How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

: This day of the year (3)

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:


"Drive, go to the market." Charlotte instructed the man in black who drove the carriage.

"Wait a minute, I'll go by myself, so I don't have to worry about that," I said quickly.

"No, no, no hassle. Besides how hard it is to walk on such a heavy snow?

I have nothing to say, since it is already in the carriage of others, it is better to respect it.

Alas, even Charlotte who hasn't known him for a long time will care about me, but it's better to be vain, but I can't bear to let me buy ingredients for her in the snow ~!

"Miss, the market is here," said the man in black who was driving the carriage shortly after.

I just wanted to say thank you. To get out of the car, Charlotte rushed and said, "Go and buy all the ingredients of Sukiyaki."

"Well? No need-" I said quickly, but the other party obviously only obeyed the words of the young lady.

I reluctantly sat back in my seat again, and Charlotte smiled at me, and suddenly I felt embarrassed.

After a while, the man in black returned, and handed the whole bag of ingredients into the compartment.

"I'm sorry Miss, but I didn't buy any beef."

Charlotte murmured with dissatisfaction: "What, this little thing can't be done.

"I'm very sorry, because the snow-sealed road did not have time to supply, it was out of stock.

I hurriedly said: "" Even if you can't buy beef, it doesn't matter! She's only vegetarian, which is actually very good. It can eliminate karma.

Charlotte honestly said to me: "How can Sukiyaki lack beef? Or else, can you accompany me to take it home? My back chef has the finest snowflake beef.



Wait a minute! What is this unfolding? "

SF Light Novel

Immediately after Charlotte ordered the next one to "go home!"

"Wait a minute ... I said weakly.

Since I got into the carriage, I feel involuntary.

But it is Xubai who wants to eat Sukiyaki. Should I be so popular? I also came to Charlotte's home, knowing that her home is also the home of the former Minister-Ernister. The festivals that happened before us are not clear in a few words -...

It would be nice if I could go low-key to her house this time, and I even imagined that there was no one in her family, at least her father was not at home. Goose ..: Charlotte-When I got home, I shouted cheerfully, "Dad, I'll take my classmates home to play!"

Former Minister Ernest lowered the newspaper at hand-point, looked at me with a surprised look on his cigar, it was too awkward ... it was too awkward ..

I said embarrassingly, "Uncle is good" or something .....

"Sit, please sit down." Ernest reached out and motioned to me on the sofa opposite him. It is indeed a person who has seen all kinds of big scenes, and recognizes that I am a maiden at a glance and is not afraid to act.

I just sat down and listened to him again

"Charlotte, make a pot of tea for your classmates.

"Not one need not be so troublesome

"Unaccompanied." Charlotte lifted her skirt and made me gracefully-a curtsy, and went to make tea.

Ernest took a deep sip of his cigar and said, "My daughter is okay? Honestly, my eldest son was spoiled by me, so I disciplined Charlotte more severely.

"... I smiled weakly, thinking why he said this to me!

"I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful and sensible daughter."

Ernest grinned and remembered that Lian Qi said that he looked like Wu Hebo? I didn't know who it was.

"She is the pearl of my palm.

"You can see, by the way, how is your leg injury?"

"Thank you for your attention, it is not a problem."

After speaking, he has been smoking in silence, the atmosphere is awkward .....

Fortunately, Charlotte came back and poured me a cup of tea.

"Thank you." I held up the tea cup and sipped it for a while. A scent of fragrance melted in my mouth.

When I drank the tea and dropped the cup, Charlotte took my hand, "Come with me in my room!


I was forcibly taken away by her, and never said a few words to her father.

"Come in, please?"

PSE novel,

I was taken by Charlotte to a pink-colored princess's room, yes, it was pink that matched her hair color. Coming here reminds me of the days when I was imprisoned, and vain forced me to sleep in a room like this.

I said clearly that I don't have a princess heart ...

"Please sit down casually.

"...." ..

How could it be unconstrained, after all, I broke into a girl's boudoir as a man ...

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