
Tokaji Yuji sneered and sat down in front of Serizawa.

"Serizawa, have you heard? The gorilla followed Ryuguuin Aoyama! He ate up a gorilla army and got stronger again~"

Listening to Tokaji's words, Serizawa continued to sharpen the crowbar in his hand without expressing his opinion.

Tsutsumoto and Tokisei on the side didn't say anything. As long as Serizawa didn't have an opinion, the two of them wouldn't have an opinion either.

Looking at the two of them, Tokaji approached again and grabbed the crowbar that Serizawa was sharpening,"Hey, Serizawa! Did you hear me?!"

There was displeasure in his words, thinking that Serizawa didn't pay attention to what he said, let alone the current situation of the Beast Army.

Boom - the crowbar that was sharpened to a sharp point was inserted into the concrete floor by Serizawa with one hand.

Holding a cigarette, Serizawa said,"Are you asking for my opinion? This is my opinion."He turned around and looked for something in a pile of scrap metal.

Looking at the crowbar stuck in the ground, Tokaji's face turned slightly cold. He looked at Serizawa, opened his mouth but said nothing, and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Tokio shouted,"Hey, Tokaji! Where are you going?"

He ran forward and stretched out his hand to pull Tokaji, but Tokaji shook his arm and broke free. Tokio stood there and watched Tokaji leave, then turned his head and looked at Serizawa again.

Serizawa stopped what he was doing, sat down aside, moved the cigarette away from his mouth, exhaled a puff of smoke, turned his head and shouted,"Don't worry about him."

Tokyo came back and sat down beside him, looking at Serizawa. He knew what Serizawa was thinking. He regarded Ryuguin Aoyama as a respectable opponent.

So when they were going to rule the third grade according to the plan, Serizawa asked to skip Class B.

After leaving Serizawa, Tokaji Yuji did not stay idle, but summoned other cadres of the"Hundred Beasts Army" to plan things.

Many of them were his former subordinates, so they would naturally obey his orders.......

On the other hand, Ryuguin Aoyama knew very well that he was more conspicuous in Suzuran now, after all, the gorilla army was now his.

Walking on the street at night, he heard the rustling footsteps behind him, so he simply stopped and turned around slowly.

He glanced at the six or seven people who appeared behind him, and he knew clearly that they were following him, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth;

""You are wearing the same school uniform as Suzuran, so you are from the same school, third grade?"

A boy with a spiky hair stood out from the six or seven people and said provocatively,"Ryuguin Qingshan, I tell you, the third graders disobey you, but we despise you!"

As the arrogant boy opposite spoke, the system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding Dong! Hot-Blooded Battle System Mission: Fight against Washio Gota!

After hearing the mission issued by the system, Ryuguin Aoyama opened his eyes and looked at the boy in front of him, and asked casually,"You are...Washio, Gota?"

The arrogant boy smiled proudly when he heard him say his name,"Oh, you know the name of the second-grade boy!~"

"Young Master?"Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly. He took a quick step and leaped forward to punch Washio Gota.

Bang - with a muffled sound, Ryuguin Aoyama's feet landed on the ground, and Washio Gota fell heavily to the ground with blood in his mouth.

"A mere second grader dares to act so arrogantly in front of third graders, right?"

His eyes moved from Washio Gota to the rest of the people.

"Also, I don't like it when people talk to me like a young master!"

Bang— he used his strength to kick Washio Gota off the ground. He slid along the ground for five or six meters and stopped when he hit a nearby electric pole. The remaining six people were shocked by Ryuguin Aoyama's skills. Their Adam's apples rolled with nervousness. They looked at the person in front of them.


A man suddenly yelled, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, closed his eyes and rushed towards Ryuguin Aoyama.

Ryuguin Aoyama showed a sneer on his face. Even with such a bad appearance, he dared to challenge him. He swung his fist mercilessly and hit the man's chin directly.

The man's chin was hit hard, and his body flew up and fell heavily to the ground.

The fighting level of the remaining people was also very poor. Ryuguin Aoyama didn't spend much effort. He knocked them all to the ground with three punches and two kicks.

The people on the ground curled up in pain, crying out in pain.

Standing in the middle, Ryuguin Aoyama took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and held it to his lips, looking at the people at his feet

""You're in the second grade, so just stay in the second grade. Why do you want to challenge the third grade?"

He took a puff of cigarette and blew it into the night sky;

"Why did you come to me to ask for a beating instead of going home for dinner after school? Haha, I really can't understand it!"

Washio Gota, who had hit the electric pole, lay there motionless. He was the most seriously injured among the group of people, and now he couldn't even cry out in pain.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task easily, the system rewards money +20,000. 】

Ryuguin Qingshan shrugged his shoulders, turned around and left. Challenging himself with such strength is simply sending money to himself.

He walked a few steps away, stopped and turned his head to look at the people crawling on the ground,"Hey, drag that guy away later, it affects the street cleaning."

PS: Ask for support!

The editor is on holiday during the Spring Festival, and it is difficult to contact, but it is about to be put on the shelves, haha, big guys, what do you say? (Manually funny)

I can't exceed the word count, everyone understands the update~

Big guys, if you have nothing to do, add the skirt after Chapter 42, and chat together. Some big guys have already entered the skirt, waiting for you!

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