Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1349: help

Ran Ya pushed the door open with his left hand and rushed out of the door. At the same moment, Lao Wang had already rushed to the door.

Once the adult ran at full capacity, he quickly caught up.

Ran Ya didn't dare to turn her head, she ran directly to Fan Yuantang's house.

In fact, she doesn't know where to run now, but she believes Liang Ping played by Qian Cangyi.

A few seconds later, she heard Lao Wang's footsteps approaching and getting closer. The adrenaline in her body was soaring because of tension, her muscles were tightened to the limit, her mouth opened, and her chest undulated violently.

Behind Ran Ya, Lao Wang stretched out his right hand, his **** and ring finger were getting closer and closer to Ran Ya's clothes, from 5 cm to 4 cm, and then to 3 cm.

Suddenly, the vigorous figure of the black cat jumped out of the dark-shrouded corner, his sharp claws gleaming with cold light under the night sky, as if it had been lurking here for a long time.

Lao Wang's attention was all on Ran Ya, plus Ran Ya was about to be caught, he didn't even notice the assassin in the dark night.

The black cat pounced on Lao Wang's face, and the cat's claws were swung down, leaving three blood stains on Lao Wang's face.

Lao Wang snorted and grabbed the black cat with both hands, but at the same time, he also slowed down.

The black cat seemed to have predicted this a long time ago, and would leave with one blow. There was no sense of trembling with Lao Wang. Therefore, the only place where Lao Wang, who subconsciously fought back, touched the black cat was the tail, but did not catch it.

Lao Wang glanced at the black cat standing by the wall, then looked in the direction of Ran Ya's escape, but could not find Ran Ya's figure.

The black cat bowed, moved its front legs back, and then lightly jumped into the alley.

Ran Ya, who took advantage of Lao Wang's escape, ran into the alley after she ran to the avenue.

She is not very familiar with the nearby road, but she knows where it goes.

After the thrilling chase just now, she felt a little bit out of breath, and her legs were a little sore.

"Why would the black cat help me?"

Ran Ya leaned on the wall with her left hand, bent over and lowered her head, panting deeply.

Now she is temporarily safe and has time to think about what happened just now.

The black cat is her savior, but the way to save her is too strange.

Whether it is bringing wire cutters or removing the iron rod that is tied to the door, it is not something that an ordinary black cat can do.

In the rear, the sound of footsteps gradually approached.

Ran Ya's face changed when she heard her, covering her mouth with her right hand, hiding beside the trash can.

The footsteps stopped when they reached the entrance of the alley, and the whole alley was suddenly silent.

Ran Ya didn't dare to stretch her head to look, shrinking in the corner, expecting the other party to leave.

A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps sounded again, walking towards the distance.

As the footsteps got farther and farther, Ran Ya breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, her hands and feet trembled slightly, and then relaxed.

She was sitting on the ground, what happened in the bedroom just now appeared in her mind, and every scene was quite thrilling. For a while, she felt very wronged.

Why does she have to bear so much as a primary school student?

Ran Ya hugged her legs with her hands and buried her head between her knees. A faint sob sounded in the alley, very slight.

Two seconds later, the sob stopped.

Ran Ya raised her head, her eyes were moist, and her right hand wiped away the tears.

"No, I can't cry. Since I plan to stay, I have to find out the truth."

"Grandpa didn't find me, did he go to Liang Ping's house? After all, he found out that Liang Ping and I found the body. He will definitely tell Liang Ping's grandfather. I have to notify Liang Ping."

Ran Ya realized that it was not time to rest at all, so she got up and hurried to Fan Yuantang's house.

The night wind rustled the leaves on both sides of the street.

Ran Ya hid in the alley, pressed her back against the wall, slowly poking her head out of the wall, she had already come near Fan Yuantang's house, but she didn't plan to run over directly, but planned to observe it for a while.

"Is Grandpa here? Is he hiding?"

Ran Ya was very hesitant in her heart.

To wake a sleeping person in the middle of the night, she must make a loud noise, but if she makes a loud noise, she will also expose herself.

"If I wake up Liang Ping first, and then run into the alley, I might have a chance to escape."

"Grandpa shouldn't be here now—"

When she said this, a few unusual meows caught her attention.

At the corner of the street not far away, a few cats ran out in a panic, and then a familiar figure appeared.

Because of the distance, she couldn't see the other party's appearance, but the other party's body shape was very similar to her grandfather.

Ran Ya was afraid that she would be discovered, and did not continue to observe.

"What to do? He has come, but he didn't mean to wake Liang Ping and the others. Does he just want to arrest me? But why?"

This made Ran Ya puzzled. She couldn't think of an answer for the time being, so she could only continue to wait.

At this moment, Ran Ya felt inexplicable goosebumps on her arms, and at the same time she felt a chill on her back. Then, she turned her head and looked deep in the alley.

A pair of green eyes gradually approached.

Ran Ya recognized the owner of the eyes, the black cat who saved her.


Ran Ya yelled softly, grabbing her clothes with both hands.

The black cat gradually approached at a light pace, but after a few seconds, Ran Ya realized that the black cat was not approaching at all.

Then, a thick black mist surrounds the black cat's body. In the next second, the black mist expands and spreads out, covering half of the alley in it.

Ran Ya held her breath and did not dare to relax her vigilance at all.

The black fog gradually faded, and a figure appeared, it was Po Chen.

Ran Ya covered her mouth with her hands, her legs trembling constantly.

She didn't expect that the black cat who had been helping herself just now turned out to be Po Chen.

"Ran Ya." Po Chen said, her voice hoarse and weak.

Ran Ya looked at Po Chen and nodded, but did not answer.

"I...found you yesterday...and Liang Ping, just to...let you leave...Fuluo Village." While Po Chen spoke, her body moved back a bit.

Ran Ya's eyes widened and her heart was shocked. At the same time, she thought of Liang Ping's idea and her choice.

The next second, she lowered her voice and replied:

"Chen Po, you... why do you want to help us? Also, my grandpa and Liang Ping's grandpa, what happened to them? What happened?"

She still had a lot of questions to ask, but seeing Po Chen who was covered in black mist still made her feel terrified. It was a tremor in her heart.

A smile appeared on Po Chen's face, which became more eerie and terrifying, and she slowly drifted towards Ran Ya.

At this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ran Ya felt her heart suddenly touched her throat.

Po Chen floated and said:

"I don't know what happened to them, but if you found your grandpa's body, he will definitely not let you go."

"It's getting late, I should go, you can only rely on yourself for the future."

Speaking of this, Po Chen has come to Ran Ya's body, and then she stretched out her right hand and touched Ran Ya lightly.

Ran Ya only felt cold all over, and her whole body froze in place.

When her body returned to normal, only the last words of Po Chen remained in her ear.

"You can trust Liang Ping."

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