39. How about a decapitation operation?

Countess Linea felt as if common sense was being destroyed.

To be honest, it was always like that when dealing with this person.

At first, he was thought to be a young but skilled mercenary knight, but it turned out that he was as skilled as Master Johan.

Dealing with the old retainers was a difficult task even for himself, but within a few days, he had beheaded one and shaken the others.

How could such a person show the appearance of a knight aspirant from a rural manor who had just come to the city?

He had studied with several private tutors and gained administrative experience with the help of the retainers. However, this young knight’s abilities seemed to be no less than his own.

He was curious about what kind of family education the Burroughs family had.

Moreover, he now suggested kidnapping Baron Patson.

Leaving aside whether it was possible, the very thought of it was astonishing.

It seemed that this person thought in a completely different way from himself.

As if he had lived in another country and inevitably had unfamiliar words and attitudes.

And during the inspection and reporting, he emphasized the stockpiling of food and weapons.

He insisted that not only should additional mercenaries be recruited, but a comprehensive recruitment plan for the territory’s residents should be established, and preparations should be made for the possibility of rural areas outside Kalmar City being swept by looting.

What kind of future was he envisioning?

What kind of hell was he anticipating to make such extreme claims?

Would the tension between the princes really explode into a full-scale civil war?

Countess Linnea had many questions passing through her mind.

However, there was only one issue to focus on right now.

“Sir William. Is it really possible?”

“Yes. If we plan the escape route well, it should be possible. Of course, I can’t do it alone. We need a few knights to move together, at least two guides, and soldiers to hold off the pursuit at the territory’s border.”

“Master Johan?”

“Preparation will take a day or two. But Countess, you must think carefully about capturing the opposing lord in this manner. If we can do it, so can they.”


They say that the difference between people who lived in the Joseon Dynasty and those who live in modern Korea is in knowledge, not wisdom, and it seems that this applies here as well.

Decapitation operation.

A method of war where you cut off the opponent’s head.

It is good for preventive war and also for intimidation.

The more a country is ruled by a dictator, the more effective it is.

This place has backward administration and few rulers, so the effect of a decapitation operation is certain.

If Baron Patson is captured, there will be no territorial war.

In that case, the Kalmar Count’s family can preserve their strength a bit more.

And they can secure more time to gather useful mercenaries.

However, there are two problems with the decapitation operation.

One is that the success rate drops significantly without an insider’s cooperation,

and the other is that if everyone starts considering the decapitation operation, the safety of our ruler will also be seriously compromised.

Master Johan’s point now was the second one, specifically about the safety of the Count.

“That’s right. I hope we can avoid anything that affects the Count’s safety. The contracted mercenary captain’s skills are reliable. Wouldn’t it be better to leave the battle to the mercenaries?”

“How do you plan to kidnap Baron Patson without knowing where he is? It’s better not to do anything reckless. Sir William is a valuable asset to us.”

Count Linnea of Kalmar cautiously listened to the opposing opinions of the retainers and then looked at me.

Seeing her face up close, she was indeed beautiful, but not someone to be taken lightly.

Because she is a Count.

In terms of age, she was just a freshman in college, but the way she demanded answers with her eyes was characteristic of the ruling class.

“Hmm. Your points are valid, but.”

The preface ends with ‘but’.

It means she doesn’t agree with their opinions.

The retainers’ eyes instantly turned hostile.

They glared at me, questioning why I was recklessly putting the Count on the front lines of the war.

“As you all know, I have been inspecting the city of Kalmar for the past few days.”

As soon as the word ‘inspection’ was mentioned, their gazes quickly shifted.

They didn’t want to be the next target, I suppose?

“There were a few issues, but I confirmed that the loyalty to the Count was firm and the city was wealthy. However, there was one problem. The war preparations were not properly done.”

Everyone seemed puzzled, as if question marks were popping up above their heads.

But I had to say it.

From the perspective of someone from a country that has maintained a total war posture for over two generations,

and considering that a full-scale civil war is about to begin soon,

the war preparations in the city of Kalmar were very inadequate.

“Food is not a big problem. Sir Meller has managed it well, so it shouldn’t be an issue for the time being. However, it seemed necessary to increase the stockpile more than usual in preparation for a famine. The problem is weapons. Swords, spears, blunt weapons, bows and crossbows, shields, armor, helmets, all are lacking. The amount stored in the warehouse is only enough for the territorial army. If we need to recruit, there are no weapons to give. Moreover, the stockpile of arrows is so critically low that it’s not even enough for the territorial army. Even if we requisition horses and carts for movement, it’s difficult to requisition weapons. We need to manufacture and stockpile them in advance.”

Everyone looked bewildered.

“It takes a long time to manufacture weapons. There are not enough weapon artisans, and it’s difficult to tell other artisans to stop what they’re doing and make weapons because their contracts are complicated. So, instead of mobilizing a large number of troops, I would prefer to prioritize striking the enemy’s head with a small number of troops first.”

The retainers who were not well-versed in military matters murmured among themselves.

“Weren’t the soldiers supposed to bring their own weapons? That’s what everyone does.”

“Recruitment? Isn’t that something the contracted mercenary captain should handle?”

“What do you mean by requisition? Horses and carriages?”

Then Count Linea intervened.

“Wait a moment, Sir William. This matter needs to be discussed with Master Johan first. Please refrain from making unapproved statements.”

“I apologize, Count. I got carried away while explaining. I will discuss the details with Master Johan and report back through him.”

“Alright. Do that. Master Johan, please review it once more.”

Master Johan, who had been sitting with a stunned expression, frowned at me once and then nodded to the Count, indicating his agreement.

Oh dear. I’ve accumulated a minus one stack of goodwill with that man.

Should I spar with him to resolve it?

“It seems I let something slip in the middle. Let me make it clear to the knights as well: Master Johan is responsible for military affairs, so convincing him is the same as convincing me. And Sir William.”

“Yes, Count.”

“When the order is given, there won’t be any problem finding Baron Patson, no matter where he is, right?”

“Of course. There might be variables if he escapes, but if he’s in his castle, finding him won’t be an issue.”

I have a minimap, you see.

But the people here would understand it as Count Kalmar having planted a collaborator in Baron Patson’s territory.

And they would be both impressed and fearful.

Count Linea must trust my abilities.

“Then the only issue is my safety. Let me make it clear: I trust my bodyguards. As long as my knights protect me, I am perfectly safe. But since the knights are so concerned, I will have someone as skilled as Master Johan stay in the lord’s castle.”

Was there someone as skilled as Master Johan in Kalmar?

Who is he talking about?

“Sir William, how is your lodging situation? I understand you haven’t bought a house yet?”

“That’s correct, Count. I’m staying at Martin’s Inn. Since I’m alone, the inn is sufficient.”

“In that case, I’ll provide you with a room in the lord’s castle. The maids will take care of the maintenance, so you won’t have to worry about anything.”

Was that for me?

I was momentarily speechless.


Some of the retainers present felt as if their hearts had stopped.

Mickelson, who was the auditor of the city council, raised both hands in opposition on behalf of the shocked retainers.

“Normally, we don’t let people into the lord’s castle carelessly. Moreover, since the Count is still unmarried, it’s even more so. People who like to gossip might create unnecessary rumors.”

“Is my safety more important, or my reputation?”

“Of course, safety is more important. Who here would take the Count’s safety lightly? However, in some cases, reputation can be just as important as safety. Considering the Count’s situation, it might be better to avoid any scandal.”

However, not everyone shared Mikkelson’s opinion.

Advisor Lindstrom sided with Countess Linnea.

“Although there is some gossip, what does it matter if we are upright? Sir William is skilled enough to easily handle a few ordinary knights. If he stays in the lord’s castle, there will be no worries about the Countess’s safety.”

“I think so too. So let’s leave it at that.”

Mikkelson swallowed the words that were about to come out when Master Johan and Head Maid Sarah remained silent, and Advisor Lindstrom, the chairman of the advisory committee, agreed.

Damn it. If Sir William is that skilled, I’m even more worried about the Countess’s safety.

Is there no one trustworthy in this world that we have to trust a young knight next to a beauty?

I can’t trust him!

After a mental outburst, he sighed and decided to trust Head Maid Sarah instead of William.

The meeting continued, but he barely listened.


When I organized my belongings in the inn room, there wasn’t much to call moving luggage.

Just a few boxes.

I asked the servant from the lord’s castle to take care of the boxes and headed to the barracks where Master Johan was waiting.

Master Johan said he would have a few knights on standby for me.

I was scheduled to depart for Patson’s territory with them soon.

The territorial soldiers who would wait at the border for the escape would follow, and the guides who would lead the way in Patson’s territory were to be met in a village on the outskirts of the territory.

From noble mtl dot com

Then, I planned to cross Patson’s barony with three knights and raid Baron Patson’s mansion.

It’s not possible to deal with the opponent leisurely when doing dangerous work with a small number of people.

Still, I hope there won’t be too much killing.

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