The first time, the second time.

In the discussion area, Ara Taki Ichito was happy to get a 15-day luxury single room, plus nutritious and free three meals a day, and even new clothes.

——Although he himself seemed to be very ungrateful.

On the screen, with the last Bilibili logo flashing, the third video of the day was finally played.

It did not disappoint people. As always, this screen revealed a lot of top-secret secrets in the video, even buried in history.

Especially for the existence of Thor, now including Inazuma, the audiences of seven countries have their own speculations.

Anyway, the Thunder God is definitely not as simple as he seems to be alone. Looking at the changes in the tone and attitude in the discussion area, and the two purple beauties with completely different styles in the video, there should be at least two or three Thunder Gods, right?

Especially the locals of Inazuma, considering the long-standing good tradition of shadow warriors in their own culture, their guesses are very close to reality.

Of course, reasoning and speculation can be put off tonight, when all the videos on the screen today are played.

Now, everyone's attention is on the question and answer questions about the third video that this observatory will release soon.

[Question: In this video, what is the name of the mysterious woman in white and purple kimono that the God of Thunder wants to touch:]

[A. Thunder Movie]

[B. Raiden Shin]

[C. Raiden General]

[D. Raiden Mei]

[E. Herrscher of Thunder]

[System: The difficulty of this question is medium, and the answer method is quick response. Only users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Alice: Tsk, this system, three-star users have no human rights!]

[Ying: Uh, well, Ms. Alice should be because she hasn't appeared in the game yet, but she is an important character, so she is only a three-star character now?]

[Ying: After all, the star ratings of the previous friends of Liyue have changed.]

[Fire Dragon King:... (Looking at himself) It's very likely.]

[Rich man: No wonder. ]

[Doctor: So among the executives, only Sanbing and Gongzi are five-star users, and we are all three-star users. ]

[Alice: Tsk, I should have known not to leave Mondstadt at this time, otherwise I would have been able to get a five-star template in the early stage of the game. ]

[Uncle Tian: Uh, so I am three-star because of this? ]

No, because you are a passerby model.

Everyone is still very interested in what criteria are used to determine their user level.

At present, the biggest basis is naturally the star rating of the character in the game, but other factors seem to be involved.

At least Ying doesn't understand how Paimon, who is obviously positioned as a mascot, got the five-star user privileges.

It's impossible that Paimon, a sparrow that can't even beat a wild boar, can get a five-star self-machine character, right?

As for this question...

In fact, many people have guessed that the correct answer is B, and Raiden is really.

After all, although this question does not reveal any valid information in the relevant video, and there are still five alternative answers.

But slightly combined with the name used by the Thunder God who spoke in the discussion area before, it is called Thunder Movie.

Based on the content of the video, it is bold to guess whether there are two generations of Thunder God, and the two generations of Thunder God are sisters. It is because of the death of the sisters that the current Thunder God is so shocked and has the idea of ​​freezing time like eternity.

Based on the above more reliable speculation, the more appropriate name corresponding to the Thunder Movie should be Raiden Zhenle.

It can't be the latter three, right?

Raiden General is okay, at least it is one of the names of Thunder God, but it is more of a nickname than a name.

And the character of Raiden General himself, judging from the comments in the discussion area, is also the kind of mechanical, which is somewhat inconsistent with the image of the gentle kimono woman in the video.

As for Raiden Mei and Thunder Herrscher, it is even more of a joke, the style of painting is completely different.

Although no one can guarantee that this is the correct answer before the real answer comes out, it is already a very likely answer. Logically speaking, for the sake of the reward, it is okay to rush here.

However, in this case, even the few people in the Fatui who are qualified to answer the questions did not risk completely angering

The risk of the Thunder God to answer the question.

Well, actually, it can't be said that way.

The son is in charge of Liyue affairs and doesn't want to interfere with Inazuma's affairs.

The lady is still under punishment and has no time to answer the questions.

The cannon who wants to take revenge on Lei Dianying the most, um, Sanbing.

Although he wants to take revenge on Lei Dianying, he doesn't want to appear to be familiar with this guy in public.

Compared to annoying that woman, Sanbing can't accept that others think that he and Lei Shen have a close relationship.

Under this contradictory mentality, there is no rush to answer.

As for the four-star and five-star users in other countries who are qualified to answer the questions, how to say it, those who guessed the answer don't want to provoke the bad feelings of General Lei Dian, and those who didn't guess the answer are still thinking hard.

The only two remaining who know the answer are Yae Shenzi and Lei Dianying...

Yae Shenzi glanced at her bestie calmly, simply raised her little head proudly, closed her eyes, and said that she would not answer.

Seeing the familiar posture of his family, Lei Dianying flashed through his mind the image of the other party diving headfirst into the snow when hunting in winter when he was young. Lei Dianying was happy at first, then sighed tiredly, but at least his mood was not as depressed as when he first saw Zhen.

[Lei Dianying: The answer is B, my sister, Raiden Zhen. ]

Forget it, the screen has already pointed out the name. Instead of letting others say or guess Zhen's name, Lei Dianying didn't want to make such a cowardly choice. She chose to face her inner fragility and say Zhen's name.

[Kujo Sara: General...]

Well, General Raiden's answer, from another angle, confirmed the speculation that many people had analyzed when watching the video before, that there are two generations of Thunder Gods, and they are twin sisters.

[System: Answer correctly, reward the distinguished five-star user Lei Dianying, the unique skill of the Naruto world, the outer way of reincarnation, the natural art (system version) (1/1). ]

[System: Outer Path·Reincarnation Art. When used, summon Hades, let Hades stand up and open his mouth, release countless souls of the dead, and return the souls to the dead, so as to revive the dead. ]

[System: This technique originally cost the life of the caster. After system modification, this version of Outer Path·Reincarnation Art is adapted to the special natural environment of Teyvat. When used, it can consume a large amount of faith power and high-quality elemental power to recall the soul of the dead from the memory of the earth vein. The caster does not need to sacrifice his own life, but correspondingly, the caster needs to prepare the corresponding soul carrier in advance. ]

[System: Friendly reminder, the dead resurrected by this technique, even if there is no soul carrier, their souls themselves have a certain activity and will not be recalled by the earth vein in a short time, but the essence of the soul is still relatively fragile, please consider it carefully. ]

[Lei Movie: !!! ]

【Yae Shenzi: Oh, although there is a limit on the number of uses, this is really a suitable reward. 】

【Lisa: I was thinking before that the punishment and reward of this screen for us answerers are very targeted. 】

Seeing Lisa's speech.

Barbara looked at the Wind God Breath Bottle in her hand.

Seno remembered the emperor playing with Mora in exchange for the limited edition Seven Saints Summoning Card.

Manye remembered the Teyvat Omelette that just resurrected his best friend.

Ara Taki Ito remembered the animal bone ramen that solved his three meals a day problem.

Ying remembered the unlimited supply of sweet flower stuffed chicken that could greatly reduce Paimon's living expenses.


【Manye: Indeed, although it is not clear what the purpose of this screen is, I am really grateful for it. 】

【Barbara: This must be a gift from the wind god Barbatos. ]

[Wendy: Uh, I wish he could give me endless cider. ]

[Barbara: I'll prepare it right away. ]

[Wendy: You don't have to do that...]

[Dolly: Indeed, indeed - I made a lot of money, huhuhu, hehehe!!! ]

[Aratake Ichito: I can spend less time working part-time and spend more time on more meaningful insect-fighting. ]

[Kyuki Shinobu: No, that's meaningless. ]

[Alice: Tsk, I still can't accept that I'm a Samsung user. ]

[Alice: But this reward is very matching with yours, which is also normal. ]

[Alice: After all, the audience likes to watch this. ]

Alice didn't explain who the audience she was talking about was, and many people guessed who the other party was talking about, frowned, but soon relaxed the worry between their brows.

After all, it is not a dimension. If it is really a problem, then

That's just groundless worry.

As for more people, they didn't understand at all, or simply didn't care about it.

Lei Dianying, who had just received the reward, suppressed the consciousness of General Lei Dian, who had come up with some ideas, and looked at Yae Shenzi for help.

Seeing his best friend's familiar little appearance that he hadn't seen for five hundred years, Yae Shenzi rolled his eyes: "Okay, don't worry about it, this reward should be used to revive Master Lei Dian Zhen."

Having said that, Yae Shenzi changed his tone: "Or, this is the only chance, you want to use it to experiment and verify whether this technique is true? Are there any hidden dangers?"


Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Lei Dianying subconsciously and decisively refused, and then seemed to realize something and explained it.

"Even if this strange screen has a back-up plan, if Zhen is here, it will be properly resolved."

What's more, she had witnessed with her own eyes that Wan Ye used the Teyvat Omelette rewarded by this screen to revive the challenger whose vitality was annihilated by her. At that time, she did feel that the ground veins under her feet had some abnormal movements.

If this Outer Path·Reincarnation Art is just as described on the screen, it should be the same principle as that of the strange Teyvat Omelette.

It's just that the Teyvat Omelette can only save the dead who have just died and still have a body that can "eat", while this Outer Path·Reincarnation Art can revive those who have long been annihilated and disappeared in history.

She hesitated just now, not because she was worried that this reward could not revive Zhen, but because she was hesitant about whether it would be a bit bad to revive Zhen in this way without considering Kitsai Palace and the others.

"You are still the same. You are so decisive in the battle, but you keep hesitating about this kind of thing."

Seeing his best friend Lei Dianying's unbecoming appearance, Yae Shenzi said unhappily: "Didn't you also say that this screen gives you a feeling that is more inviolable than the law of nature? As long as it is still there, the possibility of the resurrection of the fox palace lady and others will always be there."

After Yae Shenzi's reminder, Lei Dianying also reacted.

Indeed, this chance of resurrection is not just this time. As long as you actively participate in answering questions like this time, you will definitely have a chance to get new resurrection rewards.

Apart from other things, this screen has only been on the scene for two days, with a total of eight videos, and two of the rewards are related to resurrection.

It seems that the explosion rate of rewards related to resurrection in this question-and-answer session is really high.

Or in other words, these answerers are also very miserable, and they all have relatives and friends who want to be resurrected very much.

In this case, they should also correct their attitude towards the screen.

Although they valued this strange and powerful screen before, they also made up their minds to participate in the so-called answering questions carefully.

But now, not only should they completely put down their guard and precautions, but they should also actively participate in the answering of the screen, and not be lazy like before.

And combined with the previous traveler, and the few words revealed by Ms. Alice, their speeches in the discussion area, and their reactions in reality, they should try not to suppress their feelings.

After all, these should be the "audience"'s favorite to watch?

As the editor-in-chief of Yaetang, Yae Shenzi made the above guess.

"I understand, Shenzi, please pay attention to the following video, and tell the three magistrates to organize the people who are qualified to answer questions in Inazuma as soon as possible, but they cannot rob the other party's rewards. They should try to exchange them with corresponding treasures, and even if the other party is unwilling to exchange rewards, they cannot force them."

"Okay, don't meddle in this matter. I am better at handling this matter than you."

If it is really completely in accordance with Lei Dianying's idea, it is so simple to organize the star users in Inazuma. Even if she says that the exchange of rewards is free, with her, the general of thunder and lightning, on top, how can it be truly voluntary.

This guy is still the same as before, not good at dealing with interpersonal communication and other things. Interpersonal relations are not such a simple thing.

It really needs to call the little fox Kamisato Ayato here. This kind of thing should be handed over to the right person.

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