Sitting on the ground with his back against the wire mesh, Tokaji Yuji still had his eyes open, but he could only breathe.

He looked at Ryuguuin Aoyama's legs with a pair of weak eyes. He wanted to see what kind of expression Ryuguuin Aoyama would have after he defeated him, but unfortunately he couldn't even lift his head.

At this moment, Tokaji Yuji truly understood that he had no ability to defeat Ryuguuin Aoyama.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The system rewards you with +100 physical fitness enhancement and +50,000 money. 】

Along with the system's prompts, Ryuguuin Aoyama felt a sense of comfort in his body, which should be the effect of the system's physical enhancement. There were some noisy footsteps behind him. Ryuguuin Aoyama turned around and saw that it was Serizawa and his group who had caught up.

Serizawa, who ran up, glanced at Tokaji on the side, and finally his eyes fell on Ryuguuin Aoyama.

Tokio and Tsutsumoto, who were behind him, passed Serizawa and ran to Tokaji Yuji. The two of them helped Tokaji up from the ground. After Serizawa and his group arrived, the other people who were knocked down on the ground gritted their teeth, endured the pain, and stood up shakily on the ground.

"Are you going to 'swallow' us?" Serizawa said, staring at the other person with sharp eyes.

Ryuguuin Aoyama said lightly:"Whatever you say, I'm here to solve a private matter."

There was silence all around, and everyone present held their breath unconsciously, staring at the two of them.

Serizawa clenched his fists, moved his legs and rushed towards Ryuguuin Aoyama, shouting:"I don't care whether you are doing private or public business, you can't act wild when you come to my territory!!!"

Bang- the two people's fists hit each other, and neither side moved away, but continued to compete.

The arms that were used with strength trembled slightly, and the two people looked at each other, each of them revealed a fierceness.

"Don't you want to hear me speak clearly?!!!" Makise Takashi stepped forward.

Makise Takashi admitted that his brain was not good enough, not as good as the Mikami brothers and Suzuki, but he believed that if they were going to take action, they had to do it clearly.

Serizawa suddenly pulled his arm away from his fist,"Listen to your uncle.——"He suddenly turned around and punched Makise Takashi who was speaking. Makise

Takashi, who was suddenly attacked, was not prepared and subconsciously took two steps back, watching the fist hitting his face.

At the critical moment, when it was about to hit his face in the next second, Serizawa's fist stopped; it was not that Serizawa changed his mind, but that a big hand was tightly holding his arm at the bend.

It was Ryuguuin Aoyama who stopped his fist from hitting Makise Takashi with his hand; although Tokio didn't know Ryuguuin Aoyama very well, he heard rumors that he was not a crazy person. Seeing the person wearing the Fengxian school uniform on the ground, he felt that things might not be as they saw.

""Tama Yu!! Let me tell you the reason~" Tokio said.

Serizawa looked at Tokio who had spoken, frowned tightly, paused for two seconds, relaxed the strength of his arm, and pulled his arm out of Ryuuguuin Aoyama's hand.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama turned his head to look at Tokaji Yuji, then met Tokio's gaze,"I've already said it, there's nothing more to say."

After saying that, Ryuuguuin Aoyama put his bloody fist into his trouser pocket, turned around and walked towards the stairs. When the two Mikami brothers saw Ryuuguuin Aoyama leaving, they glanced at Serizawa and quickly chased after Aoyama who had already gone downstairs.

Makise Takashi was almost beaten for just opening his mouth, so he didn't plan to say anything and left with his men; seeing that everyone was already leaving, Suzuki, who was behind, glanced at the man with Fengxian on the ground and said,"If you have any questions, just ask him! He knows better than anyone else."

Ryuuguuin Aoyama and his men all left the top floor, leaving only Serizawa and his men

"Hey, tell me, what happened?" Serizawa pointed at a person.

The person's face was bruised and swollen, but he looked confused and shook his head, saying,"No, I don't know......."

"What about you?"Serizawa picked another person.

"I, I don't know either. Ryuguuin Aoyama came up and didn't say anything, and then he started fighting with Tokaji!"

Serizawa pointed at two people in a row, but neither of them knew. However, Serizawa didn't ask Tokaji who was being supported on the side.

He walked towards the boy in the Fengxian school uniform, picked him up, and slapped his face heavily,"Hey, kid! Tell me, what's going on!" His face was slapped with a loud slapping sound - his eyes slowly opened, and he looked at the strange face in front of him with horror.

"You tell me what happened." Serizawa stared at the man and asked coldly.


"Happen, happen......Yes, Tokaji......Let me......"

"It was me! I asked him to do it."

Before he could finish his stuttering words, Tokaji Yuji interrupted him loudly with a breath.

Pulling out his arm that was supported by the tokisei frame, Tokaji Yuji leaned on the wire mesh beside him with weak legs, holding the wire mesh tightly with his hands.

Wiping the blood from his mouth, Tokaji Yuji chuckled weakly and repeated:"It was me......I did it! I asked him to design the Ryuguin Aoyama while wearing the Fengxian school uniform, because......"

Serizawa rushed over, grabbed Tokaji Yuji's clothes, raised his fist in the air but stopped



Tokisei and Tsutsumoto Masaharu stepped forward at the same time to stop Serizawa from attacking.


Serizawa let go of Tokaji's hand, turned around and punched the heavy paint bucket, which was dented.

Seeing Serizawa like this, Tokaji Yuji's eyes changed slightly, he clenched his teeth tightly, and the whole person choked up a little.......

After figuring out the reason

, Serizawa turned away angrily. It was hard for him to accept that someone around him had done such a thing.

】、【[Paopao] Big brother's monthly ticket support!

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