Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1631: Meet

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"A different space?"

The zodiac stood in front of the diamond symbol, and he did not immediately follow it. Otherwise, the intention was too obvious. Moreover, if the other half is in a different space, it does not mean that he is not in danger, because the different space means "everything is possible." Ten thousand meters deep underwater, outer space, or disaster scenes, etc., in the face of pure nature, the actor's body is like a reptile, which breaks when touched.

The only thing that can be used as a reference is that the three people in the sword in the fish have already entered a different space. This means that the possibility of the "mortal environment" on the opposite side is very small, because if he does not enter, even if the other party sacrifices himself, it is impossible to pass this Kind of trap to kill him.

Zodiac looked down at the reincarnation Menghua in the left hand, because the three people of Yuzhongjian had already entered a different space, so now there is plenty of time to look carefully.

The spiral petals are about to fully unfold, and a drop of crystal clear and unidentified liquid flows out of the translucent white stamen in the center. The liquid slowly flows down the stamen, exuding a fragrance of fragrance.

A new question posed in front of the zodiac, after the reincarnation dream flower blooms, how should he use it. Originally, the reincarnation dream flower should be handed over to the fake year, and all the things used were handed over to the fake year. Moreover, to be precise, the method of using the reincarnation dream flower will never be told to the zodiac. Once informed, it may be The ecliptic is used in turn to lift restrictions.

"They should be ready, it's time to go in."

The zodiacal voice is calm. Normal people will be excited and nervous when faced with this situation. If they are powerful people, they will be relaxed, but he is different. At this time, his mood is calm and calm, as if he knows the result. , Every step you take now is just a destined link. There may be errors in the middle, but the result will not change. Everything is like a set of precise and self-correcting gears, which is driving the name destiny. The wheels headed towards the destination.

He stretched out his right hand and touched the diamond-shaped symbol. After touching the symbol with his fingertips, he was submerged in the symbol as if he had been swallowed, but there were no fingers in the air behind the symbol. The fingers have reached the different space, or it is more appropriate to leave the current space. Then, he fully extended his right hand in. The body can clearly feel the presence of the arm. Now, his arm is not attacked.

After the initial test, he strode forward until his entire body was completely swallowed by the diamond symbol.

Everything around him disappeared, and the light spot appeared from the center of the line of sight, then expanded, and finally mixed with the darkness, forming a deep gray fog.

Zodiac looked at everything in front of him, and he felt as if he was standing still, without the slightest sense of falling into a different space.

The sound of brakes came from behind, almost close at hand.

Zodiac hurriedly avoided, but it was too late. He felt a huge force coming from behind and knocked him out. His body adjusted his balance in mid-air, and finally landed steadily on the ground. Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the brake sound. There was nothing except the thick gray fog.

"No wounds, no pain, just hallucinations?"

The zodiac moved his arms and felt his physical condition. There was no unusual feeling in the place where he was hit. Suddenly, the headlights turned on in front of him. The strong light made him squint his eyes. The sound of the motor turning appeared. As the distance approached, he could barely see the outline in the gray fog, and a blue truck was approaching him at full speed. Coming, moreover, still accelerating. Seeing this scene, he took off with his feet, then flew upwards without landing.

The blue truck drove under him without any reduction in speed. Zodiac's gaze followed the blue truck. After he saw the blue truck enter the gray fog, its outline gradually became blurred, until it disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.


The brake sound came again, only this time, the direction was not on the left and right, but on the head of...

The Zodiac raised his head. At this time, the blue truck above was already close at hand, and he could even see the tiny dirty spots on the paint. Even if the brakes are applied, the impact on the truck that is driving at full speed is minimal. The truck hit the ecliptic like a boulder falling from the sky. Before the zodiac was hit, the left hand was tightly held a little, the right hand completely wrapped the left hand, and the rest was completely unguarded, allowing the truck to hit it.

There was a loud noise, and smoke and dust arose on the ground.

The blue truck was stuck on the ground, leaning a little, like a low house about to collapse.

Zodiac's face was stuck to the windshield, and he found that there was no one in the driver's seat, and he was still able to think, and he didn't feel any pain in his body. No matter how violent the truck hit, he did not cause any harm.

"Or hallucinations?"

The ecliptic glanced left and right, and then focused his gaze on the back of the truck. Suction power came, pulling the truck and him all from the ground.

Suddenly, in the cab of the truck, a man emerged from under the seat. The man had a shallow beard on his face. He was a dragon in a fish. After Xianglong appeared, he threw out his right fist, smashed the windshield, and continued to move forward while spreading his five fingers, grasping the collar of the zodiac. The Zodiac is being released because of the skill ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Xianglong has been planning for a long time, so there is no way to react immediately. Almost all of this happened in a flash.

"Meeting on a narrow road!" Xianglong said these four words, and a red light suddenly lit up from the two of them, and then disappeared. Although these four words are quite vigorous, the reason they are pronounced is because of the mandatory requirements of **** movies.

Perhaps due to the restrictions of the rules, the **** movie prompts that have not appeared for a long time appeared in the mind of the zodiac.

[Actor Zodiac, you are currently in a state of "meeting on a narrow road". The duration is 3 minutes. Within 3 minutes, any attack by both parties with the help of "external force" cannot take effect on the other party, including but not limited to skills, equipment, special props, firearms and knives And so on, this state can be lifted early when either of the two parties dies. 】

After hearing the prompt, the zodiac frowned slightly, and quickly raised his right hand horizontally in front of it. Xianglong fisted his left hand almost at the same time and slammed it heavily on the Zodiac's arm. The pain in the forearm instantly came into my mind, and the Zodiac took a deep breath, fisted with his right hand and swung out his backhand, hitting Xianglong's face, but because he was forced to fight back, he didn't have much strength.

As the zodiac's attention shifted, the suction from above disappeared, and the two and the blue truck fell to the ground again. The two fell on the ground first, and Xianglong pressed against the zodiac. He never let go of the right hand that grasped the collar of the zodiac, just as the left hand of the zodiac always protected the reincarnation dream flower. The blue truck followed closely behind. However, the situation when it landed was slightly different from before. It did not suppress the two people, but went straight through. However, when it hit the ground, it seemed to hit the glass. Dozens of cracks visible to the naked eye were knocked out on the ground. The crack spread rapidly in less than a second until it spread into the fog.


The ground was completely cracked, and everything on the ground fell together.

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