The heart of God is not important to the first generation of rulers. Even if they are not the first generation of rulers, as long as they are strong enough, the heart of God is not important. After all, they are demon gods first, and they have great power, not because of the heart of God. So people like Ying, Zhongli and Venti have a dispensable attitude towards the heart of God. In the past, they may have paid more attention to it because of the supervision of the law of heaven, but now the law of heaven is asleep, who cares about this unfortunate thing? Especially the heart of God itself is not very auspicious. [Ying: That thing, I threw it to the son of God a long time ago. ]

[Yae Godson: Tsk tsk, you throw all these bad luck to me, why don't you let me sit in the position of general for two days? ]

[General Thunder: Hmm? ]

[Vendy: Ahem, my God's Heart was really taken away by the lady, force majeure (helpless)! ]

[Lady: ...Barbatos, can you have some shame? You suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, no one touched you, and suddenly lay there, and the God's Heart was thrown out, did you ask us to take it? ! ]

[Barbara: Unforgivable, fools! ]

[Lady: Hey, you don't listen to me! ]

[Zhongli: Well, I exchanged it for a month of Liuli Pavilion and a contract, which is not bad. ]

[Ningguang: The emperor thinks that the deal is worthwhile, so he will not suffer a loss. ]

【Funina: If the Fatui can provide assistance with the Fontaine prophecy, I think my Heart of God will also be exchanged, right? 】

Funina felt that if she didn't say something at this time, it might be a bit out of place, but she now had a good idea of ​​where the Heart of God of Water was.

In the past two days, as long as there were no trials and performances, she and Villette were checking the Cardinal of Oracles and Judgments. It was only last night that an emergency occurred and they had to deal with the Fontaine people who were marching, otherwise there should have been a result long ago.

【Nashida: Well, originally, in fate, I guess my Heart of God should have been exchanged for some knowledge that I was interested in. 】

【Doctor: Haha, I think I know how to get it. 】

【Guobeng: Dotole, so you know how to get the Heart of God of Grass, and you let me take the blame? You bastard is really bad. 】

【Doctor: Ha, the wisdom of mortals. 】

【God of Fire: Whoever fights with me, I will give it to him when I feel comfortable! ]

[Ying: Good fellow, is Nata going to hold the first and last battle for the Heart of the God of Fire? ]

[Young Master: Report, I apply to go to Nata! ]

[Rooster: I don't want to stop working for a whole day. ]

[Lady: Wait a minute, I'm not dead yet. ]

The clown on the screen didn't know how much trouble his inspiring speech had caused in reality.

At this time, the scene turned to the starry sky with aurora flashing unique to the north.

However, only a few of the audience knew that this beautiful starry sky was false, and it was the fate set for them by heaven.

But even if it was a false starry sky, this beautiful aurora was not false, it was a promise that a girl had not fulfilled.

Seeing this aurora, the servant in reality was in a trance for a moment, as if he remembered the promise he had made.

Below the starry sky was a castle in the style of winter, and the clown's voice came like a narration, full of emotion and bewitching.

"Absolute peace, this is the Queen's gift, this is the Queen's mercy."

As the clown spoke, endless ice began to spread from the gate of the castle, gradually covering the entire land, and countless icicles protruded from the ground, turning this place into an ice kingdom.

[Ying: Uh, I decided not to go to the winter for the time being. To be honest, I am a little afraid of the cold. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Are you sure you are just afraid of the cold? ]

[Gongzi: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. The Queen is a very good god and a great existence that protects the entire winter. ]

[Ying: I understand the truth, but before I unseal the fire element, I will never go to the Ice God. My body can't stand it. ]

[Barnabas: ? ? ? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh, little guy, you are very brave~. ]

[Barnabas: What does this mean? ]

[Baalzebub: Same question. 】

【Rooster: Uh, this...】

【Kitsunayagiya: Hiss, Ying still doesn't know this knowledge? Shenzi, what have you been doing for hundreds of years? 】

【Yae Shenzi: It's none of my business. Ying has been

I am in autism, and I can't help it. ]

[Clown: This is the traveler's fear of your power, the supreme queen. ]

[Rich man: @Ying, I'll give you 5 million Mora, and quickly skip this topic. ]

[Ying: 10 million. ]

[Rich man: Deal! ]

"Although you sleep in this coffin, you sleep in the ice..."

The scene returns to the place where the lady's coffin is placed in the palace. Here, like the outside, it is covered with a layer of dreamy colorful ice.

The Hellfire Butterfly that appeared at the beginning of the video flew into the camera from the left side of the screen, hovering, and slowly fell to the corner of the coffin.

At this moment, even the clown's voice became low, as if expressing his condolences.

"But, Rosaline, I promise you..."

The Hellfire Butterfly that landed on the lady's coffin finally couldn't hold on, just like when the lady died, it turned into sparks all over the sky, and finally burned without even a trace of ash.

"Your coffin will be the entire old world!"

[Lady: Ah, this (sorry), although I am very grateful for your funeral and condolences... But it is indeed a bit strange to watch my own funeral now. ]

[Walnut: Don't worry, lady, our Wangsheng Hall promises that we can definitely give you something more exciting than this. ]

[Lady: Although I don't want to die for the time being... But tell me about it. ]

[Walnut: Zhongli will blow the trumpet himself, and Wendy will carry the coffin himself. ]

[Lady: Deal! ]

[Lady: No need to continue to understand, I will place an order now. ]

[Rich man: +1, count me in. ]

[Xianyun: No, disrespect to the immortal master! You... ahem, how many Mora? ]

[Ganyu: Master Liuyun? ? ? ]

[Xiao: ·······]

[Ningguang: This is a bit impolite. ]

[Hutao: I'll just ask you if you want to buy it. ]

[Ningguang: Buy it. ]

[Chongyun: This, this really won't make the emperor angry? ]

[Zhongli: Haha, it doesn't matter. Zhongli is a guest official of the Rebirth Hall. It is reasonable to provide services to the Rebirth Hall to the best of his ability. ]

[Ying: Zhongli, I always feel that you will regret this sentence in the future. ]

[Zhongli: I gave up treatment after this screen appeared. ]

[Wendy: I ​​understand this very well. I am the first victim. ]

[Wendy: But when did I join the Rebirth Hall? ]

[Barbara: That's right, Ms. Walnut, please don't mess around -]

[Walnut: Three bottles of apple wine for one work. ]

[Wendy: Five bottles. ]

[Walnut: Deal. ]

[Wendy: Look at you, I promise to do everything for you. There is nothing that I, the best bard in Teyvat, can't play or sing! ]

[Madam: Wake up, you are the one carrying the coffin. ]

[Wendy: ? ? ? ! ! ! ]

[Zhongli: Excuse me. ]

[Barbara: ······I want to know the price of related services. ]

With the last promise made by the clown to Rosaline in the coffin, the screen gradually turned black in the passionate music, leaving only a little fire still stubbornly showing its existence.

Finally, the huge "Genshin Impact" logo appeared, occupying the center of the screen.

But just when everyone thought that the video was over, unexpectedly, a girl's gentle voice came from the dark screen.

Is there an Easter egg?

[Ying: Huh? It's my favorite Easter egg part! ]

[Servant: This voice...]

[Young Master: Ah, it's the guy I don't understand. ]

[Girl: ? ? ? ]

"Doctor, you look very young today?"

Then, a young man's voice came from the dark screen.

"You know, this sentence is not flattering to me."

Hearing this answer, the female voice just now asked: "Where is the [Slice] in its heyday now?"

[Guobeng: Tsk, this voice, I will never forget it even if I turn into ash, not to mention that I just became a little younger. Dotole, which slice of yours is it? ]

[Dotole: Uh, it's the third slice I disposed of the day before yesterday. ]

[Guobeng: ? ? ? ]

[Dottore: There were some minor incidents, but I've already dealt with them. ]

[Nashida: I see, is it because of the video and information in the discussion forum a few days ago? ]

[Ying: Good guy, the boss is weakened by the void in advance, right? ]

[Buyer: Hmm, is the significance of this kind of easter egg to pave the way for the plot of Xumi and increase the fun of the players? ]

[Ying: As expected of the God of Wisdom, he said such a calm and distracting thing. ]


Da: It's not surprising. After all, judging from the information revealed in this video, this should be the time period when your journey in Inazuma has ended and your journey in Xumi has not yet begun. 】

【Buyer: Whether it is the San... Dapao mentioned during the funeral who sneaked away with the Heart of God, or the doctor who will have a big role in Xumi in the easter egg, it should be a means of publicity. 】

【Nashida: If nothing unexpected happens, we should see more pictures about Xumi next. 】

Just as Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King analyzed, this is indeed an easter egg to warm up the plot of Xumi, but this easter egg is more challenging to the hearts of Xumi people.

After the girl's words fell, on the screen, the sparks that seemed to have not been completely extinguished turned into flames that shot up into the sky, burning the sky and the earth, as well as a towering tree.

In front of the burning giant tree, the figure of Duotore can be vaguely seen, with his back to the camera, silently admiring this scene of destruction.

【Tinari: Is that the Holy Tree? No, the World Tree? ]

[Farosan: Hmm, that crack still has a shape. Although it is not clear, it is very similar to the scene of the World Tree that appeared in the video before. ]

[Kavi: Hey, isn't this terrible? The doctor actually burned the World Tree? ]

[Elhaisen: Well, put this in the memorandum of negotiation with the Fatui. ]

[Kavi: Huh? Stupid Elhaisen, this is all you can react? ]

[Elhaisen: Humph, the wisdom of mortals. ]

[Nashida: Don't worry too much, Kavi, don't forget, our Xumi plot is not according to the script. ]

[Buyer: If you want to burn the tree, although it is not impossible in the current situation of Teyvat, it is indeed a little early in the mid-game. ]

[Nashida: If we fail, we do need to deal with the World Tree, but now we not only did not fail, but also succeeded in advance. ]

[Buyer: Everything is fine, everything is fine. Teyvat doesn't need to be destroyed, temporarily. ]

[Ying: I always feel that the Great Kind Tree King seems to say something very scary in a very calm tone. ]

[Ying: But don't worry, PV fraud is already a common practice of almost all game companies. They put a big bomb in the PV that seems to be incredible, but when it comes to the game, the chance of it exploding is not even half. ]

[Nashida: Now, we have sufficient defense and strength to prevent such a future. ]

[Buyer: Moreover, instead of guessing here, it is better to ask the person himself. ]

[Nashida: Dotore, do you have a plan to burn trees in the near future? ]

[Dotore: In the near future, no, my schedule is also very tight. Although burning the annoying fate is on my to-do list, it shouldn't be so early. ]

[Guobeng: Ha, at this point, who would believe your nonsense? ! ]

[Doctor: Although you are very prejudiced against me, I can guarantee that my words may be misleading, concealing, and covering up, but there should be no deception. What I said is the truth. As for how you interpret it, it is none of my business. ]

[Ying: I understand, "partial facts" right? ]

[Doctor: A very insightful summary. ]

[Ying: I have seen a lot before. ]

In the sky full of fire, the doctor snorted coldly.

"Hmph, in a..."

The screen gave a close-up of the doctor wearing a mask, who seemed more mature than the doctor who appeared in the funeral just now.

"In the experiment of [blasphemy]."

After the doctor's sneer, there was an abrupt transition. The scene came to a forest hut with a very Sumeru style. Cole, who was taking a nap, was awakened by the nightmare just now and sat up with an exclamation.

Cole looked at the familiar yet strange scene in the house in a daze, breathing heavily, and at this moment, Tinari's call came from outside the house.

"Cole, go patrol the forest."

Hearing the call, Cole temporarily put aside the worry about the content of the dream just now, and quickly stood up and responded.

"Ah, I see, Master Tinari."

After responding, Cole had the leisure to recall the scene in the dream just now. She looked at her hands with some worry, the hands that had used some painful and taboo powers in the past that she didn't want to recall.

"What just now was..."

[Cole: Eh... Eh? Yes, it was me? ]

[Amber: Oh, Cole has become beautiful now~. ]

[Cole: Eh, Eh (secretly happy)? ! ! ! ]

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