Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama staring at his phone in a daze, Yumiko raised her hand and waved in front of him.

Ryuguin Aoyama came back to his senses, put away his phone and put it in his pocket,"Let's go! Isn't everything settled? I'll congratulate you on your grand opening first!"

""I'll give you my blessing."

Yumiko said with a smile, and she looked up unintentionally and saw the former vice-principal standing outside the store. The smile on her face froze.

Noticing the change in her expression, Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and saw the former vice-principal staring at them fiercely from outside.


"Oh, no, nothing......."

Retracting her gaze from outside, Yumiko, feeling a little flustered, gathered the hair around her ears with her hands, turned around and faced the vice-principal's gaze.

Yumiko's behavior showed that she was avoiding something;

Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and looked outside the store, and the vice-principal had already left.

Something must have happened between the two of them that he didn't know about, but since Yumiko didn't say it, Ryuguin Aoyama had no way of knowing. After packing up the things at hand, Yumiko returned to her usual self and said with a smile,"Thank you for your hard work today. I made you miss classes for a whole day. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll treat you!"

Ryuguin Aoyama shook his head,"No dinner, I still have something to do. Why don't you drive me back to school!"

He needed to go back to school because of Suzuki's text message.

"Then we'll have dinner next time. I'll drive you there now." Yumiko took out the car keys and smiled at him and shook them. The conspicuous red sports car started the engine and sped down the street with Ryuguin Aoyama in it.

Yumiko, who was driving, glanced at the person sitting in the passenger seat, bit her lower lip slightly, sighed slightly, and stepped on the accelerator to continue accelerating.

When they returned to school, because it was long past the end of school time, the whole school became empty, with only a few people coming out of the teaching building.

Ryuguin Aoyama put his hands in his pockets, took two quick steps up the stairs, and looked up to see Makise Takashi coming down the stairs holding the railing.

"you you......"

Makise Takashi gasped for air with the pain on his face, and looked at Ryuguin Aoyama below in surprise, wondering why this guy appeared in the school at this time, could he be looking for him?

Makise Takashi let go of the hand holding the railing, barely stood up, swayed his body, stood with his legs slightly opened, and raised his chin slightly

"Ah, are you going to challenge me now? Come on, don't talk nonsense"


Long Gongyuan Qingshan was slightly stunned, then he reacted and couldn't help but chuckle.

"I challenge you?! I'm afraid you are mistaken. Even if I want to challenge you, I, Ryuguuin Aoyama, will not choose you at this time."

Seeing Makise Takashi on the stairs, Ryuguuin Aoyama felt that there was no need to go upstairs again, so he turned around and went downstairs.

Looking at Ryuguuin Aoyama walking away, Makise Takashi breathed a sigh of relief. He had difficulty walking now, and if he faced Ryuguuin Aoyama again, the result would be unpredictable.


Makise Takashi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

He slowly squatted down while holding the handrail of the stairs. Suddenly, everything went dark and he fell down the stairs.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was not far away, heard the sound of"thumping" behind him and turned around and ran towards the stairs.

Just then, Makise Takashi rolled down the stairs and lay on the ground in a"big" shape.

"Hey, Makise Takashi, Makise Takashi!"

Ryuguin Aoyama squatted in front of Makise Takashi and patted his face, but there was no reaction at all.

Realizing that something was wrong, he quickly called the hospital and sent an ambulance to take the unconscious Makise Takashi to the hospital for treatment.

Acute appendicitis required an appendectomy, and because Ryuguin Aoyama accompanied him, he had to pay the hospitalization fee for Makise Takashi and let the hospital perform the operation on him.

When Makise Takashi was pushed out of the operating room, it was around ten o'clock in the evening. After the anesthesia wore off, Makise Takashi opened his eyes and saw that the person sitting next to the bed was Ryuguin Aoyama, which made him stunned


Hearing the voice, Ryuguin Aoyama looked up and said,"You're awake. How can I contact your family? What's the phone number?"

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and prepared to call Makise Takashi to contact his family.

After dialing the number, Ryuguin Aoyama said a few simple words, explained the hospital and ward, hung up the phone, and looked at the person on the bed.

"Hey, Makise Takashi! Your family said they'll be there in 20 minutes. Now that you're okay, I'll leave first."

Makise Takashi looked at Ryuguin Aoyama who was about to leave. He was a 7-foot-tall man, but his vision was blurred by the tears in his eyes."Hey,——"

"What?"Ryuguin Qingshan turned his head.

"Later, I......I'll hang out with you, okay?......"Feeling a little embarrassed, she turned her head away and stopped looking at him.

Ryuguin Aoyama paused for two seconds,"Oh, just rest up."

It wasn't until he walked out of the ward and closed the door that Makise Takashi turned his head and looked at the ward door.

PS: Happy New Year, everyone! In the new year, please support me!

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