of the Fontaine audience currently think that it is just an ordinary prop in a musical, and it is not as important as the prophecy that concerns the future life and death of all the people of Fontaine, which was chosen by the traveler.

The people in the Fontaine area were in a commotion, and it was obvious that they were a little flustered by this sudden attack.

[Funina: Ah~, this, how should I put it, although I am very grateful for the traveler's insights on the prophecy of my country, but next time, I hope you can be more tactful...]

[Funina: Now even the defendant and the plaintiff who are on trial have begun to gather together to discuss this matter harmoniously. ]

Funina joined in at the right time and muddied the water thoroughly. She took the initiative to talk about the prophecy. Others ignored the scene in the video where she obtained the Eye of God. At this time, even the servants took the initiative to help, and by the way, they were also testing Funina.

[Servant: Then please don't be leisurely, Lord Water God, okay? Even the orphans of the Hearth House are working hard for their hometown, but the Water God has been so leisurely that it is shocking. 】

[Servant: Sorry, I don't mean to blame the Water God, nor do I want to destroy the diplomatic relations between Fontaine and Winter. I just suggest that the Water God take some practical actions from the perspective of a foreign friend. 】

[Funina: ······]

[Funina: I have not been leisurely, and I have not despised the prophecy, but I can promise that as long as I continue like this, I will not be ashamed of anyone! 】

Although Funina is now a big star and mascot in Fontaine, in the original work, before the subsequent series of missing girls and the most critical fact that the Fontaine people are easily soluble in water were made public, her words as a dignified Water God still had weight.

The Fontaine people, who were already a little agitated, slowly calmed down when they saw their own Water God's promise in the discussion area.

"If Lady Funina says that, I should be relieved."

"Yes, Lady Funina is the embodiment of justice, the water god who can judge the gods. Since she said so, then everything must be fine!"

"No matter how unreliable she is, Lady Funina is the water god of our Fontaine people after all, and she won't joke about such things."

Funina smiled confidently on the surface, but in her heart she looked at the Fontaine people who were whispering and looking at her with trusting eyes, and she could only look forward to it loyally in her heart.

The self in the mirror can give some help.


Funina glanced at Navilet who was looking at her expressionlessly as always, and remembered the correct answer to the question on the screen just now, which was to send her the Eye of God in the future.

The grand trial should be presided over by Navilet.

Funina was a little uncertain, but after the question just now, she herself was inclined to this possibility.

So Violet saw that there was an inexplicable expectation in the eyes of Funina looking at him.

? ? ?

What is this guy going to do?

Is he expecting to solve the prophecy himself?

Are you kidding? He is the Water Dragon King. It is already very good for him to be the Supreme Judge here for your face. Do you still think that he can save you enemies in return?

This is simply not--

Vilet recalled the things he encountered in the past four hundred years as the Supreme Judge in Fontaine, and the people and Melusine he met.

The appearance of Carolee, Watling and Melusine flashed in his mind.

He gradually understood something in his heart, as if he had figured it out.

The plan of the "Water God".

So that's how it is. With more than 400 years of experience, even I have changed...

[Ying: Ahaha, sorry, sorry, I almost forgot that facing such a prophecy in reality, especially a confirmed doomsday prophecy, seems to be very easy to cause panic. ]

[Navia: Dissolved in the sea...dissolved into water...]

[Navia: Well, I always feel that I will catch some clues soon, damn it. ]

Seeing the speech of his silly niece in the discussion area, Marcelle, or rather, Vasai who used the pseudonym Marcelle, felt a throbbing in his heart.

For the past 20 years, he has been able to continue to commit crimes, lay a foundation, and have a strict organization. In particular, he has been able to continue to commit such a serious case of serial disappearances of girls without being discovered, relying on caution.

Over the years, even if there is only a little possibility of being exposed or discovered, he will immediately nip it in the bud.

It is better to kill three thousand people by mistake than to let one go. This is what he is like.

Now seeing that Navia, this "idiot", is just like her father and has discovered something wrong, Marcelle's first thought is to deal with Navia like he dealt with Carres.

"Deal with Navia tonight... No, it's too impatient. This silly woman is now a star user of this screen. If she suddenly disappears, it will be too conspicuous and easily attract more attention... Tsk, why is it at this time?"

Vashie was very anxious. According to his original practice, he should find a way to dissolve Navia with the water of the original fetal sea tonight.

But in this situation, Vashie can guarantee that if Navia disappears at night just after the prophecy is mentioned on the screen during the day, even Arawaki Ito in this discussion area will find that something is wrong.

In particular, there will always be some water marks left at the scene of the dissolved person, which is more likely to trigger people's associations.

"Damn it, what should I do now? Run away? No, my research results can only be carried out in Fontaine. If I run away now, Viniel will never have the hope of coming back!"

In the darkness, Vashie's expression was very ferocious.

Although his research has basically not made any progress in the past 20 years, it cannot be said that there is no gain in how to save people dissolved by the water of the original fetal sea, but it can only be said that the method of dissolving people is getting more and more skilled.

On the contrary, the business of the byproduct Les is getting bigger and bigger, and it has already penetrated into the upper class of Fontaine, making some wealthy businessmen and nobles also addicted to this stimulating drink.

But compared to getting rich, Vashie wants Viniel to come back more, and he has no other thoughts.

However, even so, Vashie still did not give up his research, and went all the way on the crooked road. Even now facing the signs of possible exposure, Vashie's first thought is not to run away, but to kill Navia who found something wrong and continue to cover up his evil deeds.

"Tsk, it's all because of this screen that suddenly appeared. Damn it, damn it, damn it. If there hadn't been this screen, my plan would have been going smoothly!"

Vashie didn't seem to understand what it meant to not curse the company of social software while running large social software. It can only be said that the people of Teyvat have no idea that software companies leave backdoors in their own software to collect data in the information age.

Not to mention that cautious guys like Vashie didn't realize it, even some smart people in the discussion area didn't even think of it now. At most, they were concerned that this screen was broadcast to the whole continent, so some words were not posted.

But what they ordered or talked about in private, they didn't think that it might be heard by the screen.

In this regard, only a few people like Nashida, who have been exposed to similar products like the Void, instinctively cover up some inconvenient content not only in front of the screen, but also in private.

The screen was just like yesterday, giving the Teyvat viewers some time to digest today's video content, as well as the Q&A and rewards. After a full half hour, the prompt popped up.

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