Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1343: Picture before death

"Pharaoh?" Fan Yuantang was a little surprised.

"Well, my grandfather and Liang Ping have some misunderstandings." Ran Ya put her hands in front of her, her fingers moving uncomfortably.

Qiancang watched silently, and he knew that Ran Ya was very scared now, and this was the reason why he told Ran Ya the secret of the attic.

"What's the misunderstanding?" Fan Yuantang patted the sofa next to him, "Come on, sit here and speak slowly."

Qian Cangyi took the lead and sat next to Fan Yuantang, while Ran Ya sat on the sofa placed on the side of the coffee table.

"Why does Lao Wang beat you?" Fan Yuantang turned to look at Qian Cangyi.

"He has a bad memory." Qian Cang said softly.

"Bad memory?" Fan Yuantang showed an incomprehensible expression on his face.

Seeing this situation, Ran Ya took a deep breath, put her left hand on her chest, and said:

"My grandfather went home to get the money. We were at home and were about to play football. When we went out and didn't go far, my grandpa rushed out."

"He said that Liang Ping stole his money. It seemed that it was 800 yuan. Then my grandfather asked me to search Liang Ping's body, but I couldn't find the money. But my grandfather still didn't believe it, but he found it in his own pocket."

"That's it."

After speaking, she breathed a sigh of relief.

When confronted with Lao Wang after finding the body just now, she couldn't deal with it easily.

Fan Yuantang looked at the coffee table with a gloomy expression. He turned to look at Ran Ya and asked:

"Ran Ya, when did your grandfather hit Liang Ping? Did he just hit him and search again?"

Although his tone was calm, Qian Cangyi could still feel the suppressed anger in Fan Yuantang's heart.

Ran Ya shook her head and said:

"No, it was when Liang Ping said that my grandpa had a bad memory."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly saw an expression on Fan Yuantang's face.

Fan Yuantang turned his head, looked at Liang Ping, and comforted:

"Liang Ping, saying that people of our age have a bad memory is like telling a man that he can't do it. You can't just say it casually."

"Be careful in the future. Of course, this is not your fault. I will go and talk to Lao Wang. It is still too much to do it. After all, you are my grandson."

Qiancang raised his head and found that Fan Yuantang's face improved a lot.

He was a little confused.

Saying that old people have a bad memory is like saying that men are bad? When has this statement been made? Liang Ping didn't even think about it in his memory.

Qian Cangyi can only nod his head silently, he can't argue with Fan Yuantang now, it is too unwise to fight in two lines.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Ran Ya, who was also speechless.

Because from the reaction of Lao Wang, it seems that saying that he has a bad memory is more serious than saying that he is not good at it.

Qiancang recalled Pharaoh's words in his mind. Since the money was found, the point of dispute has shifted.

At first, the two of them were arguing whether he had stolen money, and the latter was arguing whether Pharaoh had a bad memory.

Qian Cangyi always emphasized that Pharaoh had a bad memory, and Pharaoh slapped into anger because of the words "you have a bad memory".

Now, Fan Yuantang has another wonderful metaphor.

The name of the movie is "Forgetful." Pharaoh lost his temper because he was said to have a bad memory. Fan Yuantang understood Pharaoh because Liang Ping said this sentence.

Qiancangyi had to connect these, and the key to the connection was "memory."

What does memory represent? In other words, what does it represent in this movie?

Qiancang fell into deep thought.

Fan Yuantang turned to look at Ran Ya, and asked softly:

"Xiaoya, I'll stay here for dinner tonight, and I'll send you back later, how about?"

Ran Ya glanced at Qian Cangyi, and after getting the affirmation, she nodded again and again, "Well, good."

After supper, it was getting late.

Fan Yuantang took Ran Ya to Lao Wang's house, but Qian Cangyi chose to stay at home.

Before Ran Ya left, Qian Cang exhorted two sentences, one was "careful" and the other was "delay more time".

The reason why he wants to buy time is because he intends to use a special prop-the vision of the dead.

This is a special prop that has been used before, and can see the scene that the deceased saw before his death according to the intactness of the deceased’s eyeballs.

The vision of the deceased is a small black brush, as long as the brush is gently brushed on the eyeball of the deceased.

Taking into account the distance between Fan Yuantang’s house and Lao Wang’s house, it takes about half an hour to come and go, enough to watch the scene before Fan Yuantang’s death.

Because Qiancang had already done it once, Qiancang Yi expertly came to the attic, opened the lock of the box and took it off, put his hands on the box, holding his breath.

He hadn't forgotten his last experience, but Fan Yuantang, who had already died, floated to the top of the attic for no reason.

Although it is the last time, the exact time is this afternoon, less than 6 hours from now.

"Could it be that the density of corpses is lower than that of air?"

Qiancangyi couldn't understand it for the time being, but one thing is certain, that is, he must prevent this from happening again.

With the harder hands, he gradually opened the box, but did not fully open it. Instead, he first supported the corpse between the corpse and the box with a wooden stick of appropriate length to jam the corpse.

In this way, the body will not float up again.

After making preparations, he opened the black box completely.

Fan Yuantang's corpse appeared in front of him again, the expression on his face was almost the same as when it was closed last time, except...At this time, the corpse was slowly turning his head to look at him.

The turbid eyeballs swayed irregularly as if they had come to life. The purple corpse face gradually turned, and the neck made a gurgling sound as the head turned, like a rusty machine.

Qiancangyi's hands trembled suddenly, and Shuang took two steps back quickly.


He steadied his body and silently looked at the corpse in the black box.

At this time, the corpse was slowly raising his hand, but it was stuck by the roots and couldn't be lifted.

Qiancang recalled the weird situation last time. After closing the box, he could still hear the sound. It turned out that at that time, the body had already come alive.

In an instant, Qiancangyi's muscles tightened to prevent the corpse in the black box from transforming.

He observed for more than ten seconds, and found that the corpse transformation was different from the imagined corpse transformation. It did not become a zombie or a zombie. It was only active, and the movement range was extremely small and the speed was very slow.

Just in case, he still chose to continue to observe.

Within a few minutes, the corpse moved nearly 5 times. These 5 movements were whole-body movements, but they couldn't get rid of the roots and were still contained in the box by sticks.

"It looks more like an unconscious body, not even a zombie, is it really alive?"

Qiancang walked up slowly with a small black brush in one hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and he decided to proceed according to the plan.

The ability of a corpse to move is indeed a variable, but it is not a big deal.

Based on his experience, coupled with the performance of the corpse, he believes that it was not the corpse that survived, but that some changes occurred. The reason for the change is probably related to the cause of death.

He came to the side of the box, bent slightly, holding the black brush in his right hand, and gently brushing the corpse's eyeballs.

Start from the right eyeball to the left eyeball, and then from the left eyeball to the right eyeball.

After the brush touched the eyeball, the eyeball no longer moved, but a hazy white light appeared.

After a few consecutive brushes, the small black brush in Qiancang No. 1's hand disappeared, and the white light of the corpse's eyeballs became brighter and brighter, and then a clear scene was gathered on the top.

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