After a while, all these people were knocked down, lying on the ground in all directions, unable to get up. Ryuguin Aoyama stood in the middle, breathing heavily.

Looking at these people, I have to say that they are all difficult guys.

At this time, dozens of motorcycles rumbled on the road and drove towards them and stopped in front of them.

The leader got off the car, and Ryuguin Aoyama recognized the person clearly, it was Bando Hideto

"Hey, Bando! You're here." With a face full of scars, he stood up from the ground and walked towards Bando Hideto

"Are you okay?"Bando Hideto stepped forward and extended his hand to support the brother who was walking towards him.

"Fortunately, thanks to this young man, he helped a lot!"

His motorcycle was hit by the motorcycle behind, so he lost control and crashed into the street lamp on the side of the road.

Bando Hideto's eyes fell on Ryuguin Aoyama,"Is it you?"

Ryuguin Aoyama nodded slightly,"Oh, it's me." He put his hands in his pockets and said nothing more.���He walked away from here.

Watching the other person's back, the injured person asked:"Do you know him? He's a very good guy."

Bando Hideto retracted his gaze and nodded:"Yes, the third-year student Ryuguuin Aoyama!"

As he spoke, Bando Hideto's eyes fell on a person on the ground, stepped forward and kicked him, and slid out along the ground.

"Damn it, bastard!!!"

"Go back and tell Kunou Hideomi not to do anything shameful and not to think about defeating us one by one. I, Bando Hideto, will take back my position!"

Riding on a motorcycle, Bando Hideto led his brothers away, leaving the armed front on the ground.

Ryuguin Aoyama stretched his back and strode towards home.

The skin on every joint on the back of his hand was broken. These were all injuries caused by punching the opponent.

But for him, these were just some minor injuries that were not worth mentioning, and he didn't need to take them to heart.......

Lily of the Valley is lively every day.

But this week is the most lively, because Serizawa and Ryuguuin Aoyama are preparing for a war, and Ryuguuin Aoyama and his team have been taking actions to recruit everyone to join their team.

The number of people on their side is increasing and changing every day, and they are getting stronger day by day.

Looking at such a lively Lily of the Valley, Hayashida Kei strode through the campus with an expressionless face; everyone deliberately kept a distance of at least two meters from Hayashida Kei. After all, the rumors about Hayashida Kei made them dare not touch her easily.

Genji walked through the campus with his men, and heard someone whispering about Hayashida Kei who had just passed by, and Genji couldn't help but stop.

Listening quietly to their conversation:

"After this battle, someone will challenge Hayashida Kei! No matter who wins, they will be the one closest to the top of Lily of the Valley."

"It's possible, after all, Hayashida Hui has not lost in Suzuran yet."


The people beside him saw that Genji stopped and didn't leave, and his expression didn't look good.


"What's wrong?"

Genji looked at the person who just spoke with a cold face and said coldly:"You said.......Hayashida Hui, he has never lost in Suzuran?"

The person being asked met Genji's cold gaze and answered cautiously,"Yes, yes! He has never lost......."

The brother who followed Genji added:"Hayashida Hui is a very mysterious guy. He has always been a loner in school. Anyone who challenges him has been defeated by him."

Hearing this, Genji threw away the cigarette in his hand and strode up the stairs.......

""Hey, Genji! What's wrong?"

Seeing Genji going upstairs, these people rushed up the stairs to catch up with Genji and others who had already gone up.

On the top floor, Serizawa and Tokisho were leisurely smoking, playing mahjong and chatting. They didn't feel nervous at all. After all, the strength of their"Hundred Beasts Army" was there, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Ryuguin Aoyama and his team have been recruiting soldiers these past two days."While speaking, Tokaji Yuji looked at Serizawa next to him.


Serizawa played the three cards he had just picked up.

"Ryuguin Aoyama is really a bit tough. He hasn't even reached out to Izaki Shun yet."Tokio said with a smile

"Haha, maybe you are too confident! You underestimated our strength."Tsutsumoto Masaharu smiled and played 60,000.

Bang - the iron door they had originally closed was kicked open by someone from inside.


Seeing Genji walking towards them, Shisheng stood up slowly, left the mahjong table and walked two steps towards Genji.

Genji, with anger on his face, grabbed Shisheng's collar and pulled him closer to him,"Why are you lying?"

Shisheng grabbed Genji's hands in front of his collar with both hands, knowing why

"Genji, listen to me......."

Before Tokio could finish his words, Genji's fist had already hit Tokio's face.

After throwing the first punch, Genji didn't throw the second punch. Instead, he loosened his hand and turned away. This punch represented his trust in Tokio. Serizawa's face changed instantly. He overturned the mahjong table in front of him and rushed towards Genji who was about to leave.

Others stood up and wanted to beat Genji. How could they let him beat Tokio and then let him leave easily? It was impossible.

Serizawa stepped forward and held Genji's shoulder, raising his fist to hit Genji.

Tokio quickly hugged Serizawa's Taichi arm with both hands,"No, Tamao!"......"

"Let go!! We can't let this guy go."

Genji calmly raised his chin and looked at Serizawa, with a bit of determination on his face; at the same time, the brothers who followed Genji up all chased to the roof and stood behind Genji.

PS: Thanks to [Dimension Walker→_→】The votes of the big guys support!

The author continues to write and update.....

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