Mr. Xu, it's a bit too extravagant to send hero weapons!

Ding Xiaomei objected.

Now others don't know, but she knows that the jumping line has only been launched for less than a month, it is in the period of explosion, and there is still a big upward channel. Sending out hero weapons during this period may have an impact on the sales of hero weapons in the future.

Not extravagant, not extravagant at all.

Then Mr. Xu, what if the player receives a hero weapon and doesn't buy it in the future? Ding Xiaomei asked again.

Xu Zhi smiled.

Little Sister Ding, you will have to make up for remedial classes when you go back, especially psychology books. I can tell you that after we give away hero weapons for three days, more people will buy them. This is actually not difficult to understand, just like shopping malls. Let's try it out, think about it.

In fact, after jumping to the line of fire, Xu Zhi wanted to send hero weapons for a long time, but there has been no good opportunity. By launching uu this time, it happened to kill two birds with one stone.

By the way, other departments can't be idle either. They must do their best to help. After the launch of uu tomorrow, everyone will be a little tired.

Xu Zhi looked at the ministers who were sitting and said, and all the ministers sitting below said yes.

Okay, second thing.

Picking up the newly written Ghost Dream 2 plan, Xu Zhi glanced at He Wei, then turned his head and said:

Dear colleagues, although we don't plan to develop new games in the near future, I think reheating the previous games is not only simple, but also very effective. It's like a ghostly dream, I think this is a very good game, we can try to develop Ghost Dream 2.

Ghost Dream 2?

Planning Minister He Wei stood up.

Mr. Xu, are you saying that we are going to develop Ghost Dream 2?

Yes, I have written a lot of related ideas. You will take it down and read it later. Of course, now I just put forward a plan first, not in a hurry to implement it. In fact, I only have one requirement for Ghost Dream 2, which is ultra-high-definition pictures. quality!

Ultra-high-definition picture quality? He Wei couldn't understand it again.

When Xu Zhi developed Jump Fire, he had very low requirements for picture quality. Why does this Ghost Dream 2 pursue high picture quality.

Yes, it is ultra-high-definition image quality. My requirement is to make the image quality as high as possible at this stage. It is best to have textures in every grass, tree, and hair. You can go down and try to do it first. See the effect.

Okay, Mr. Xu, I understand.

He Wei took over Xu Zhi's document on Ghost Dream 2's thoughts and planned to break up the meeting.

Okay, let me say a few words at the end.

Xu Zhi saw that many people were puzzled, and planned to give them a little more.

As a game company, we must grasp the degree of understanding of the audience of the game. Like the previous jumping line of fire is a shooting game, the main focus is entertainment and social interaction, so the picture quality is not clear, it doesn't matter at all, no matter how hard it is. It's rough, but as long as the core gameplay is there, there is no need to worry about no one playing. And this ghost dream is a martial arts game. If we want to do ghost dream 2, we must understand who is playing ghost dream 1. .

As the saying goes, everyone has a martial arts dream. Of course, this doesn't work in reality. Swords belong to z weapons, so we can only look for them in the virtual world.

The reason why the ghost dream launched by our company is so popular is precisely to capture the psychology of these people. They love martial arts and want to realize their dreams in a world. And our ghost dream 2 is to realize their dream, we made the picture quality extremely high-definition, not only is not raising the bar, but it is extending a hand of welcome to them. Of course, there may be some problems that the computer in the Internet cafe cannot be adapted, but it is not harmful. This is not our target group.

In Xu Zhi's view, judging from the current development of Bluestar, the level of computer development has actually reached a bottleneck.

There is no qualitative breakthrough.

Judging from the experience of his previous life, the focus of development in the next step will be shifted to mobile phones, which will become people's second computers.

Of course, at this stage, Blue Star is still groping forward, but it won't be long.

Okay, I'll be here today, everyone will end the meeting.

Xu Zhi exhaled and said.

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, the ministers at the bottom slowly dispersed, and beside He Wei, Wang Xiangliang, who was newly recruited by Xu Zhi, approached him.

Minister He, can you send me a copy of uu?

Oh, this... OK.

Although I don't know what Wang Xiangliang, the minister of anti-plugging, wants uu to do, but it will be launched on the market tomorrow, and this software is not confidential.

After sending the compressed package, He Wei turned around and devoted himself to the next work.

Xu Zhi asked to launch the market tomorrow, but this required He Wei to do a lot of work, and he was busy today.

Wang Xiangliang has always heard about the uu of the R\u0026D department, but he has been doing anti-plugging things in the past few days, and he doesn't care. At this meeting, he heard that Xu Zhi would launch the market tomorrow, and he was suddenly curious, so he asked congratulations Wei wants to come to this software.

Although it will be launched to the market tomorrow, for a technical expert like Wang Xiangliang, the software that makes him curious can't wait for an hour, let alone a day.

After installing uu, Wang Xiangliang gathered and looked back.

The more he looked, the more restless Wang Xiangliang's eyes became. He didn't expect Xu Zhi's heart to be so big. Although this software mainly focuses on game voice, in Wang Xiangliang's view, this software has a potential, a potential to challenge TT. .

Of course, if this is to be said, anyone who hears it will laugh.

tt is an instant messaging software developed by Bluestar Walrus Company. It has been nine years since its launch, and it occupies 95% of the instant software. It is a real giant.

I don't know how many softwares have challenged it before, but the moat of the communication software tt is too deep, and none of them have been successful.

However, look at this uu. Wang Xiangliang felt that Xu Zhi's entry point was good, and it was really good.

He used to be a plug-in and also played games. There is a demand for voice calls in the game, and now jumpfire is so popular. If uu is launched through jumpfire, maybe it can unify the game voice market. After that, all that can be done is too much.

But at this time, Wang Xiangliang didn't want to think about it anymore. Looking at this uu, he could feel that Xu Zhi was playing a big game, and he didn't know what Xu Zhi wanted.

Speaking of which, one of the reasons why he was willing to join the Fantasy Game Company was that he was moved by Xu Zhi, and the other was that prison rice was really not that delicious. When Xu Zhi found him, he was willing to give him a chance, and with a sincere attitude, he had no reason to refuse.

But at this time, Wang Xiangliang couldn't see through Xu Zhi himself.

He felt that he seemed to be a pawn in Xu Zhi's hands.

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