Later, the new leader seemed to have received some news, so he let him go, and asked the personnel to stop the pursuit.

But at this time, Wang Kewen was penniless. Fortunately, he paid the rent for half a year before, and he still had a place to live.

When Wang Kewen got to this point, he was relieved. He felt that it was a big deal to start all over again, and it would be good to treat this experience as a training in life. But what he didn't expect, when he went to interview for a new company, he frequently hit a wall, and the position dropped again and again, and no one wanted him.

Later, I learned from a kind-hearted hr that Walrus blocked him and tied him the liquidated damages that he did not pay. Whichever company received the money would have to help pay back the money, and the liquidated damages were not small. , he would never find a job in Xijing.

But Wang Kewen doesn't believe this principle, he doesn't believe it, and no company is willing to ask for it, but it turns out that it really doesn't.

Today this is the last one he looks for. After that, there is no suitable company to meet.

Of course, Wang Kewen can do the day knot, and the Walrus Company should not chase him for money any more, but with his current physical condition, he may have to rest after an hour of work, and who wants to ask him.


Wang Kewen, who was sitting on the public seat, slept until dusk. During this period, no one disturbed him. He seemed to be a ghost wandering the world, transparent and invisible.

A piece of crystal snow fell from a height of 10,000 meters, and there were thousands of companions who fell with it. They were just huddled together in a cloud, but at this time they were all far away.

This snowflake passed through the dust, passed through the branches, was blown by the breeze, was held up by a pair of hands, and fell gently, landing on Wang Kewen's nose. The hot air from the nostrils quickly fused the snowflake into a pinpoint-sized water droplet. The surrounding cold environment, without waiting for the water droplet to evaporate, condensed it into ice again, and adhered tightly to Wang Kewen's nose.


The suddenly cold environment caused Wang Kewen to wake up from his sleep. As far as he could see, snowflakes of different sizes were floating around.


At this moment, Wang Kewen, who was sober, patted his stiff legs, concentrated all his strength on his arms, and slowly stood up with the back of the seat.

Looking at the snowflakes that appeared and danced all over the sky from time to time, he unconsciously touched the cold nose, what a beautiful scene, he said softly in his heart.

But before the sight was imprinted in his heart, Wang Kewen lowered his head again.

Now, the interview is completely gone, and the house has only one month's lease left. If I haven't found a job yet, where should I live? It's cold, I'm afraid the homeless have already found a place to spend the winter.

Do you want to leave Xijing?

Wang Kewen asked himself, but shook his head again.

Leaving Xijing, I'm completely finished, not to mention what to buy a ticket, just where should I go to my destination, where should I stay after I go, and it's already winter, will the company still recruit people? Wan Wan If a walrus puts pressure again, doesn't it mean that he has lost his wife and lost his troops.

Wang Kewen's hand gradually fell, and his mind went blank.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the snowflakes are also dense. Looking at the snowflakes that keep coming into his eyes from all directions, Wang Kewen seems to see his end.

After standing for a long time, Wang Kewen decided to leave.

Thinking of something, Wang Kewen turned to look at the seat behind him.

He was looking for the resume he had just let go of when he slept.

I saw the resume at a glance and fell to the ground, covered with a thin layer of snow. Picking it up and patting it, Wang Kewen put his resume under his arm.

Picking up his resume, his arms contracted, and suddenly Wang Kewen felt that he had something in his pocket.

Without hesitation, I took it out and saw that there was a thousand dollars in my pocket.

This money is very new. It seems to have been taken out of the at-machine just now, but how could it appear in my pocket?

Wang Kewen turned his head and looked around, but there was no one around.

Suddenly, Wang Kewen took the money and laughed.

It's so cold!

Yes, yes. President Xu, it will change if you say it today, but this snow has been accumulating for so long, and it's time for it to fall.

Ruixue is a good year, good omen!

As soon as it snows, everyone feels refreshed.

Before getting off work, Xu Zhi and a group of ministers stayed downstairs in the company to watch the snow.

Large swaths of snowflakes fell from the sky to the ground, making Dream Company wrapped in silver and replaced with white skin.

Xu Zhi looked at the ministers who were excited in the snow, and he also became very happy. For some reason, when he saw the first scene of the snow falling, he felt very comfortable. shrouded in a sense of security.

It has been snowing for a while, and the company is about to get off work.

Several guards and Lao Qin each took a broom and swept away the snowflakes on the way employees must pass to prevent people from falling.

In the guard's room, Little Sun was plugged in, and the already burned house turned red. Seeing this scene, Xu Zhi suddenly felt a warm feeling.

When the time was up, the employees of the company began to pack up and get off work. When they went downstairs and saw the snowflakes, all the employees also showed happy smiles on their faces.

If rain can make people upset, then snow can make people happy.

After all, see snow. Childhood, hometown, Chinese New Year, firecrackers, and all kinds of unforgettable impressions will come to mind unconsciously. Snow brings not only snow, but also a key, and the memories cherished in the mind are also opened.

Mr. Xu is good!

Goodbye Mr. Xu!

See you tomorrow, Mr. Xu!

After appreciating the snow, the employees wanted to leave. When they saw Xu Zhi downstairs, they all greeted Xu Zhi, and Xu Zhi also waved in response.

Almost all the employees have left, and the ministers have all gone home from get off work, but Xu Zhi has returned to the company. Just now, Ding Xiaomei said to report something to him.

Mr. Xu, Smith contacted me today, saying that the agency road of jumping the line of fire is not very smooth, and it seems that it is not well accepted abroad. He wants to talk to you.

This is not necessary.

Xu Zhi shook his head, he didn't want to discuss this issue with Smith. After all, he knew from the beginning that jumping the line of fire would be unacceptable, and the best result of Agent Smith was just not a loss.

Mr. Xu, Smith's attitude is very firm, I can't refuse it. Ding Xiaomei said again.

Very firm attitude?

Xu Zhi narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, Well, you reply to Smith, and I will talk to him in person tomorrow.

Okay! President Xu, I will tell Smith.

After Ding Xiaomei left, Xu Zhi didn't worry about it at all. Since Smith wants to talk, he will talk with him tomorrow.

It was already dark, and Xu Zhi was about to drive home when he suddenly thought of something, and the car turned a corner and drove into a food street.

The first snow today, wouldn't it be beautiful to eat a mutton steamed bun!

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