How can one become an immortal if he is so lazy?

Author: Praise for Ibrahimovic


What happens when practice progress can be bound and synchronized?

[Your bound object has broken through to the Qi Refining Stage, and your realm will automatically be upgraded to the Qi Refining Stage]

[Your bound object is a master of swordsmanship, and your swordsmanship is raised to the master stage]

[You have been running for three weeks, and your binding object has been running for two weeks, so your cultivation progress has been increased by five weeks at the same time]

[The person you are bound to has become an immortal, and you have also become an immortal]

The above pictures are all imaginary!

When two salted fish are bound together, the saltiness is doubled!

"Go and practice hard, for the sake of immortality!"

"Bah, why don't you go practice hard!"

[You have been touching fish for a whole day, and your binding partner has been touching fish for a whole day, you... you two are really\u0026#y]

【How can you become an immortal if you are so sluggish! 】

Chapter 1 What are these two people?

Unknown continent, Qiankun Country, Five Color City, a certain restaurant.

Sitting at a wine table by the window on the second floor was a young man... and a young girl.

The boy has refreshing short hair, delicate facial features, and is handsome.

The girl has long hair shawl, fair skin, pretty and cute.

The warm sun came in through the window and shone on them, as if they were getting a little light too.

In this situation, no matter who it is, when they see this couple, a lot of words will come up in their minds to describe them: golden boy and beautiful girl, a perfect match, a talented man and a beautiful woman, a talented man and a beautiful woman...

Unfortunately, when people get closer and see clearly those two pairs of lifeless dead fish eyes, all the beautiful illusions are instantly overturned, and four words pop up in their minds: two salted fish!

"Xian... uh... no, no... I'm a guest officer!"

The waiter laughed along with him and quickly made up for the slip of the tongue: "This is the big plate of peanuts and wine for the two guests, while it's still hot..."

Uh, I mean...I won't bother! "

"Good guy."

The boy's voice was calm: "You showed me off twice in five seconds. This little second brother has something."

"One thing to say."

The girl couldn't help but yawned: "Indeed!"

"Ah this..."

The waiter was at a loss for a moment and didn't know what to do. Maybe he should say: Thank you two guests for the compliment? But why do I feel like I will be beaten if I speak out!

Fortunately, the shopkeeper came over in time to help the waiter: "Sorry, sorry, Mr. Black, Mr. Red, this guy is new here, I don't know your preferences..."

The shopkeeper turned his head and looked at the waiter seriously: "Remember, when these two come here from now on, even if they order drinks, they must be replaced by juices. Do you understand?"

"Uncle shopkeeper, keep your voice down."

Hei Yang coughed twice: "There's no need to publicize this kind of thing in a big way..."


Hongli nodded: "Save some face for me."

"Ah, yes, yes, the little old man is being abrupt."

The shopkeeper apologized quickly and lowered his voice and told the waiter: "Why don't you go and change it to juice? I'm a bit discerning. Don't think that just because you were introduced by that guy Hu Bu, you can just be lazy here. Friendship is friendship, business is business!"

The waiter responded quickly and quickly served the juice to the two of them.

Hong Li took a strong sip, and her little face instantly wrinkled up with soreness. It took her a long time to recover: "What should I say?"

"How do you say what?"

"About why the two of us are sitting here again!"

"I was kicked out of my home by my mother."

"What a coincidence, it's the same for me."

The two of them suddenly fell silent. After an unknown period of time, Hei Yang took the initiative to speak: "I feel like mom and the others are trying to bring the two of us together."

"Be confident, don't feel it."

Hong Lixun glanced at Hei Yang: "That's what they want to do. It is said that my father and your father went out for a drink last time. While drinking, he even thought about the names of your and me's future children."

"How could this be?"

Hei Yang was shocked: "Shouldn't the right to name a child belong to the parents, and this little bit of fun should be deprived of them?!"

"Is that the point?"


After looking at each other quietly for a few seconds, Heiyang Hongli sighed at the same time.

Hei Yang rubbed his eyebrows: "Because if you are always alone, you will look very lonely and unsociable."

Hong Li had a headache: "But it would be too troublesome to play with those kings."

"That's why I stay with you all day long, because I can tell at a glance that you and I are the same type of lazy dogs. I feel that there won't be so much trouble. It's really not like we are in love!"*2

"Actually, we are both 16 years old, and we will indeed get married in a few years."

Hei Yang fell into deep thought: "Instead of finding someone to live with whom we don't know each other, why don't we get together as a couple."

"That's right. After all, life is like this. If you can't resist, you have to learn to enjoy it. It's called ruining..."

Hongli sighed: "But in my eyes, you have always been a good brother. It feels so weird to suddenly fall in love with your own brother."

"You think it's strange, don't I?"

Hei Yang rolled his eyes at her: "But to twist the pure love between brothers into the dirty love between a man and a woman, there must be some dirty steps, right?"

"So, are we on a dirty date?"

Hong Li asked a very valuable question, which made Hei Yang think seriously for three seconds, and then said with some uncertainty: "It should be considered...?"

"let me see……"

Hong Li frowned slightly, and suddenly stretched out her little hand and put her arm on the table: "Since it is a dirty date, I heard that you have to do some dirty things, such as holding hands in a dirty way!"


Hei Yang took a breath: "This is too dirty, it's morally corrupt!"

After all, Hei Yang stretched out his hand and held Hong Li's little hand.

To put it another way, it's a little soft, a little smooth, a little delicate, a little strong...



Hei Yang's hand was slammed on the table by Hong Li!

The two thousand and sixty arm-wrestling between the two ended in Hei Yang's defeat. The record was refreshed and became: one thousand and four wins, one thousand and two defeats!

"Are you okay?"

Hong Li mocked: "You fell down as soon as you broke it off? I asked you, what level of physical training level are you at now? Are you just fishing for fish lately and haven't exercised well?"

"A sneak attack is a skill, right? I didn't even try hard, otherwise I would have to pay for it if the table broke."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "Fifth level of body forging realm, what's wrong?"

"Oh, trash!"

"Ah? When did you reach the sixth level?"

"I am also fifth level."

"Then you have the nerve to scold me?"


"to be honest."

Hong Li sighed: "No matter how hard you exercise your body, without the Qi refining method, you will still be an ordinary person after all."

"Then there is no way. This kind of cultivation method is not in the hands of the big guys of the sect or the country?"

Hei Yang spread his hands and said, "Speaking of which, our Five Color City is lucky this year. Both our Hei family and your Hong family were granted a discipleship by the big boss of the Five Elements Sect.

Tsk tsk, the Qing family, the Bai family, and the Huang family must be going crazy with jealousy. "

"He's not the senior of our family, he has performed well in the sect."

Hongli's tone was calm: "Don't expect lazy dogs like us to do this kind of thing about honoring our ancestors, right?"


Hei Yang nodded in agreement: "But anyway, this quota is none of my business. My uncle's cousin has already reserved it."

"Coincidentally, our Hong family's place has also been reserved by a cousin of mine."


"Hey, did you hear that?"

Hongli suddenly lowered her voice: "I heard that a great immortal came to stay temporarily in the Huang family. He said he wanted to select a young talent from five of our families to be his disciple and teach him the cultivation method!"

"Who doesn't know about this?"

Hei Yang's expression remained unchanged: "There's no need to talk about things that everyone in the city knows so quietly.

I heard that the immortal likes to eat chickens, so everyone from children to old people in Wu Color City went out to catch the so-called spiritual chickens.

As a result, the tigers and wolves in the mountains outside the city have been getting extra meals every day recently. "

"So you're not going?"

"You didn't go too, didn't you?"

"Because I'm lazy!"

Chapter 2 Really, I planned well yesterday!

"Speaking of which, why are you so concerned about this kind of cultivation thing recently?"

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li suspiciously: "Logically speaking, you and I are both big salty fish, so we should stay away from such hardships, right?

Could it be were bribed by the Involution Brigade and rebelled against the organization? ! "

"That's almost it."

Seeing Hei Yang's betrayed heartache, Hong Li rolled her eyes: "I just don't want to die..."


Hei Yang was startled and asked quickly: "Has anyone threatened your life? Tell them quickly and I can take you away."

"Indeed, I have a terminal illness!"

Hongli looked serious.

"Ah this!"

Heiyang's pupils were shaking: "It's bad, I haven't learned medical skills. How about if you keep insisting, I will go to the medical clinic in the east of the city to become a disciple?"

"This disease... you can't cure it!"

"No way……"

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