The emperor died, but the emperor's heart was taken away.

The people of Liyue still have simple thinking.

If the emperor really passed away, and the Fatui sent out all their main forces to snatch the emperor's heart of God, there would be nothing to say. After all, wars have winners and losers, and no one can predict it, especially for a force like the Fatui, which is really powerful. Even Liyue has no certainty of victory.

However, the emperor has already been confirmed to be faking his death, and he wants to test the Seven Star River Immortal...

Since the emperor is fine, the heart of God fell into the hands of the Fatui, which must be the other party's despicable means.

[Ningguang: Anyway (Commander Ikari's face), let's arrest the young master first. ]

【Ye Lan: OK (Deputy Commander Dong Yue's face), I'll go right away. ]

【Ying: No, wait, what kind of picture is this discussion forum for? An uncle from another world has appeared! ]

【Gong Zi: Ahem, poof, wait, it's unfair! ]

【Gong Zi: No matter what, I have to say that I'm wronged. I haven't done anything yet, okay? And this Heart of God was obtained by our Queen after she personally discussed with Mr. Zhongli in a fair transaction! ]

【Gan Yu: At this point, do you still want to fool us with such an excuse? ]

【Yan Fei: Gong Zi, do you know that there is a provision called crime prevention in the legal text? ]

【Gong Zi: No (dumbfounded), wait... Mr. Zhongli, Liuli Pavilion is booked for a month. ]

【Zhongli: Well, this is a contract that is worth the value of the Heart of God. ]

[Ningguang: I understand, you are worthy of being the emperor. ]

[Xingqiu: I understand, you are worthy of being the emperor. ]

[Yelan: I understand, you are worthy of being the emperor. ]


The young master looked at the Qianyan Army that had just gathered outside and then dispersed with laughter, and his face was a little dark. Didn’t these guys really team up with Mr. Zhongli to blackmail me?

But on second thought, all the losses here were paid by Master Pantalone, and the young master felt at ease all of a sudden. He even thought about taking this opportunity to buy some special toys of Liyue, and then count these expenses into Mr. Zhongli’s bill for the dinner.

Anyway, Master Pantalone has a big family and a big business, so he can afford this little Mora, right?

And this is using his Mora to entertain his white moonlight. The young master felt that since he had spent so much effort and was arrogant at first and respectful later, he should at least get some benefits.

Liyue calmed down because of what the Geo King said.

After all, most people didn't know about the existence of the Heart of God before the screen appeared. For the people of Liyue, they trusted the Emperor more. Since the Emperor thought it was unimportant and the deal was a good deal, there must be no problem.

They could use this wave of legal reasons to extort a month's offerings from the gods they respected, which was also a very profitable thing.

Liyue was settled, but the other party, Mondstadt, was not happy.

Although there was a reason for the Heart of the Wind God to be given away, and it was personally certified by their beloved Lord Wind God, but when seeing the Heart of the Wind God, all Mondstadt people would think of the world-famous painting that makes people's blood pressure rise - the lady's heart.

[Barbara: It is still unforgivable. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. The angrier I get, the more I think about it. Is there no way to vent my anger for Lord Barbatos? ]

[Wendy: Ah, actually I——]

[Diluk: I have some legal means to vent my anger. ]

[Wendy: Um, I——]

[Kaeya: Oh, I picked up some incredible information while taking a walk recently. It seems that I can use it. ]

[Wendy: Huh? ]

[Jin: Sure enough, we should issue some bans on the Fatui. It is dangerous for them to stay in Mondstadt. ]

[Wendy: No, I——]

[Diluk: Okay, Mr. Wendy, we are venting anger for the Lord of the Wind. It has nothing to do with the bard named Wendy. You can take a break and drink some wine without worrying about this little thing. Or you can change your identity to express your opinions? ]

[Wendy: Okay, whatever you want. ]

Seeing the three bottles of apple wine that Diluk placed on the wine table, Wendy obeyed her heart and made the decision that best suited her will.

But Mondstadt is not Liyue. Just because Zhidong is afraid of Liyue's strength doesn't mean they respect Mondstadt's power.

Well, they still respect it a little. After all, Mondstadt still has some capable fighters, and the relationship between the two countries is very complicated, especially the God of Wind and the God of Ice.

The delicate relationship makes it impossible for these people to fight each other. This kind of struggle with a bottom line is too advantageous for Mondstadt, which is currently weak.

However, Mondstadt's strength is still relatively weak overall. Besides, if it is just an economic war and friction, it is not unacceptable to Zhidong. Anyway, Master Pantalone is just checking bills and growing vegetables every day. He is bored and it is good to let him have something to do.

However, even so, looking at the chessboard on the screen, the queen and the executives frowned.

Fortunately, the time point of this video is probably still in the original plan, the node after Liyue, after all, there are only two God's Hearts on it.

If it is later, there are four or five God's Hearts on the chessboard, then the other six countries may target Zhidong at the same time.

Even if the people of Zhidong think that their military power is the best in the world, they don't think that they can beat the other six countries.

"This screen is getting more and more troublesome."

"It's all Ajax's fault. He always says 'let's watch some winter videos' when he has nothing to do."

"When this kid brings back the Heart of Rock, we'll beat him up. Beat him up so hard that he can't speak for a year."

"Good idea."

Several executives met and made a pleasant suggestion. Even the Queen had no objection to it.

The foolish play on winter night, just the opening, brought more fun and excitement to the whole of Teyvat than in the past year. People can't help but sigh at the power of the screen, which can easily stir up the world.


Many people in the audience who understand the rules of chess and are in high positions and know a lot of mainland intelligence and the situation of various countries frowned almost at the same time.

This chess game, the distribution of the chess pieces, and the chess pieces replaced by the two Hearts of God, are probably alluding to something.

However, they had no intention of speaking out in the discussion area about the deeper contents they discovered through the chessboard, chess pieces, and the position of the clown.

The appearance of the two Hearts of God just now caused such a big mess. If they spoke out what they found, the shock would be even greater. It might be an unprecedented event that would break the sky.

Tianli finally fell into a beautiful dream like a baby under the "gentle" comfort of the screen. Everyone should not stimulate her.

While the audience in Teyvat were having fun and those who knew chess were studying the chess game, the video was still going on.

The clown's narration-like words fell, and on the chessboard, the white horse, without anyone controlling it, cleanly kicked down a black soldier and ate the dangerous pawn that was about to go to the bottom.

The lady frowned as she looked at the fallen black soldier chess piece.

As a witch who was able to study at the Xumi Academy and was praised as a genius that Mondstadt had rarely seen in hundreds of years, the lady herself was very smart.

Combining the information she had and the subtle layout of the chess pieces on the chessboard, she had almost figured out that the black soldier that had just been eaten probably represented her.

The white horse chess piece, well, it was located after the wind god and the rock god, could it be the thunder god?

Is this a chessboard that metaphorically represents the current situation in Teyvat?

The lady's expression was a little uncertain.

For the queen who saved her in despair and gave her a new life, the lady still respected her very much. If it was for the other party's grand plan, the lady could even sacrifice herself.

But even the lady knew that the queen's grand plan was destined to be incomprehensible to mortals. If it was completely exposed before all preparations were completed, I'm afraid that nails would fall from the sky in the next moment.

Huh? Wait, is Tianli being beaten... coaxed to sleep by the screen now?

Oh, that's fine.

The lady who had reacted twitched her lips, and finally sighed, and continued to watch the video with a much more relaxed mood than before.

Dead or alive... Anyway, now everyone's fate has been changed, even the false sky is in chaos. Whether I will die in the future, whether I will die in the hands of a god or a pawn, is not certain at all, and it is unnecessary to worry about these things.

After the black soldier was killed by the white horse, the calm voice of the clown came from the screen: "In the battle, there is no so-called abandoned piece."

At this time, the camera was given to the side, covering the entire chess game, including the two very eye-catching God's Hearts on the top.

The clown stretched out a hand, and the Hellfire Butterfly, which had been struggling and flying in the ice and snow before, flew into this room at some point. Under the patient guidance of the clown, it slowly landed on the black soldier chess piece that was just kicked down by the white horse, and its wings kept closing.

It gathered and separated, as if it was gnawing at the black chess piece.

Watching the movements of the Hellfire Butterfly, the Clown not only did not stop it, but said meaningfully: "Because for this chess game, [checkmate] is not the end."

In reality, more than one executive took a deep breath, then turned around and looked at the embarrassed Mr. Clown with regret.

Boss, please stop talking.

If you continue talking, I'm afraid you will reveal all the big plans of Her Majesty the Queen.

"Ahem, this, this is not my fault. My strange self-talk is definitely arranged by the planner of "Genshin Impact". You know me. How can I talk so much normally, not to mention playing chess alone and telling riddles?"

As the executive boss, the Clown rarely explained. After all, it was too embarrassing. Otherwise, facing such a group of crooked people, even if they were colleagues, he would not explain anything.

But today's video made the clown, who has been serious for five hundred years, break his defense for the first time.

[Qin: This chess... seems a little weird. ]

[Ying: This is not simple. Look at the pattern of the Heart of God. Isn't it just like the chess pieces on this chessboard? So this——]

[Nashida: Ahem, Ying, come on, open your mouth, I'll feed you candy. ]

[Paimon: Ah, so cunning, I want some too! ]

Ying and Paimon were gagged by Nashida with Hawa Mamaz, and the chess enthusiast Qin was also covered by Lisa's mouth.

Seeing Lisa shaking her head with a deep look on her face, Qin knew that the things she had just discovered accidentally were not discovered by others, but that everyone tacitly did not say them out.

Although justice is now blocked by the screen, no one can guarantee that Sky Island really has no means of intervention in Teyvat. After all, it has ruled this continent for so many years. Who knows what cards it has, so it is better to be safe.

The endgame with a huge amount of information was tacitly skipped by all those who knew about it. In the next scene, the perspective of the video on the screen turned to a solemn church.

Accompanied by the ethereal female aria, the flags hanging on the pillars on both sides of the church began to be coated with frost out of thin air. Even through the screen, everyone can sense the terrifying ice element power inside through the magical power of this observatory.

That is a power that ordinary owners of the Ice Element God's Eye cannot reach.

That is the power of God.

[Wendy: Oh, she is really angry. ]

[Madam: Queen, you don't have to be like this. ]

[Barnabas: I'm not angry (seriously). 】

The camera slid across the front half of the church from above, where several figures wearing heavy executive cloaks stood bustlingly.

In the front, a cold ice coffin stood solemnly in the middle of the hall.

The most mysterious girl among the executives, with her eyes closed, crouched on top of the coffin with a smile and tears on her face. The sad song before was sung by this executive.

"Today we gather here to commemorate our good companions."

The mayor of Zhidong, Mr. Rooster, who is short but no one will underestimate him, stood in front of the coffin, standing solemnly, with his hands in front of him, and said with a heavy face.

Behind him, the figures of the executive squadron leader, puppets and others can be vaguely seen.

"Her sacrifice is for the entire Zhidong--"

The camera gave the mayor, who was dressed neatly and heavily, wearing a tall hat and glasses.

The lenses of the rooster's glasses reflected the moonlight in the sky, but the words he said made people wonder how to evaluate them.

"It's worth stopping work for half a day to commemorate."

[Paimon: Half, half a day? Your companion died, and you only stopped work for half a day? ]

[Ying: Hiss, Uncle Rooster, I thought you were quite pitiful before, but I didn't expect you to be a capitalist who has no humanity and should hang street lamps! ]

[Rooster: Ahem, little girls, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. The environment here in Zhidong is very harsh. In order to survive, we have to work hard all the time to ensure that the people of Zhidong can live in this extreme environment. Stopping work for half a day for the entire Zhidong, do you know how great an honor and sacrifice this is? ! ]

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