
Facing Hong Li's all-out shot, Juhu's face showed solemnity, but it soon turned into sarcasm.

It is true that it might be injured if it receives the shot head-on, but it will definitely be the other person who dies.

Thinking of this, the sarcasm in the giant tiger's eyes became even more intense. These two difficult pieces of meat were not going to be solved by themselves. It squeezed out its power again and vowed to kill them with one blow!



One person and one tiger charge towards each other!

"Silly thing."

Facing the giant claw that was so close at hand, Hongli suddenly smiled, disappeared on the spot, and instantly appeared on the back of the giant tiger: "If you have skills, a fool won't use them. No one will really believe it!"

"Haha, I've already seen what you're thinking."

Hei Yang smiled disdainfully, and you still wanted to deceive him?


Facing the target that suddenly disappeared, the giant tiger's eyes suddenly became panicked. There was a cliff in front of it. It braked suddenly, dragging a long mark on the ground.

"It's not over yet!"

The tip of the red tassel spear shines with fierce red light. With the blessing of skills, it pierces the giant tiger's body and smashes into the opponent's internal organs!


The giant tiger screamed to the sky in pain, several internal organs were shattered, blood and vitality drained rapidly, and it could no longer stop and rushed down the cliff!

Hong Li was about to put away the gun, but Hei Yang's roar came to her ears: "Let go!"

But in the end, he was still a step too slow. The Hongying spear was tightly stuck by the giant tiger's flesh and bones. With a drag, Hongli's center of gravity became unstable and he fell off the cliff!

"Depend on!"

Hei Yang glared and disappeared in an instant. The next moment, he had come behind Hong Li, hugged her, and with the help of skills, the long sword pierced the rock wall hard!

"Clatter, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack!"

The rock wall was not as strong as expected. The blade of the sword penetrated the rock wall, and the hilt of the sword was held in Hei Yang's hand. Along the broken spot, a hideous "wound" was opened from top to bottom!

On one side was the falling gravity, and on the other side was the mutually offset friction between the long sword and the rock wall, which greatly reduced their falling speed.

The arm holding the sword hurt as if it was broken, but Hei Yang did not let go of the hilt.

Finally, they stopped about ten meters away from the bottom of the cliff.

Before Hei Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, a crisp sound of "click" sounded, giving him an unknown premonition: "No way..."


Hei Yang looked in confusion as only the hilt of the sword was left in his hand, and the sword body was rubbed away during the process of falling and slowing down...

"What the hell..."


Red glass O-l乀

Heiyang No. 1 Factory L

The giant tiger's mouth v乀


Chapter 13 I have so many regrets and so many expectations, you know!


Hongli couldn't help but curled back.

Well, it's getting warmer...

Wait, where is this...


Hong Li opened her eyes suddenly, and through a huge gap, she saw the bright moon shining high in the sky, the cold wind howling, exuding bursts of cold breath.

There was some warmth on the back, and the ups and downs of her breathing reminded Hong Li that there seemed to be something underneath her.

"Well, I fell, and then..."

Hongli struggled to get up, but she couldn't break free.

She lowered her head, looked at the arm tightly wrapped around her waist, tilted her head in confusion, and then realized that Hei Yang was pressed under her body.

"I said it doesn't feel right."

Hongli sighed, gently pulled Hei Yang's arm away, stood up and looked at Hei Yang, and found that the other person could still breathe, and felt relieved.

Hong Li was pressed by Hei Yang, and then Hei Yang was pressed by the giant tiger's body. Under the giant tiger was thick snow, plus the sixth level of physical training, and...

Hong Li glanced at the hilt of the sword held in Hei Yang's other hand and felt convinced.

"I said why is it so cold, lying in the snow, and..."

Hongli looked at the clothes on herself and Hei Yang. They had become tattered during the process of escaping, fighting, and falling off the cliff.

"The moon has risen here, so it's almost dawn..."

Hong Li rubbed her brows, grabbed the spear stuck in the giant tiger's body with one hand, and dragged the tiger's body along with it.

The other hand held up the black sun and moved it towards a clean place.

Looking from afar, both the three-meter-tall giant tiger and the nearly 1.8-meter-high black sun completely covered Hongli's height of less than 1.6 meters, but apart from some trouble, dragging the two There is no difficulty.

He leaned against a raised rock wall and used the red tassel gun and the giant tiger to make a simple support and cover. It was like building a simple shelter.

After carefully moving Hei Yang in, Hong Li sat down on the ground, looked around, and couldn't help but sigh: "What a sin."

Only then did she feel the injuries on her body. Although not fatal, it affected her movements somewhat.

Sighing again, Hongli glanced at Hei Yang with her dead fish eyes. She leaned against him gently and closed her eyes.


The crow of the rooster woke up Hei Yang. He opened his eyes drowsily and yawned subconsciously: "I felt a little uncomfortable in my sleeping position yesterday. Yawn, ah~ I'm going!"

A ferocious tiger head jumped into his sight, scaring Hei Yang's heart so much that he almost woke up.

"You're awake."

Hong Li gently moved the giant tiger's body away and looked at Hei Yang with a depressed look: "Well, the treatment process was successful, you are already a girl!"

Hei Yang: "???"

Pupil earthquake!

"No, no one really believes it."

Hongli sneered and put down the wild fruit in her arms, with a rabbit stuck in the spear in her hand.

"Hey, what's going on with that look in your eyes that says, "This guy wakes up so early and is still working so hard?"

Hong Li suddenly became furious: "No matter how lazy I am, I won't watch myself starve to death!"

"Ah, I didn't say anything, it was all made up by your own imagination."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, picked up a wild fruit, rubbed it, and took a bite: "The taste is okay. Is this thing not poisonous?"

"It's poisonous. It's been poisoned with Mongolian sweat medicine."

Hong Li replied angrily: "I'll poison you right away."

"whispering sound."

Hei Yang curled his lips: "You didn't poison me, you scared me to death first. Why did you throw this corpse in front of me?"

"Oh, I won't stop you. Wait until I come back from looking for food and let the wild wolf or something take away your piece of shit, right?"

"Ah, this is true. Even though the tiger is dead, its power is still there..."

Hei Yang reacted and nodded: "Besides, I said, I have so many wounds on my body, don't you know how to bandage them? Haha, my feelings are weak after all!"

"Can I stab you twice with a gun?"

Hongli couldn't help but cursed: "You're still kicking your nose and face, right?"

"Okay, okay, my fault, my fault."

Hei Yang was so soft-spoken that he gave in decisively: "So, are we falling?"

"if not?"

Hong Li waved her hand: "Don't think about it, I just looked for it, and there is no peerless magic elixir, no inheritance from immortals, no rare beasts, and no secret realm of treasures.

This is just an ordinary cliff crack, not a processing shop where the protagonist rises. "


Hei Yang was told what he was thinking, and he was a little dissatisfied and said: "But we fell off the cliff and survived. Don't you think this is meaningful?"

"You said you're not dead, your parents, your mom, my dad and my mom, they don't necessarily think so."

Hongli rolled her eyes: "Think about it, those two little girls ran back crawling and crawling. I must tell them that we couldn't go back. Maybe we were forced to die."

"God was forced to die."

"Hey, don't believe it."

Hongli put her hand to her ear: "I seem to have heard your cry at the funeral: Oh, my life is so miserable, why are you so cruel~~"

"Grass (became a plant again), you took advantage of me, right?"

"No, no, it's just your illusion."

Hongli's expression remained unchanged and she looked normal - this was the most abnormal thing!

"So, we should quickly find a way to go back, right?"

Hei Yang pointed out the key point. He didn't care much about adventures under the cliff or mysterious inheritance. They were all fake. He just wanted to go home immediately!

After all, if it had been a few days later, his grave might have been dug.

Then a few days later, he won't even be able to catch up with the first seven soul reincarnations... Bah, bah, he wasn't dead in the first place, so what kind of soul reincarnation is there!

"That's for sure. I've been away from my bed for a whole day and I'm about to die!"

Hongli sighed and pointed to the top of her head: "But look, there are cliffs on both sides. How are we going to get up?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang subconsciously gritted his teeth: "It's a bit difficult."

"That's it."

Hongli stretched out: "That's right, ah - there's no way, there's no way..."

"Uh, did I hear a rooster crow just now?"

Hei Yang suddenly reacted: "Or was it that I was still dreaming at that time and didn't wake up?"

"That's not..."

Hongli scratched her head, her long hair was messy, and Hei Yang couldn't help but want to... pluck it out for her!

Unaware of Hei Yang's malicious gaze, Hong Li ran her fingers along her hair and said to herself, "I seemed to have heard a rooster crow just now. Could it be some kind of plot about coming to the chicken coop by accident?"

"That makes sense!"

Hei Yang stretched, stood up slowly, and walked along the cliff. Hong Li followed him with a spear: "Don't run around!"

"Okay, okay, I just want to see if I can find any spiritual chicken nest, maybe, uh... Hongli?"

"What's wrong?"

Hongli's face was full of doubts.

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