12. The Duty of Nobles

It was a bleak space with not even proper decorations to be considered a noble’s office.

The furniture was made to maximize functionality without any decorations, so it felt cold. There were no unnecessary items, and everything was neatly organized.

There was not even a speck of dust on the furniture.

The flowerpot placed on one side of the table was the only deviation in this space.

It was clear that the owner of this office was a follower of efficiency and a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A middle-aged man with a pale complexion was sitting in the office. And in front of him stood several men. Those standing had even paler complexions. It would not have been strange if they collapsed at any moment.

“So, all the efforts put into Kalmar have come to naught.”

The sitting man’s indifferent tone caused tension.

The answer came out immediately.

“Yes, but there are still those within reach, so it shouldn’t be difficult to hear some news.”

“It was so hard to squeeze in, and now we’ve wasted all that time. It’s a necessary port, but the city of Kalmar itself is really a headache. For a port city, it’s too closed off. Even though it’s the same port city, it feels completely different from Visby.”

“Well, there would be a big difference between having an owner and not having one.”

“That’s right. Visby is a self-governing city. Kalmar, which has had a ruler for a long time, would naturally be different. By the way, is Kalmar’s successor still unmarried?”

“Yes, still unmarried. There are a few suitors, but it seems they are being ignored.”

“Since it’s the ruler of Kalmar, ordinary people wouldn’t catch their eye. No matter how urgent it is, it has to be someone of the right status for the retainers to accept.”

The man nodded, agreeing with his own words.

The middle-aged man with a pale complexion continued to flip through the report.

As the type of report changed, the expressions of the men standing there subtly changed. Some were relieved, while others were engulfed in anxiety.

The middle-aged man suddenly stopped flipping through the report.

“Christopher was disarmed and killed in one blow?”

“Yes, it has been cross-verified.”

“The ‘large battle hammer’ mentioned in the report, is it the same hammer that Christopher used to carry around? The one he specially commissioned, saying he would one day take down a forest ogre with a single blow.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“It doesn’t make sense. Christopher struck first and even hit accurately. Christopher once showed me the power of that hammer, and it wasn’t something a person could block. But it was blocked with a sword?”

“Yes, but it is true. The sword that blocked the hammer was broken, but there was no significant damage. So, it is true that it was blocked with a sword. It has been cross-verified by witnesses, so the facts are clear.”

The middle-aged man pursed his lips and continued to flip through the report. His hands moved faster and faster until he placed the last report down.

“He single-handedly faced two knight-level skilled warriors, took them down in one blow, and then charged forward, sweeping through over thirty sailors unilaterally. Where did such a person suddenly come from?”

“We are investigating.”

“Investigate thoroughly. Even if a genius was brought up intensively from a renowned family, it wouldn’t be easy to reach this level. Find out which family, who trained him, why he is in Kalmar, and why he suddenly appeared to support Kalmar. Don’t miss even the smallest rumor.”

“Do you intend to recruit him?”

“Why? Are you concerned about Christopher?”

“Christopher was quite popular, after all.”

“There is an enormous amount of work to be done, and the path ahead is several times longer than the one we’ve come. The damage from even a slight misstep in the process is unimaginable. So, we need to bring in talent whenever we see it. But whether we use them and discard them or continue with them, we don’t know yet. So, first, find out everything about that person.”

“Understood. I will find out as soon as possible.”

The middle-aged man, Duke Glenn, sat frowning in his office after all his subordinates had left.

He wanted to be a good lord as much as possible, but sometimes he felt that his subordinates crossed the line.

This was one of those times.

Of course, he felt responsibility and sorrow for the subordinate who died in the line of duty. But for the survival of the family, there are times when even the enemy must be embraced.

But to give up a useful talent from the start just because of his subordinates’ opinions?

It seemed like a change of personnel was necessary.

With those who obey orders more.

With those who prioritize the lord’s commands over their own thoughts.

Like the one who came to report now.

A new reporter stood before the duke.

“Lord, there is a message from Kalmar.”

“What is it?”

“The successor of Kalmar, Lady Linnea Kalmar, is having an engagement ceremony.”

“An engagement? Not a wedding? Time must be pressing.”

At Duke Glenn’s puzzled words, the reporter continued to explain.

“There was opposition to getting married without an engagement first. The plan is to have the engagement first and then the wedding a few months later.”

“Who is the partner?”

“It is the third son of the Count of Flens, Tallin. He is 20 years old and known to be a skilled knight. He is quite handsome and has a reputation for being a ladies’ man.”

“The Count of Flens is part of Maximilian’s faction, but in reality, they are closer to neutral. Still, in this way, they are more likely to side with Maximilian when they have to choose. What did Lady Linnea say about the engagement?”

“When the retainers decided on Tallin as the candidate and informed the lady, she said it was her duty.”

“She is crushed by the weight of the count’s title. It might be natural for a young girl, but in that case, she should have accepted my proposal to marry my nephew and live comfortably. What can a young girl who can’t even wield a sword do?”

Duke Glenn sneered and dismissed the reporter.

He leaned back in his chair and looked up. The ceiling, devoid of any decoration, came into view.

Sometimes, lords hold meetings in the fields.

Like an army going into battle, they set up tents in the fields, and the retainers attend the meeting in armor and armed.

The lord also presides over the meeting in armor and armed.

It is mostly held when the support of the retainers is needed. It is an event to emphasize that I am also a knight like you.

A knight is the lord’s most powerful sword, so it is something that must never be let go.

One must be in good standing with those who hold weapons.

But can a girl who is doubtful if she even knows how to hold a sword properly elicit true loyalty?

From those macho men whose heads are filled with thoughts of fighting?

That girl needs to understand reality, even for her own sake.

Moreover, she chose Maximilian over me…

Fine. Then I will throw cold water on that engagement ceremony.


18 years old.

Let’s see if the emotions of a young woman can withstand the burden of duty when faced with reality.

Duke Glenn pulled the cord to summon the butler.

* * *

Many people witnessed the incident that took place in the market street of the harbor.

It was an era where there was so little to enjoy that even hangings were enjoyed like festivals. So, one can imagine how excited people were about the battle that took place in the middle of the city.

The buildings on the market street were at least two stories high, and it was common to see buildings built three or four stories high to accommodate both warehouses and living quarters. That meant many people saw my battle scene.

Everyone talked about what they saw, and even those who didn’t see it talked as if they had.

In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for a criminal organization involved in smuggling or human trafficking to be publicly eradicated by the guards after settling in a corner of the harbor, but it wasn’t very rare either.

For the people of the market street in Kalmar Harbor, it was common to see large-scale chaos at least once or twice a year, with criminals and guards chasing each other.

Even so, or perhaps because of that, what they witnessed this time was more shocking.

“Did you see it? I saw it!”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t. Our company’s ship had just arrived, so I had to go inspect the goods. I heard the news while inspecting the goods. The guards swarmed in and seized Bram’s ship, and a fight broke out with the sailors guarding the ship.”

“That’s really unfortunate. You should have seen it. It was the first time I saw such a scene. It was really brutal and terrifying, yet it had a thrilling aspect that made a man’s heart race.”

“Well, it seems like a big deal, but isn’t it something we occasionally experience while doing business? Have I ever completed a business trip without encountering bandits or robbers? I can’t remember. It must be shocking for those who live in the city. Thieves or pickpockets wouldn’t run around with knives, would they?”

“No. The guards beating up salt merchants is, as you said, no different from what we occasionally experience. It was a familiar fight. But seeing a mercenary knight defeat dozens of men alone was a spectacle. I’ve traveled quite a bit for business and experienced enough fights to be used to them, but I’ve never seen such a scene. I was mesmerized. And the strength! It was as if he had the blood of a giant. He swung that huge hammer like a fly swatter, and no one could stop him! Even if they tried, they were all knocked away! It was clearly a scene of blood and death, but it was so exhilarating and refreshing. I couldn’t believe it even as I saw it with my own eyes.”

“Really? What kind of person is he? A mercenary knight, so he doesn’t serve a noble?”

“I don’t know the details. I heard he participated in the eradication of the bandits on the Dalraven River on Martin’s recommendation, and his skills were said to be certain. But seeing it in person, it was beyond certain.”

“Martin? The one who runs the guesthouse?”

“Yes. If it’s Martin, you can trust him. So, it seems there are a few companies that have asked Martin to broker for them. Such skilled individuals are really rare. Wouldn’t it be reassuring to have such a skilled person when going on a business trip?”

“Indeed. A trustworthy skilled person is a rare and precious existence.”


Trustworthy, they say.


Since when did these people see me as a trustworthy and skilled mercenary knight?

I felt bewildered by the proposals that came in almost daily.

The proposals, ambiguous documents, and invitations that arrived with small gifts all started with praises for me.

And the main content was a request for me to join their business trips, claiming that I was a skilled and trustworthy mercenary knight.

The reputation of being ‘skilled’ was something I earned by personally smashing the heads of bandits and pirates, and the title of ‘mercenary knight’ was a compromise because I was too skilled to be called a squire or apprentice knight, even though I hadn’t been knighted yet.

In reality, those who couldn’t get knighted due to lack of connections but had confidence in their skills and the financial means to equip themselves often called themselves mercenary knights. After all, a mercenary knight commanded a higher price than a mere mercenary.

Mercenary Knight.

It’s a title that is not strange at all.

However, the reputation of being ‘trustworthy’ is something else.

I am a newcomer to Kalmar and not from a famous family, so there is no one to vouch for me, nor is there a family name to back me up.

Moreover, although it remains only in my memory, wasn’t there a time when I inflicted massive damage on the city of Kalmar? So, when the merchants of Kalmar say that I am trustworthy, it feels somewhat blasphemous.

Of course, I understand why this reputation is included. It is entirely thanks to Martin. It is a reputation built on the credit he has accumulated as a broker.

In other words, it is a guarantee that because Martin brokers the mercenary knight, he can be trusted. If I cause any trouble, Martin will compensate. Even if there is no contract, that is the implicit rule. If Martin refuses to compensate, he will lose his credit.

This was also a burden for me.

Since I returned from subjugating Kaal, Martin has been excessively friendly. Although I refused the duel trial because it felt like there was something fishy about it, it was quite a plausible proposal in itself.

It was clear that Martin wanted to gain my favor.

From noble mtl dot com

Why is that?

I decided to ask Martin directly.

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