The Skeleton Division 1 team, PMT, is once again unable to cross the meat golem wall and is annihilated.

“No, you lost again?!”

“Even for the bottom team, this is too much!”

“I thought I was going to win unconditionally this time because it was close last time!”

In response to the audience’s reaction, the host spoke in an urgent voice.

-Applause to the PMT team members who worked hard even though they were defeated… … .

However, even at the words of the presenter, the audience booed.


“Just get demoted and go to the local league!”

And at the booing of the audience, the PMT team bowed their heads and went back to the waiting room.

Some people said with embarrassed expressions at the PMT team members who looked down.

“Was it too hard?”

“Well, you must have worked hard. It’s not like they lost because they wanted to lose.”

I muttered in a quiet voice to those people’s words.

“well. Will it be so?”

To be sure, I sneaked into the stadium and saw the game with my own eyes and was completely convinced.

“I was impatient to lose.”

The general public as well as the players didn’t notice it because it was just changing the algorithm setting with the console, but I knew it right away as I could check the magic circle myself.

In the first place, PMT’s skeleton algorithm was set so that it could not fatally wound meat golems.

Then the voices of the other audience members were heard.

“People from my neighborhood heard that they were promoted to the first division, so I cheered hard, but what is this?”

“I bet money on Totoro too.”

When I heard that, I said with a firm expression.

“Totora… … .”

Recently, the skeleton league game was also selected as a betting event in Toto, and it has gained sensational popularity.

Of course, it is a legal business recognized by the Totoya country and the upper limit of the amount is set, so it doesn’t matter, but if it was truly match-fixing, the players would have received money in return, and those who gave the money had a 99% chance of illegal gambling and It was clear that there was a connection.

Unlike sports toto, which is monitored and supervised by the state, illegal gambling can make a lot of money if only the match can be manipulated.

I gritted my teeth and said.

“Do these bastards dare to ruin my board?”

And such match-fixing is the white sea useless cancer mass itself that gnaws at my plan to develop algorithms through constructive competition and raise players to use them as commanders of undead corps in case of emergency.


Park In-gwi, who was waiting next to me, said.


“Take the kids and find out who they conspired with. This is 100 percent match-fixing.”

I said with a cold expression.

“I dare you to make me pay for ruining my table.”

* * *


After the game, one of the PMT team members having a party after the game sighed.

“Is this really right?”

Then leader Kang In-hyuk said with a firm expression.

“Is that sound again?”

“Even during the regional league, we were determined to go up to the first division and become a famous player. But what is this now?”

A member of the team said while drinking.

“I lose on purpose even when I can win. Is this for real?”

“Of course it is.”

Kang In-hyeok poured alcohol into his teammate’s empty glass and said.

“You all felt it too, that we wouldn’t last very long in the first division.”

Even when they broke through the regional league and came up to the first division, the morale of all team members skyrocketed.

Now, like famous players and teams, they will rise to the top and be cheered by people.

But the reality was different.

Not to mention the top team, all the other teams in the first division are strong players who have risen through fierce competition in their respective regions, and are monsters who survived this fierce competition.

And in the competition with them, PMT repeated a losing streak, and such a losing streak rapidly gnawed at PMT’s will.

“We will probably be relegated at the end of the year. Then you should make some money before that.”

One day, after enduring so desperately, a man who called himself a broker contacted them and proposed to them.

They promised to give them a huge reward if they produced the desired results in the upcoming raid match.

In the end, the team members, including Kang In-hyeok, accepted the offer with the thought of earning money and going, since their life in the first division would not be long anyway.

And in return, each of them received hundreds of millions of won in money.

“Where are we going to touch this amount of money again? is not it? At least now people are betting on victory, saying, “This time I will win, this time I will win,” so I can make money like this. If you take phase 1 and go to phase 2? Then everyone will bet on losing and we will actually lose, so we won’t make money like we do now. So, you should remove the mulberry now as much as possible.”

At that, the team member lowered his head and said.

“I know, I know, this opportunity to earn money is not common. but… I mean it’s embarrassing. Everyone in my family and acquaintances asks me why my team still can’t get past Phase 1, but that drives people crazy.”

“You have to bear it. Did you start without that much determination?”

Kang In-hyeok looked back at his teammates and said.

“Everyone, stay alert. We are all accomplices. don’t you need money? As long as I make a lot of money and rent a skeleton for a long time, there will be no problem in living in the future.”

At that, the team members nodded one by one.

“That’s right.”

“Anyway, I’m in last place in the league, and I’m in last place in raids, so what’s more embarrassing?”

Kang In-hyuk nodded and said.

“okay. that momentum What is the importance of other people’s eyes? The important thing is our wallet!”

That time when I was so comforting my teammates.


Kang In-hyeok, who checked the text message sent to his cell phone, said to his teammates.

“I’ll come back to get the money, so everyone is having fun.”

* * *

An A-level Awakened executive from the Park In-gwi guild spoke into the microphone attached to his clothes.

“Leader Kang In-hyuk is moving to get the money.”

At that, Park In-gwi’s voice is heard from the receiver attached to the ear.

– Chase. You can’t miss it.

“All right.”

An executive who quietly followed Kang In-hyeok under Park In-gwi’s instructions.

How far did you follow it?

Kang In-hyeok enters a quiet alleyway and starts a conversation with someone.

After confirming that the alley was so narrow that there was nowhere to hide, the officer put something on his ear, pointed his finger at the alley, and pressed a button.

The device was created by Han Ji-hyeok, which makes the sound of the finger pointing louder several times.

With this device, the superior five senses of the Awoken were combined, and eavesdropping was possible very easily.

– Thank you for your hard work today.


-Here is the promised money.


Kang In-hyeok, who seemed to have received something heavy, said in a joyful voice.

-It’s good. What about the next match?

-I’ll tell you that by looking at the betting situation. I wonder if people have learned the losing streak, because more and more people are betting on losing. If more people bet on losing this time, you should win. would that be possible?

-Of course, I was losing on purpose in the first place. It’s stupid if you can’t catch it even if you have all the strategies.

-hahahaha. It’s reassuring. Anyway, it’s not good to stay for a long time, so let’s go.

-All right.

As the meeting between the two seemed to be about to end, the executive reported to Park In-gwi.

“I met with the broker and got the money. It looks like they’re about to disperse, but who are they going to pursue?”

-Track the broker, I’ll assign a separate person to Kang In-hyeok.

“All right.”

So this time, the executive started tracking down the broker.

The broker got into his car and started moving out of the city center, but it didn’t matter to the A-level executive.

After chasing the broker’s car for a long time, the executive saw the broker parked in a secluded place in the suburbs and hid himself nearby.

Then a car drives up to the broker and parks, and two white men get out of the car.


And the white man and the broker start a conversation in English.

“It ended well.”

“good. Thanks to you, I made a lot of money this time too.”

“lol. thank you.”

“Nothing dangerous, right?”

“Of course not.”

“It’s difficult for Seron to intervene. You know what I mean?”

“Don’t worry. Even if you get caught, I will carry everything with you if you give me a generous amount of consolation money.”


Seeing this, the officer thought.

‘Is this the work of an illegal foreign gambling organization?’

The executive who finally understands the whole situation.

An overseas organization that used the Skeleton League games to engage in illegal gambling had arranged for a broker to rig the match and bought the players.

‘good. This time, I tracked them down and found out which country they were from… … .’

But then.

One of the white men suddenly jumped up and said:

“hmm? ha.”

“What are you doing?”


The white man said with a cold expression.

“Do you come with a tail?”

At those words, the officer was startled and thought.

‘tail? no way!’

The moment the surprised executive tried to escape.

A white man who was far away quickly closed the distance and slammed his fist down.

And that was the last moment the executive remembered.

* * *

-sh*t. stepping on the tail

– Shall we take him and torture him? Shouldn’t we find out who did it?

-no. How many people can mobilize A-Class Awoken to do something like this? With a high probability, it was Han Ji-hyeok’s order.

Then, the person who appears to be a subordinate speaks in English.

-Ha, Han Ji-hyeok? Then kill them quickly and destroy the evidence… … .

-no. never kill it If this guy is Han Ji-hyeok’s person, there’s no way that Han Ji-hyeok will just pass by the moment this guy dies. I’d rather throw it roughly nearby and finish the Korean business at this point. Cut off your tail right now and hide.

-All right.

It was the contents of the recording device hidden in the body of Park In-gwi, a guild executive who passed out after being attacked while on a chase.

Having recently learned English, I roughly understood their conversation and said with a puzzled expression.

“No, this level of Awakened was mobilized just to fix the match?”

The fact that an A-class executive could not even resist and fell in an instant means that at least an S-class or higher Awakener was mobilized.

S-class Awakeners, who are treated wherever they go, are only doing match fixing.

But at my words, Park In-gwi said with a firm expression.

“It can be enough.”


“Illegal gambling abroad is of a different scale from Korea. In Europe or the United States, hundreds of billions of dollars in an important game will come and go from one game to another. And as for the skeleton league, the Korean league is the most famous, so I’ll bet a lot overseas as well, and that’s enough… S-rank or higher is worth moving.”

“Is that enough?”

“yes. That’s why there are so many high-level Awoken overseas who are involved in businesses like illegal gambling. Because it becomes money. In many cases, entire guilds have been organized illegally. Of course, it’s rare for S-class or higher to come to the scene in person like this, but if you’re wary of the president and want to defend against something like this… It can be enough.”

“I thought it was only Venezuela, but it wasn’t.”

“Rather, Venezuela is a nobleman. It’s easy to fix because it’s openly open, but in this case, it’s mostly hidden in the dark, so it’s not common to find out who it is and what kind of organization it is.”


As an Awakener with powerful power, the easiest way to make money is black money.

Just as guilds served as the heads of crime syndicates in Venezuela, virtually all international crime syndicates are dominated by the Awoken.

“By the way, when you kill these guys, you talk about Marni too easily.”

“Because that’s the cleanest.”

“Is the purpose of these guys really match fixing? Are you betting something on me?”

Park In-gwi, who had been thinking for a while, said.

“I don’t think so. As you can see from our conversation just now, they are extremely wary of the President’s intervention.”

“Then, an overseas criminal organization or mafia made up of Awakened people wanted to do match fixing, but I was here and looked at it a little more than I noticed.

“I think it might be something like that.”

“These bastards… … .”

I looked at Park In-gwi and said.

“Can you find it?”

Then Park In-gwi, who always answered confidently, spoke with hesitation for the first time.

“If you give me instructions, I will do my best to find them… It’s hard to find a determined, hidden overseas crime syndicate Awakener. He must have already left on a stowaway ship.”

Let alone which organization it is, it is impossible to even specify which country it is.

“Damn it. Should I just let the bastards try to put a spoon on mine?”

“sorry. However, the international criminal organization in which high-level Awakeners are involved is so strong and secretive that even the United States cannot do anything about it… … .”

Even on Earth where there were no Awoken before going to Seron, large-scale international criminal organizations have always existed.

From drug cartels to international mafia.

But now that the Awakeners have joined, the influence and destructive power must be much more overwhelming.

“The world is so unfair. Good Awakeners who live hard die while blocking unstable gates, and those who engage in such illegal activities earn a lot of money without catching a single monster and tremble.”

Compared to these guys, Venezuelan guilds are rather angels.

While there is a reason why they had no choice but to do things that are closely related to the real life of Venezuelans, such as smuggling, these guys are just the heinous mafia itself, enough to easily mention murder.

Honestly, I’m not a nice guy, but I’m not ashamed of myself as I’m diligently following the law.

I work hard to abide by the law, but those guys don’t care and live as they please.

“Will you need punishment?”

“Do you have a way?”

“Are these guys worried about me intervening?”

“That’s right.”

“Then pretend I didn’t intervene, well. They couldn’t figure out the identity of the executive, right?”

“Of course.”

As the entire guild was naturalized in Korea, I asked the Korean government to protect the personal information of all of them.

The reason was that I might become the target of Chinese hatred due to naturalization, but in reality, I wanted to use them like my shadow.

As such, the identities of all guild members except Park In-gwi were kept private.

“good. Then, I will bring some of the lesser-known Venezuelan awakenings to Korea, so let’s work together.”

“When you say work, what do you mean?”

“Meet PMT and suggest match fixing. Pretend it’s not me who started it, but a new criminal organization they don’t know about.”

Using Venezuela’s Awakeners, it’s as if a new foreign criminal organization has emerged that wants to manipulate matches.

“If I intervene, they won’t go into complete hiding. But as it turned out, the tail was attached to a competing organization other than me? So will they stay still? You must have been sucking on something sweet while fixing the match?”

Only then did Park In-gwi understand what I was saying and said with her eyes shining.

“Of course, you come in contact to get it back… I’m going to fight you.”

“yes. How can I live embarrassingly when the gangsters take me away? I don’t know if it’s a guy like me who I can’t deal with at all, but guys with no roots who have never heard of it anywhere have taken away their business? Are there any people who can stand it?”

“doesn’t exist.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

A new criminal organization appeared, but he got scared and ran away, and even the criminal organization continues to suck it up?

Of course they will be angry.

To the cheeky bastards who dared to touch them.

The moment they set their teeth like that.

“Let’s catch it like that. Then, if they’re heinous criminals who kill real people… Make them all undead, well.”

At my words, Park In-gwi stunned and said,

“Oh, you mean undead?”

“okay. I have been committing crimes and eating well, so now I have to serve the earth.”

Dedicate your evil deeds to preventing the undead army from invading the earth as undead.

Anyway, I’ll recycle it because it’s me, who will provide a service like this.

do you know

I will go to heaven thanks to you

I said with a grin.

“I just needed the ingredients, and it worked out well. Eliminate criminal organizations and obtain materials. it’s perfect Of course, a secret that only the two of us know. know?”

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