Arriving at the door of Class B, I opened the door to the inner classroom.

"Hey, is Ryuguuin here?!!"

The person standing by the door was knocked to the next room by the door,"Hey, gorilla, why are you making trouble in Class B? Are you looking for death?"

Makise Takashi grabbed the student who was yelling at him,"What are you doing? You should ask Ryuguuin Aoyama why he went to Class C to make trouble!!!"

After saying that, he knocked the man down with a violent punch.

"And what about those two guys from Mikami?" Makise Takashi roared.

People from Class C came to the outside of the classroom,"Boss! Some of the brothers saw Ryuguin Aoyama being picked up by a red sports car after school."

Makise Takashi turned around with veins bulging,"Will he come back?"

"He should come back, after all, he is also looking for you, Boss!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Makise Takashi walked out of Class B, grabbed a chair in the corridor, and went downstairs.

""Hey, boss, what are you doing? ? ?"

Makise Takashi didn't answer his younger brother, and continued to go downstairs dragging his chair.

Seeing this, the younger brother hurriedly turned around and went back to Class C, calling all the brothers to go downstairs.

For a moment, the originally quiet school became boiling. The first-year and second-year students saw that the seniors in the third year of high school had made a big move.

One by one, they were scrambling to stand in a good position to watch.

Makise Takashi came to the front of the teaching building, put the chair heavily on the ground, sat on the chair, and stared at the gate of the school.

Since this guy Ryuguin Aoyama is back, then he will wait. When people enter the school, he will give them a big gift.

On the rooftop platform of the teaching building, Serizawa and his group heard the noise, came to the edge and leaned over to look down;

Serizawa took a puff of the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, took the cigarette away from his mouth, skillfully flicked off the ash on it, and asked:"What's going on? What are the gorillas going to do?"

Serizawa, who has been troubled recently, didn't pay much attention to the situation in the school

"It seems that the kid Ryuguuin Aoyama has already started to act. He beat up the people in Class C today. The gorilla is going to start a revenge war." Tokaji

Yuji said as he extinguished the cigarette in his hand. He was very unhappy when he mentioned Ryuguuin Aoyama. The cigarette in his mouth had no taste.

Serizawa stared at the people gathered below, continued to smoke the cigarette in his mouth, and said slowly:"As long as it is not to climb the top of Lily of the Valley, it is not a big deal!"

Even if Ryuguuin Aoyama annexed Class C, their"Hundred Beasts Army" could not be shaken by his Class B and Class C.

Tatsukawa Tokisho saw that Tokaji was unhappy, and said with a smile:"Hey, Tokaji! Shall we make a bet? Bet some money to see who will win this battle!"


Tokaji Yuji hesitated. The gorilla could rule Class C because of his strength, and his unwillingness to admit defeat was also the reason why the brothers in his class were willing to follow him.

However, Ryuuguuin Aoyama was not a character to be underestimated. He transferred to Class B, defeated the Mikami brothers, and took a punch from Serizawa with one hand, as well as the punch he threw at him on the day of the mahjong game. From all these, it can be seen that he is not just a figurehead. He must have his strengths and extraordinary abilities.

Seeing that Tokaji was still hesitating, Tokio continued,"Do you want to bet? I'll use all my money to bet on Ryuuguuin Aoyama. I think he can win!" As he spoke, he lowered his head and took out the money from his pocket.

"I think we can make a bet, Tokaji, do you want to bet? If you don't want to bet, I'll bet with Tokisei, don't be a coward!"Tsutsumoto Masaharu provoked Tokaji

"Bet! I, Tokaji, have never given up!"

"Damn it, I bet on the gorilla to win!"

Tokaji Yuji was unhappy with Ryuuguuin Aoyama, so he naturally wouldn't bet on him to win. Although Ryuuguuin Aoyama was strong, no one could predict the result without a real fight. As soon as they made their bet, Tokaji Yuji and Tokisei both took out all the money in their pockets and pressed it to the ground with bricks to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

After lunch break, most of the students who went out to eat came back. As soon as they entered the school gate, they saw such a big scene and took a detour.

Izaki and his group from Class D walked in from outside the school, saw such a scene, raised their mouths and walked forward

"Hey~ What are you doing! Are you basking in the sun?"

Izaki led his people to stand in front of Makise Takashi, with a cigarette in his mouth.

Makise Takashi raised his head and looked at Izaki, and said unhappily:"It's none of your business, you'd better stop asking!"

Seeing him say this, Izaki chuckled and led his people to pass by Makise Takashi. The people in Class C made way for them. Ryuguuin Aoyama, who had eaten with Yumiko outside, once again took her car back to school.

When he got out of the car, Ryuguuin Aoyama had already seen Makise Takashi sitting in front of the teaching building, and his expression changed slightly.

"Then goodbye for now! Yumiko~chan~" The corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Yumiko didn't say anything more. Anyway, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. She waved to him while sitting in the car and started the car to leave.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood there, waiting for her car to disappear, then turned around and strode into the school.


"Boss, Ryuguin Qingshan is here!"......

The whole atmosphere became tense because of the appearance of Ryuguin Qingshan.

The noisy students in the corridor saw the protagonist coming and became quiet, waiting for the next development of the matter.

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