Entertainment is also a seedling, a seedling that is younger than me, hehe.

Chapter 89 You just need to do nothing and wait for zombies to walk into your home, and you will win!

In the room, five men and two women were sitting cross-legged on the floor, including Taoist Master Shenji, who had previously predicted that Black Yang would fail and be backfired. A total of seven Taoists gathered here.

The face of the Shenji Daoist was sickly and flushed. Since the injury, he had tried many healing elixirs, but they had little help for his damaged spirit.

At this time, Taoist Master Shenji was sitting in the corner, looking at the other six people with a guilty look on his face.

"It's all because I'm a junior fellow and I'm not good at learning. That's why I'm embarrassed in front of outsiders and have insulted my reputation as a Tianmen disciple.

This time, all the senior brothers and sisters gathered here to cast spells to deal with the Hei family kid. They must have defeated his evil spell with overwhelming force and demonstrated the prestige of our sect.

It's just that my junior brother is ashamed. The previous injury has not improved yet. I'm afraid that this time I won't be able to put the icing on the cake. I can only watch from the sidelines and admire the grace of my senior brothers and sisters to comfort my heart. "

"Ha, it doesn't matter. Junior brother, you are the last to get started, and your magic power is shallow. You usually have to do the hard work of dealing with the prince.

Then this time I'll wait for you to take action, and you can just rest aside. "

A arrogant male Taoist showed disdain, and when he raised his hand, he actually showed the powerful aura of a foundation-building monk.

And he was also the only foundation-building monk present, and everyone was obviously headed by him.

"The last time we took action together, we calculated the location of that ominous place, and with a few tricks, we buried countless stupid cultivators.

We were just dealing with a little kid at this time. If we weren't being cautious, why would we need to go out together? "

"Don't look at what Senior Brother said, it's actually because you, Junior Brother, were hurt by that person, so you are so angry that you have to give him some color."

Another Taoist with a kind face said with a smile: "Senior brother, I am caring about you, and at the same time, I am trying to scare the monkeys. Let the prince know that even if you are hurt by others, you are not something that a mere mortal can have dark thoughts about."

"Hey, senior brother, what you said is biased. After all, he is also a human prince. How can he look like a young dragon to ordinary mortals?"

A female Taoist said with a sweet smile: "Besides, he looks very talented, and his temperament is not too bad."

"That's why I made a bet on him, assisted him in ascending the throne and became king, and borrowed the fortune of the country to deceive the heavenly secrets, in order to restore the former glory of the Isuan Tianmen."

Another female Taoist was neither sad nor happy, but her words were condescending and pitiful: "On the other hand, if that little brother knew that so many of us were targeting him, he would probably regret wading into this muddy water."

"Hmph, what's the use of regretting it anymore? It's an indisputable fact that he injured his junior brother."

The Taoist with a ferocious face said viciously: "I have great powers in calculating the heavenly sect. It can not only predict the destiny of a person, but also can cut a person's luck, mess up his mind, cut off his fate, and damage his spirit...

Oh, let's charge that kid some interest first, and then after he is destroyed, he will be at our mercy, so that he can survive but not die! "

"Be careful. Although our combined strength is strong, we are not invincible, so we should still be cautious.

Of course, I understand that no real dragon can come out of this bastard pond, so there is no need to be timid. "

"It's true, it's true. When I take action, I will make that thief surrender. Junior brother, please watch carefully and study seriously.

We will only demonstrate this method of cutting off the road ahead once. How much you can gain depends on your own understanding! "

"Junior brother, please remember the instructions!"

Taoist Master Shenji showed reverence on his face, feeling the invisible energy gathering above the heads of the brothers and sisters. He subconsciously sat upright and concentrated.

As long as he can see some knowledge from it, his cultivation level will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!

"In this case, without further ado, let's do it together!"

"Okay, don't let that prince wait impatiently and despise us!"

"Knowing the yin and yang, knowing the misfortunes and blessings, messing up life and death, cutting off the way forward, there is nothing in the world that cannot be calculated, use my great luck to cut off the way forward!"

The leading Taoist shouted loudly and used the magic weapon. At the same time, all the disciples shouted: "Cut off the way forward!"

The billowing spiritual energy was surging, mixed with the inexplicable energy, following the pull of the crowd, and attacked somewhere in the royal capital with great momentum!

"All the senior brothers and sisters have improved their cultivation. As expected, this prince is a wealthy man."

Taoist Master Shenji squinted his eyes, not daring to look directly into the eyes of his fellow disciples. He shook his head, which was still buzzing, and had only one thought in his mind: "The great revenge will be avenged!"

"Okay, everything is fine, dad is fine..."

Grandpa Heiyang gently rubbed the letter paper, and his eye circles could not help but turn red: "Knowing that my Yiyi has lived a happy life these years, my heart feels like I have eaten honey. It is so sweet that the old man sheds tears."

"Dad, let me see if my sister mentioned me or my little sister Lianlian!"

Qing Lianlian stood on tiptoes and stretched her head with bright eyes: "I miss my sister so much too..."

"Girl, don't make trouble, how could your sister forget you..."

The grandfather chuckled, held his little daughter in his arms, and pointed at the letter: "If you don't believe it, look at it, Yiyi writes here, has Lian Lian grown taller, has she..."

"Yes, they are all available!"

Unlike the grandfather and aunt on the side who shed tears, Heiyang gritted his teeth and reported one piece of "good news" to the grandfather of the Huang family, for fear that the old man would swallow it in excitement.

"Well, then that weasel gave away many of the Huang family's younger brothers and sisters...

There are seventeen in total, including the two children of the eldest uncle of the Huang family..."

Hei Yang secretly glanced at the old patriarch of the Huang family, whose face was as dark as water, and found that the other man was still breathing, and continued to beep quietly.

"Then there is a guy named Huang Dou who causes mischief everywhere...

Later, Uncle Huang said that he was also from the Huang family...

Well, Grandpa Huang, Grandpa Huang, take a breath, don’t scare me...

Yes, yes, just take a deep breath, come on, try to exhale again, don't, don't swallow, yes, that's it, think about the Huang family still waiting for you to save...

No, no, no, I made a mistake, don’t get excited, don’t get excited..."

"Ah, fufufu...huh!"

The old patriarch of the Huang family rubbed his dizzy eyebrows, and then felt something was wrong with his heartbeat. He slumped on the chair with limp limbs. Hei Yang quickly walked around and beat the old man's back.

"Relax, relax, yes..."

"Okay Xiaoyang."

After an unknown amount of time, the old patriarch of the Huang family sighed and stopped Hei Yang from continuing to beat his back: "Grandpa Huang is fine, he is just angry. It's not in the way, it doesn't matter."

After adjusting his sitting posture, the old patriarch of the Huang family looked at Hei Yang with a look of shame on his face: "I should apologize. The descendants of my Huang family didn't recognize the demon at first, and then became its accomplice. I don't know how many villagers have been harmed, and even more so for Xiao Yang. You and the daughter of the Hong family almost died, but as for Huang Dou..."

The old patriarch of the Huang family looked complicated: "My name is Huang Feng, and Huang Dou is my brother..."

Hei Yang: "..."

Damn, is this considered enemies on a narrow road?

"Anyway, I would like to thank you, Xiaoyang, for telling me so many things."

Huang Feng sighed and looked at his grandfather, who was holding Qing Lianlian in his arms.

"After this incident is over, I will have to go back to my hometown to sort myself out."

After all, whether it is the Huang family in the royal capital or the Huang family in Five Color City, their vitality is seriously injured, and it is not known how long it will take to recover.

Facing the Huang family's experiences, my grandfather was also very sympathetic. After all, the Five Colors family has always been one among you and one among me for countless years.

"Although I really don't want to pour cold water on you, Lao Huang."

Grandpa sighed: "But you can't mess up because of this matter. You are just short of the last step. As long as you find evidence, you can call on the victimized forces to attack together. You can't make a mistake at this time."

"Worrying nonsense!"

Huang Feng snorted coldly: "Whenever have I caused trouble for others in my life, I have never cleaned up the mess for others! This kind of trivial matter can't defeat me!"

"That's good, that's good..."

The grandfather touched his daughter's head and said quietly: "The most urgent task now is to activate the secrets in the palace and tell them that they should speed up..."

"Uh, grandpa, what do I want to ask?"

Hei Yang suddenly raised his hand to interrupt, and said with a strange expression: "What evidence do we still need?"

Chapter 90 Don’t worry, what I do is absolutely foolproof!

"Squeak, click."

The door was pushed open, the Taoist with a proud face stepped out, and closed the door smoothly.

The fifth prince, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, stood up from his seat in an instant and stepped forward quickly: "Prince Shence, how did things go?"

"Oh, it's foolproof."

Taoist Master Shence chuckled and said: "When I take action, I will have that kid in my hand in an instant. I can fight in the air in just the blink of an eye."


The fifth prince glanced at the door: "Fellow Taoist priests, why don't you..."

"Ha, you made the prince laugh."

Taoist Master Shence rolled down his sleeves and showed a complacent expression: "My junior brothers and sisters are angry that the boy hurt my junior brother, so they are slowly making plans to torture him and ask me to come out to ensure that the prince is safe.

A bit of bad taste made the prince laugh. "

"Ah, how could this happen..."

The prince's heart trembled, as he could hear cold murderous intent in that "torture". The other party was using this to beat him!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, the prince showed a more respectful expression.

"It's true that your sect has a deep brotherhood, which I really admire!"

"Hahaha, the prince has been praised too much. This is not the place to talk..."

"Oh, yes, yes, look at my impatience. I forgot to ask the Taoist Priest to take a seat. Taoist Priest, please..."

"Hey, prince, please!"

"Well, well, well..."

Taoist Master Shenji lay on the floor with a look of horror on his face. Someone had stuffed a sock into his mouth, and his whole body's spiritual energy was locked, making him unable to move at all.

What happened?

He was carefully observing the operations of his senior brothers and sisters, but suddenly their orifices were bleeding and their expressions became hideous and terrifying.

Just when Taoist Master Shenji was wondering about the mystery behind the seven orifices bleeding and making grimaces, and what he could learn from it and how to imitate it, he was suddenly attacked by his senior brothers and sisters.

Then, it became what it is now!

"These blood stains must be wiped clean, and no flaws should be exposed..."

The two senior brothers murmured quietly and cooperated with each other, carefully wiping away blood stains and other traces.

The two senior sisters were motionless, closing their eyes to rest?

No, it seems like he fainted.

"Don't look at anything that's inappropriate, don't look at anything that's inappropriate, those who don't know are not guilty, those who don't know are not guilty!"

The last senior brother muttered nervously: "I didn't see anything. It's all the fault of my inner demons. I closed my eyes. It's really, really, really. Xiaoli, you must believe me!"

I swear to the God of Lazy Dogs, I definitely didn’t do anything bad!

Ahhhhhh, damn it, my eyes are contaminated and unclean, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...


Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Taoist Master Shenji squirmed hard and crawled towards the door representing "life": "As long as I can reach that place..."

"Why the hell do you still want to escape?!"

The nervous senior brother instantly noticed that Taoist Master Shen Ji on the ground was trying to escape. When the latter was discovered, his expression tensed up and he closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, praying constantly in his heart.

"Pretend to be dead, right? Is there any use in pretending to be dead? Ah!"

The senior brother who was controlled by the inner demon turned his grief and indignation into pure anger and stamped on the back of Taoist Master Shenji, causing the latter to lose control and spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his sickly face turned pale.

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