In Masaharu Tsutsumoto's opinion, it was Yuji Tokaji who stood him up that day. The originally planned simple"solution" was ruined because Tokaji didn't show up, which made Masaharu Tsutsumoto think that the other party didn't take him seriously.

He decided to find Yuji Tokaji the next day to make things clear. If he couldn't make things clear, then the brotherhood between them would be broken.

But the next day, Yuji Tokaji didn't come to school as usual; in the following few days, Yuji Tokaji didn't come to school for several days in a row.

Although for them, coming to school is not for studying, but unless there is something special, the students of the school will still go to school, go to school, and take holidays like normal students.

"How many days has Tokaji not been here?" Serizawa asked casually while playing mahjong with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Excluding the two days of the weekend just past, Tokaji hasn't been to school for three days." Tatsukawa Tokisuo answered while touching the mahjong.

Tsutsumoto Masaharu, who was sitting opposite Tatsukawa Tokisuo, pushed down the mahjong wall in front of him and stood up,"I'll go to Tokaji's house to check!"

The matter between them has not been resolved yet, but Tokaji has disappeared. Tsutsumoto Masaharu can't figure it out, and it is impossible for Tokaji not to come to school because of this matter between them.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Seeing that Tsutsumoto Masaharu was about to leave, Tokisei called out to him

"I'll go with you. Take my motorcycle and I'll take you there."

Fearing that something might happen again, Tokio stood up with a smile, patted Serizawa on the shoulder, strode after Tsutsumoto Masaharu, and followed him down from the top floor.

Serizawa rubbed his hair in annoyance. A good hand was gone. If he continued to play, he would have won a lot of money.

He raised his head and looked at the person sitting opposite him,"Motorcycle? Hey, did Tokio just say motorcycle?"

"Yes, Tokisei said he would take Tsutsumoto to Tokaji's house on a motorcycle."

Hearing this, the expression on Serizawa's face gradually changed, and finally he smiled, got up from his seat and rushed to the edge, just in time to see the two people who had just come downstairs.

"Hey!! Shisheng, is the motorcycle fixed? ? ?"

Shisheng heard the voice coming from above his head, turned around and looked up, waved at Serizawa,"I paid some money in advance, I asked someone to fix it"


Serizawa heaved a sigh of relief. Shisheng's motorcycle was repaired, so he didn't have to save money to compensate Shisheng for the motorcycle. At most, he could just give him the repair costs.

Looking at Serizawa jumping up and down happily, Shisheng smiled and shook his head, but when he thought of what happened in the hospital that day, the smile on his face gradually turned cold.

""Hey, Tokio?"

Tsutsumoto Masaharu took a few steps and saw Tokio stopped behind him in a daze.

Tokio came back to his senses, put his hands in his pockets, and chased after him,"Let's go, I parked outside the school to prevent Tamao from seeing my motorcycle."

The school bell rang, and the principal who was passing by the teaching building saw the two of them openly leaving the school during class time.

Out of his duty as the principal, he shouted:"Classmates, the two students in front! The class bell has rung, please go back to the classroom quickly~"

The two turned their heads to look at the principal behind them, and left the school openly without a word.

The principal could only watch them skip classes, and there was nothing he could do. Anyway, if they didn't study, he didn't expect the two of them to become any talents. The principal sighed and left the teaching building and returned to the office to look at the school's student files.

Recently, the superior educators issued a death order that in the next exam, one of their Suzuran High School must achieve excellent results.

If he fails to complete it, he will be punished as the principal, which is a headache.......

This is the most, most, most bottom-line requirement of the superior leaders for Linglan. They know that their school is in difficulty, but a high school cannot have no students with good grades!

The principal sighed, his hand kept touching his increasingly bald head, looked at the student files, picked out an obedient student with promising grades, and asked the school teachers to focus on intensive training.

This should be the last resort. Only in this way can there be hope of completing the orders issued by the superior leaders.......

The classroom was noisy as usual. In order to move around in the classroom, the students piled up all the desks at the back of the classroom.

Ryuguin Qingshan was sleeping on the table. He didn't know what happened recently. He had insomnia and couldn't sleep at night. He had to make up for his sleep at school.

But it was strange that he fell asleep after a while while lying on the desk.

"Fuck you! Give me the stuff, you hear me!"

"Just for fun! Don't be so stingy."

The two men were trying to grab things from each other, and one of them kept backing away, and finally bumped into the desk where Ryuguin Aoyama was lying.

Hiss - the desk was knocked off course, and Ryuguin Aoyama, who was lying on it, slowly opened his eyes.

The Sankami brothers, who were not far away, chuckled and raised their hands to make a 'death' gesture to the two men. After spending so much time together, they knew that the usually gentle Ryuguin Aoyama should not be provoked only when he was sleeping, because this guy would get angry when he got up.

Before, because they woke him up from his sleep, he directly overturned the desk and almost hit the two brothers.

The two men knew that they had caused trouble, and hurriedly stood together neatly, bowing respectfully at 90 degrees.

"sorry Sorry!"

"I am so sorry! Please forgive me!"

PS: Please support me, guys!

Thanks 155*******Thanks for your support today.

I will continue to update and write the next chapter later.......

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