How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

: Really fragrant [Part1 / 2]

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"Don't shout, your BOSS is already cold.

Xu Bai poked with his hand-down, the man holding the sword-motionless, fell off the roof and slammed on the ground. I can't believe it was a dead body for a long time? No wonder he can stand still from last night to the present ...

"It turns out I've been holding my breath with a dead man." Lian Qi held his forehead-the vice looked very headache.

"Presumably the mood of these rebel cadres must be very desperate at this moment .... When I said this sentence, the West Wind Axiafu who was lying on the ground kept thinking:" This is impossible! " Maybe! "," This is impossible! "

"Facing reality, your BOSS is already dead." Lian Qi said to her with her hips.

"Who actually can defeat the highest combat power of the Resistance!

Xu Bai fell from the sky with his hands in his pockets and broke the ground with one foot.

"Have you forgotten I made three in and three out at your base camp?"

The west wind Axiafu sucked back-cold air, eyes rolled, excessive blood loss and frightened, passed out.

Xu Bai's hands were in her trench coat pockets, and she looked back at me, and my resentful eyes touched her eyes. I thought she was going away happily, so -is it all there? She also cleaned up the enemy's biggest boss?

"You kill someone and put his body on the roof. You are so funny." I said coldly.

Isn't it the bad taste? How boring is it to put the corpse into a posture of holding a sword like a strategic plan? What's more annoying is that she also deliberately put it in a place that can be observed by the girl's dormitory! We thought it was Watching us motionlessly, always uncomfortable!

In retrospect, it wasn't once or twice that the blasphemy blasphemed. On Christmas Day, she even dressed her teacher's body as Santa.

Xu Bai said coldly, "Is that all you want to tell me?"

. "... Otherwise? Even if you're not here, I can do it flat-cut!

As soon as I spoke, Charlotte's scream came from not far away. I suddenly turned around and saw that the North Witch King Polka was holding Charlotte, and the musket in her hand was pointing at her head, and His mouth filled with blood threatened: "Don't come over! The gun on my hand is not long-sighted!

"You you let go ...

"Shut up for me! Otherwise I'll let your classmates see if the blood of the aristocracy is even darker than the blood of civilians!

"Well, I knew it should have been heavier just now." Lian Qi gritted his teeth angrily.

"Leave Charlotte!" I shouted.

"Released her? Can you be my hostage?"

"Okay." I blurted out.

Alas, don't play tricks on me, finally grabbed this straw, do you think I can loose it easily? "

"What do you want?" C) Chang Mu! Xiaowan

"What do you want?'

Suddenly, a deep male voice spoke in unison with me.

I saw Charlotte's father, former minister Ernest, stepping in through the gap in the magic enchantment.

He raised his hands to all the people present "Don't act lightly! She is holding my daughter."

North Witch King Polka sneered with blood, "I said Lingyuan was safe? Because her life was tied to me--Qini!"

Ernest was anxious to smash his dead body, but still pressed his anger and warned: "You can't escape, I advise you to let my daughter go!"

"Let's go? Hehe? I made a cheap life for the aristocracy!" He said fiercely, with his muzzle facing Charlotte's temple

Unexpectedly, Charlotte was calm with the gun to his head, but there was a little panic.

She whispered: "Are you so hostile to the aristocracy? Do you feel that you were born unfair and feel unfair? When my ancestors laid this river and mountains for humankind from the dragon's teeth, where was your ancestor? "

"Shut up for me! What does your little girl know !!!"

Charlotte sighed softly and stared at her father with firm eyes.

"Dad, I'm not afraid of death. Remember to take revenge for me.’

Heart F Light Novel

Ernest stared at her dumbfounded, her voice hoarse ... "Child, what are you talking about? I'm afraid you'll die.

Suddenly, something seemed to be extinguished in his eyes, and he stood still in disgrace. He compromised for his daughter, and the aristocratic shelf no longer existed, just a father.

"What do you want? I'll give it to you as long as you let go of my daughter.

"What did I say before? The point is not what I want, but what you are willing to give for your daughter-I want you to trade your daughter for your life!"

"No--don't listen to his ikX Charlotte begging hard.

"Without shutting up, I will shoot you to death!‘

He turned to stare at Ou

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