Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1594: Jump off

As soon as Qiancang raised his right hand, he covered the right half of his face, gaze through his fingers, and looked at the wooden door in front, letting fear grow in his heart. Although the situation is still unclear, it has changed a lot compared to a few minutes ago. .

From the moment he entered this movie world, he had a strong sense of discomfort. This discomfort felt like permeating the air, as long as he breathed, he could feel it, plus the strange room, the mysterious man and the house he is now staying in. He had to doubt himself and the whole world.

   Me, have you really "come" to the new movie world?

   Qian Cangyi asked this question in his mind. Many times, from the moment the question was raised, the answer was already approximated.

   He looked to the right, the darkness that was too thick to dissolve was still blocking the front, even light could not easily penetrate, however, there was no previous horror for him now. The source of the horror brought about by darkness is unknown, and now, he knows a little more.

The sound of "dong dong dong" sounded in my ears, followed by the sound of wooden doors colliding. The door was not locked, but the contents inside could not be opened. The door seemed to have a strange force attached to it, as if Qiancang could not open the door before. Similarly, at this time, the creatures in the door were also restricted by this force.

   As time went on, in a few seconds, the door began to collide, and the noise became louder and louder.

   Qiancang glanced at the doorknob and stepped into the darkness. After a few steps, he saw the stairs going down.

   The light of the flashlight shone through the darkness on the stairs, but the stairs at this time were different from before. Some changes have taken place. The stairs have no steps, only the handrails on both sides, which is very strange.

   Qiancang stretched out his right foot and probed, but did not feel the presence of the stairs. He frowned slightly, switched the flashlight to the spotlight mode, and then shone straight down. The cylindrical light was like a spear, piercing the darkness. However, after the darkness, it was still darkness.

   There was a bang, and the right side heard the sound of the door hitting the wall hard, and the bedroom door seemed to have been opened.

Qiancang turned his head but saw nothing. There was still darkness in his eyes. However, in the next second, the situation changed a little. In the darkness, white light began to shine. These white lights gathered into a human face, and the human face was too blurry. , Even if the contrast is so high, it can only be judged that this is a man's face.

The white face is slowly approaching in the dark, and the speed is not fast. To be precise, the white light spot has been trying to accelerate, but the darkness is blocking the white light spot as if it actually exists. From the perspective of interference, the white face seems to be more affected. The influence of darkness.

  Darkness, protecting me?

   Qiancang blinked his eyes and was slightly in a daze. This was something he didn't think of at the beginning. The actual darkness that seemed to have a great influence on his actions turned out to be his amulet!

  The white light spot is still approaching, and there is not much time left for him.

   There is only one way in front of him now-downstairs!

Qiancangyi turned his head to look at the handrail of the stairs, put away the "three-piece" candle and flashlight, turned on the helmet light, and then jumped onto the handrail using the "double jump". After that, his body began to slide down. He quickly opened his hands to maintain his balance, then bent his knees and lowered his center of gravity.

   The sliding speed was not fast, probably a little faster than the walking speed of a person, but after ten seconds passed, it still did not reach the end, and the handrail showed no sign of turning.

There was darkness all around, and there seemed to be no end to the front, back, left, or right. At this moment, Qiancang seemed to be standing on an isolated island with nowhere to go. There was even a feeling in his heart that even if he continued to slide, there would be no results. And he would die on the handrail of the stairs that never ends, even, or not at all, but never stop sliding and never end.

   The fear hidden in my heart thrives on the endless stairs of light and darkness, destroying the will.

   Qiancang glanced back. In the dark, there seemed to be white human faces approaching, and they always maintained a constant distance, neither approaching nor being pulled away.

   "Could it be that you want to jump down?"

   Qiancang looked down at the impenetrable darkness and gritted his teeth.

   I can't see everything below, but now there are almost no clues, and the result of jumping off rashly is simply unpredictable. If you fall into the "trap", even if you are lucky enough to survive, it is just a battle of trapped beasts, and you can only wait for death in the endless darkness.

   time, continue to flow.

   Qiancang swallowed and the muscles of his legs contracted slightly. He planned to try it once. However, just before the jump, he suddenly stopped. The intense anxiety almost made him stand on his head.

"Could it be that……"

   As soon as Qiancang realized something, he lowered his body, took off the black shoe on his right foot, took out the flashlight, and shone it downward.

   "Try it first."

   He stretched out his hand and dropped the shoe, and observed the condition of the shoe.

At the beginning, due to the relationship between the helmet light and the flashlight, the condition of the shoes can be clearly seen, but as the shoes continue to fall, the light becomes weaker and the shoes become more and more blurred. Then, "Zizizi" The sound came from below, as if the oil in the pot exploded directly.

The darkness below    is not pure darkness, but darkness that can kill people directly.

   Qiancang swallowed, thanking him for not jumping off rashly, but now he still has no other way to go.

   Suddenly, a thought, to be precise, from a **** movie, flashed in his mind.

   "...The light will protect you."

   Qiancang took off his other shoe and threw it directly into the darkness. However, when he threw it down, he did not illuminate the shoes with the light of the flashlight and helmet lamp, but let the shoes fall into the darkness.

   Soon, the sound of "zizizi" came, about two seconds faster than before.

  The leader of the time mound launched ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qian Cangyi buckled the stairs with his left hand, and the flashlight with his right hand penetrated the darkness, successfully positioning the black shoes.

   The edges of the black shoes have become jagged, and there have been baseball-sized gaps on the surface, and they have the meaning of expanding.

   He ended the skill, and the shoes continued to fall, but in the time shrouded in light, there was no sign of continued damage.

   "Light... will protect you."

   Qiancang said silently, took out the candle in his left hand, held the flashlight in his right hand, curled his body, hugged his knees with both hands and arms, and then turned forward.

The    curled down posture is definitely not considered safe when landing, but now, it can effectively reduce the area exposed to the dark and let the light "protect" itself.

   The sound of "zizizi" was close at hand, and a faint pain came from the back of both hands and hands, but as Qiancang adjusted his posture, the pain on the back of the hands disappeared. He looked around, and there seemed to be smoke floating upwards in the darkness.

   About ten seconds later, a square white light appeared below.

   As the distance gets closer, the white light gets brighter and brighter.

   Qiancang tried to adjust the posture, and after confirming that the limbs would not be corroded even if the limbs were stretched out, fully unfold the body and adjust it slightly to fall into the square light.


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