【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the extra task, and the reward money is +70,000. 】

A smile appeared on Ryuguin Aoyama's mouth. He easily dealt with a few gangsters, and the system also rewarded him with a considerable amount of money. These were converted into relative numbers and stored in his card.

When he came to the store where the friend mentioned by Aizawa Ruka worked, he happened to see a group of people riding motorcycles away from the front of the store.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at the group of people who left. They were a little different from those of Bando Hideto and others. They should not be from the armed front.

The person standing in front of the store saw Aizawa Ruka walking in front and waved happily,"Hey, Ruka-chan! Why are you here suddenly?"

The person who spoke was none other than Aizawa Ruka's friend - Honda Fuji.

Seeing his friend, Aizawa Ruka quickened his pace and shouted with a smile on his face:"Brother Fuji! How are you recently? I'm here to introduce you to business!"

As he spoke, he turned around and glanced at Ryuguin Aoyama behind him

"This is Ryuguin Aoyama, he wants to buy a motorcycle, can you introduce one to him!"

Honda Fuji looked at the 1.80-meter-tall Ryuguin Aoyama and couldn't help joking:"Ruka-chan brought a boy here for the first time, he must be your boyfriend! Hahaha~"

Being said that, Aizawa Ruka's cheeks blushed slightly,"Fuji, stop joking, and quickly introduce your precious motorcycle to Aoyama!"

Ryuguin Aoyama nodded slightly to the ground, turned around and looked at the neatly arranged motorcycles.

Each one looks great from the outside, but a motorcycle is not all about the appearance, but also about its horsepower and the internal machinery. As for the appearance, it can be refitted later.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama parked in front of a motorcycle, Honda Fuji stepped forward and introduced:"This car was a hit three years ago. The maximum horsepower can reach 85-90HP, but its emissions are......"

While listening to Honda Fuji's introduction, Ryuguin Aoyama squatted down and lowered his head to look at the internal machinery under the car.

Finally, he stood up and said,"Overall, in terms of performance, it is a medium-sized motorcycle." After that, he chuckled and looked at the other party.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, Honda Fuji nodded without denying,"That's true! The appearance of this car was more attractive three years ago, so it was very popular."

Seeing that the two people were chatting well, Aizawa Ruka, who didn't know much about cars, found a place to sit down and watched the two of them wandering around among the many motorcycles.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at all the motorcycles, and finally stood in front of a motorcycle with a black appearance with a little dark blue and did not move.

"How about this one? I think it's pretty good!" As he spoke, Ryuguin Aoyama squatted down and took a closer look. It was similar to the motorcycle he expected to buy.

The displacement of the motorcycle was sufficient, which was larger than the first motorcycle he just saw. With such a large displacement, the configuration inside must be great.

Although he didn't ride it and start it up to run two laps, Ryuguin Aoyama felt that its horsepower should be able to reach more than 110HP.

Honda Fuji frowned slightly and said with a smile:"This one, this is a motorcycle I assembled myself and put in this store. In fact, I wanted to keep it for myself."

"Generally, people would want to keep a good motorcycle for themselves, right?"Ryuguin Aoyama raised his head and said with a smile. Honda

Fuji raised his hand and touched the back of his head with a smile. He was right. He modified this motorcycle from the car in the store and always wanted to buy it from the boss, but unfortunately he had no money and failed to do so.

"Ruka-chan also asked me to introduce it to you, but you know so much about motorcycles that you don't need me to introduce it to you."

"How about it? Sell it to me!" Ryuguin Aoyama said directly without beating around the bush.

Although this motorcycle was not Honda Fuji's, he participated in the modification according to his own ideas, which more or less meant stealing someone's love.

If Honda Fuji insisted on not wanting to, then he would not force it.

Here, Ruka Aizawa saw that two people had been talking about a motorcycle, and thought that they might have chosen one.

So he strode forward,"How about it? Have you decided?!"

Looking at Ruka Aizawa who was coming over, Honda Fuji said with a bitter smile:"Ruka-chan! Your friend knows a lot about motorcycles, and he fell in love with my favorite car at first sight.’!"

"Fuji's favorite car?" Aizawa Ruka didn't quite understand, her eyes fell on the motorcycle in front of them,"Is this Fuji's car?"

Honda Fuji waved his hand quickly,"No, no, it's this car......."

Honda Fuji stopped talking halfway, thinking that Ryuguin Aoyama knew a lot about motorcycles, and selling this motorcycle to him might be a good idea.

"What's wrong with it?" asked Ruka Aizawa. Honda Fujiwei sighed,"It's okay, since it's a friend brought by Ruka-chan, she will definitely treat it well, so I'll sell it to this guy!"

"But I just don't know if the guy can afford the price."The subject suddenly changed, and he raised his hand and stretched out two fingers.

He was wearing a school uniform, and he looked like a high school student. This price was a bit unaffordable for him as an office worker, not to mention him as a high school student.

Unless the other party's family is not short of money.

There are often some motorcycle bikers who come to buy motorcycles, and they will frown at this price.

Looking at the two fingers raised by Fujige, Aizawa Ruka opened her mouth in surprise. She didn't expect a motorcycle to be so expensive. It was a bit unbelievable.


Before Aizawa Ruka could finish, Ryuguin Aoyama spoke.

"This price is a bit expensive compared to other cars, but after all, it is a modification of two cars with good performance, so this price is reasonable."

"Eh? It fits!!!"

It's ridiculously expensive, Aizawa Ruka thought to herself; seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, Honda Fuji said with a smile:"So we have to buy it?"

PS: There will be two or three more chapters to be updated later, thank you for your support!

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