The truth is that the film was shot, but the film was shot.

It turns out that Funina was too early to release it.

How could a woman like Lezi be satisfied with just showing a video that made her sweat?

Then there must be a question and answer to finish the job.

[Question: Who gave Ms. Funina the Eye of God in the video? 】

【A. Egolia】

【B. Fukaros】

【C. Xingqiu】

【D. Coral Palace Heart Sea】

【E. Navilette】

【F. Asmodeus】

【System: This question is difficult, and the answer method is to answer quickly. Only users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...】

? ? ?

What the hell?

This is almost the first thought of most viewers.

This question is really hard to understand.

If you say that Funina will get the Eye of God in the future, then the premise is that Funina herself is not a god, but a human, so she can get the Eye of God.

If you understand it from the perspective of the plot arrangement of the musical, it is simply in the musical. Who "issues" the Eye of God to Funina...

In fact, it is not impossible, but will such a nonsensical question appear on this screen?

The Eye of God, which was previously ignored by everyone because of the tacit understanding of some star users in the Fontaine region in the discussion area and was only regarded as a prop needed on the stage, has now entered everyone's field of vision.

What exactly happened in the future? Why would Lady Funina, the water god, be given the Eye of God?

And let's take a look at the options here.

Let's not talk about the two foreigners, Xingqiu and Coral Palace Xinhai. Maybe they will really come to Fontaine in the future and participate in the musical in which Funina participates as a friend to help.

What are Egolia and Fukaros?

Egolia is the name of the first water god, who died in the Battle of Kanreya five hundred years ago. No matter how you think about it, it should not be the correct answer?

But this name appears here again, which makes people wonder whether it is the fall of Lady Egolia, and there is also a hidden story in it. Is Lady Egolia not really dead?

If the option of Egolia may have a secret of the god level that is unknown to the public, then the option of Fukaros is even more confusing.

Lady Funina's original demon name is Fukaros, right?

Then why did she single this name out?

Could it be that the little reporter from Steambird News really hit the nail on the head, and Lady Funina played a trick of the water god giving Funina the Eye of God?

As for Funina herself, she almost couldn't even hold back her expression.

She had planned everything, but she didn't expect that there would be such a question on the screen to backstab her.


Doesn't this increase her risk of being exposed? !

What's the difference between this question and calling her Funina a human, not a god?

But wait!

Looking at this question, Funina recalled the Eye of God that fell from the sky and belonged to "her" in the previous video.

As the most famous and dedicated actor in Fontaine, Funina has reflected every scene and every detail of the previous video in her mind. She quickly found the style of the Eye of God, and like Lini, she noticed the difference between it and the current Fontaine style Eye of God.

‘There are four more horns, no, it should be... Dragon Teeth? And the options in this question... Although it is not clear what the other me's plan is, could it be that after sacrificing myself, I finally gave the position of the God of Water to Navilette? ’

Although Funina looks silly in the original work, she is not stupid.

Having been with Navilette for five hundred years, although Funina does not know the real plan of Fukaros, now with so many known conditions, Funina can roughly deduce some things.

‘First see if the answer to this question is Navilette. If it is Navilette, it means that my reasoning is correct. ’

‘If it wasn’t Villette, but Lady Fukaros or Lady Egolia, then we have to think from another angle, but Dragon Fang... shouldn’t be possible. ’

‘Do you want to answer it first? ’

‘No, no, anyone can answer this question first, but I can’t, especially I can’t answer it correctly. ’

Funina thought about it and made a decision in an instant, and put on a boastful and arrogant expression on her face again.

Not to mention, her expression really worked. The audience in the Opikle Opera House saw their water god’s familiar expression.

Feelings, don't worry about other things, and it stabilized all of a sudden.

That is to say, how could Lady Funina be a human? This is simply nonsense, just like the first generation of gods, the God of Wind, was kicked away by someone, and he had no money compared to the God of Rock who made Mora, which was used throughout the continent, and the God of Thunder who was serious and cold-faced was actually a homegirl who loved to eat desserts and read light novels, and the wise God of Grass liked to go to the toilet when he relaxed.

Just like what she often did in the past five hundred years, after temporarily fooling the people of Fontaine and letting them put down their guesses about their true identities, Funina looked at Navilet with a little expectation.

Navilet felt that Funina's eyesight was a lot strange, which made Navilet a little puzzled, wondering what tricks Funina was going to do.

He was a man of special nature. He was not as attentive to the screen as others, and he was not as attentive to the future or secrets. Just now, Villette's attention was more focused on the trial going on below. He did not notice some details in the video, such as the dragon teeth around the Eye of God, like Funina or Lini.

But when this question was answered, he would probably realize what Funina's eyes meant.

[Xingqiu: Why am I here? ]

[Coral Palace Heart Sea: An unimagined road. ]

[Goro: Lord Coral Palace is the pillar of our Kaigi Island. How could he go to Fontaine to perform in a musical? ]

[Coral Palace Heart Sea: But if the traveler came to Inazuma first and calmed the war between Kaigi Island and the shogunate, I might really be able to travel abroad. ]

[Wendy: Uh, wait, am I dazzled? ]

[Wendy: Hiss, this is really... ]

[Ying: Hmm? Who did you see? ]

[Wendy: Traveler, do you still remember the strange white-haired god on the Sky Island who separated you and your brother? ]

[Ying: Hmm? Hmm? ! Don't tell me she's one of these options? Which one is it? ]

[Wendy: Oh my god, there's really no response even if I say it here, nice! ]

[Ying: ? ? ? ]

[Wendy: Traveler, you have to know that although I'm known as the freest and best bard in Teyvat, some things will be punished immediately even if you say them out loud, let alone arrange them into poems. ]

[Ying: So that's the case? ! ]

[Ying: Wait, could it be that the seven rulers I met during my original journey knew the questions I was going to ask, but they all fooled me? ]

[Wendy: The old man next door and I should know, but the others may not. ]

[Wendy: But I didn't expect to see this name here. Don't stop me. I'm so stifled. I want to say it out loud! ]

[Wendy: Asmodeus, Asmodeus, Asmodeus...]

Well, Ying at least figured out what the name of the strange white-haired god who stopped her and her brother and beat them up for no reason was.

Ying herself is not stupid. She has made up for the basic knowledge and common sense of Teyvat in the past few days. She has roughly guessed that none of the seven rulers of the mortal world should be the white-haired god.

After all, there can't be any ruler of the mortal world who has nothing to do just after fighting a fierce battle in Kanria and then runs to Sky Island to stop people.

And although she is not bragging, she is still quite powerful when she is with her brother. If the one who stopped them was really a ruler who had just experienced a war that was enough to make a god fall, he couldn't stop them at all.

Although she didn't know who the white-haired god was, he was in good condition when she first met him. Well, at least it looked like that. He was also overwhelming her brother and sister, which basically ruled out the possibility of the Seven Consuls.

Although she understood this, she still had to continue her journey. After all, the statues of gods in each country would unlock part of the power sealed in her body, which forced Ying to visit each country one by one.

Since she had to visit each country, she might as well visit the Seven Consuls of the Earthly World and ask some questions. It would be a matter of convenience.

But she didn't expect that before she left the first country Mondstadt and went to the next country Liyue, Ying had already known the name of the white-haired god through this strange screen and the wind god next to her, who was flushed and excited, as if he had been suppressed for many years.

Judging from what Wendy said in the discussion area just now, he must have really been holding back for thousands of years and didn't dare to tell the secrets of Sky Island.

Now she suddenly found a tree hole where she could vent at will,

And after venting, since Sky Island is obviously a place where nothing can be done, Wendy naturally wants to vent.

[Wendy: Phew, I feel relieved. ]

[Ying: It's just a name, do you have to? ]

[Wendy: I ​​used to get scolded for mentioning her name casually. ]

[Ying: Ah, Sky Island is so unreasonable? ]

[Apep: Yes. ]

[Fire Dragon King: Yes. ]

[Navilet: Yes. ]

[Ruotu Dragon King: Yes. ]

[Zhongli: ·······]

[Liuyun: Dragon King? Are you awake? ]

[Ruotu Dragon King: I am awake. ]

[Ruotu Dragon King: Morax, I will bury your ancestors! ]

[Aping: It seems that you are not awake yet. ]

[Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun: I don't know if this screen will help the Dragon King's reward. ]

[Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun: No matter what, we have to give it a try. ]

[Ying: I always feel that... the question I asked has blown up many big guys. ]

[Wendy: Ahem, in short, I am also sensible. It's just a name. I won't tell other really deadly secrets, even here. ]

[Wendy: But you can rule out Asmodeus as an option. Anyway, it shouldn't be her turn to send the Eye of God to Funina. ]

If Asmodeus is awake and pays attention to Fontaine's current situation, it's good enough that she didn't get angry and take the initiative to deal with Funina. Can we still expect her to send the Eye of God to Funina?


If we talk about another function of the Eye of God, it's not impossible for her to give the Eye of God to Funina... No, she doesn't have the authority in this regard.

Thinking of the situation of the owner of the Eye of God after death, Wendy was a little unsure for a while.

However, this is the dignified God of Wind, one of the Seven Lords of the Earth, and the first generation of gods. He can listen to all the words in the world that melt into the wind and know all the secrets of the world. The gods personally ruled out the options, so everyone naturally believed it.

Because of the content exposed in the video, the locals of Fontaine saw the most doubts, and for a while they were not in the mood to discuss it in the discussion area. On the contrary, the star users outside Fontaine did not think so much, or simply realized it but did not say it. They simply analyzed it from the two perspectives of musicals and problems, and for a while they were quite enthusiastic.

[Yun Jin: If this is just a simple musical, according to my experience, Mr. Xingqiu and Miss Xinhai cannot be ruled out. ]

[Ni Lu: Indeed, no one knows who the busy behind-the-scenes staff on the stage will be. ]

[Kaia: If it is not a musical, well, the above two can actually be ruled out? ]

[Yae Kami: Oh, I don't know much about Xingqiu, but as for Coral Palace Xinhai, hehe, she is the living god priestess of Haigi Island, and in a sense, the successor of Oropus. ]

[Yae Kami: She is a big figure that I, a small priestess with both beauty and wisdom, cannot compare to~. ]

[Yae Kami: Theoretically, if the position of the God of Water is vacant, Oropus also has some rights to claim. ]

[Colai: Oropus? Sorry, I, I am not knowledgeable enough. Is this a famous figure? ]

[Falusan: Well, although this is not my research field, I remember seeing it before. It seems that it was the demon god that Inazuma defeated? ]

[Colai: Huh? The successor of the demon god? ]

[Coral Palace Xinhai: You need to be cautious when listening to what Yae Kami says. 】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Because according to this logic, Lord Yae Palace Master can also be regarded as the successor of General Raiden. 】

【Yae Shenzi: Yes, so can I take the position of General of Aying for two days? 】

【Ying: ······】

【Ningguang: In this case, the discussion is completely meaningless. So far, we can only rule out the option of Asmodeus that Lord Fengshen has ruled out for us. 】

Indeed, after discussing for a long time, everyone has realized it.

This video is completely different from the previous videos. It is not a real machine demonstration screen, but a way of oral narration by others.

The performance form of musicals destined that the content of this video cannot be believed all at once, but must be adopted selectively.

And it is also because of the performance form of musicals as artistic works that it is difficult to remove any option.

After realizing this, the smart people in the discussion area simply shut up.

They knew that it was time for another group of "kind people" to help.

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