Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1338: Ready to flee

Qiancang quickly locked the lock, and then left the attic. As for the footprints of the attic, he has no time to clean it up. He can only pray that Fan Yuantang has not noticed that anyone has entered the attic.

After putting away the ladder, he went to the first floor and put the key back in the frame.

After that, he cleaned the soles of Fan Yuantang's shoes. After putting the shoes in the shoe cabinet, he opened the door and walked out.

"I thought you didn't hear it." Ran Ya ran to the door.

"Did my grandfather find out?" Qiancang asked.

"It shouldn't." Ran Ya shook her head.

"Let's leave first and talk to a safe place." Qiancang grabbed Ran Ya's hand and said, "Go!"

He took Ran Ya and quickly left Fan Yuantang's home.

After they left far enough, they came to a quiet alley.

"Liang Ping, what are you doing? Can you tell me?" Ran Ya was very curious.

"I..." Qiancang took a deep breath, "...I plan to leave Fuluo Village and leave this afternoon!"

"Ah? Why?" Ran Ya looked lost.

"I can't explain it for the time being, I can only tell you that Fuluo Village is definitely more terrifying than we thought!" Qian Cangyi's expression was serious and his tone was cautious, without any joking.

Hearing his words, Ran Ya looked excited and asked:

"Then you have to tell me more!"

Qiancangyi was a little surprised, because from Ran Ya's words, he heard the meaning of trust, in other words, Ran Ya believed what he said.

Generally speaking, even if Ran Ya and Liang Ping are good friends, it is more likely that Ran Ya will not believe it. In other words, Ran Ya must have experienced something else, and that incident made her heart early. Doubts have been raised.

"Did you encounter other strange things besides seeing Po Chen?" Qian Cangyi was keenly aware of this.

"How do you know?" Ran Ya was even more curious.

"If you first tell me why you are so excited, then I will answer your question." Qian Cang looked at Ran Ya's eyes without moving.

Ran Ya hesitated. She hugged herself in her hands, took two steps back, leaning her back against the wall, and then said in a calm voice:

"How to put it...I'm not sure, but I feel bad in my heart."

"After coming to Fuluo Village, my memory is getting worse and worse, like summer homework. There is a workbook in it. I will finish it tomorrow morning, but I will think that I haven't finished it every three to five, so I will check it again."

"This kind of things happen often, but they are small things, unimportant things in my mind, but I have a hunch that if I continue to stay here, I am afraid I will get amnesia, or amnesia."

"My grandfather didn't understand this at all, and I thought it was my own problem, but you just said that'Fouruo Village is more terrifying than we thought.' I connected this matter together. After all, when I was studying My memory has always been very good."

"Liang Ping, since you also want to leave, why don't we go together?"

Having said this, Ran Ya took a long breath, as if making this decision requires a lot of courage.

Qian Cangyi was quite shocked, because Ran Ya's experience was like a fire that burned the mysterious veil of Voluo Village.

Staying in Fuluo Village will change your memory. At the beginning, you will only forget some unimportant things, but as time develops, you may forget more and more important things.


Qiancang suddenly felt enlightened, and now, he knew what he should do, he was leaving Fuluo Village.

"Yes, let's leave together. By the way, do you have the ticket money?" Qiancang nodded.

"No." Ran Ya shook her head. Suddenly, her eyebrows were raised, as if thinking of something, "I said, you haven't told me why you know!"

Qiancang thought for a while, raised his right hand, extended his index finger, and replied:

"Two points, the first point. Before at Possess Chen's house, you disregarded your grandpa's objections and believe me. Of course, there is also the reason why you have met Possess Chen, but it still shows that you are a girl with your own ideas."

Having said that, he stretched out his right middle finger.

"The second point, you just said,'Then you have to tell me even more', in a very strong tone."

"Combining these two points, you can see that you are eager to know the reason, and not out of curiosity."

After speaking, he retracted his hand and put it in his pocket.

Ran Ya made a "wow" mouth shape, but made no sound.

"Since we all have no money, we can only steal it." Qiancang spread his hands.

"Liang Ping, you are very smart, but I don't think you are like a child, but an adult." Ran Ya stretched her head over and looked at Qian Cangyi's face carefully, as if she didn't want to let go of any details, "I really want to See what's in your head."

Qiancang gave a white glance, stretched out his left hand, grabbed Ran Ya's face, and pushed the latter back.

"Tsk, let go!" Ran Ya grabbed Qian Cangyi's left wrist with both hands and pulled it apart.

"The last bus is coming in just over an hour. We must hurry. Do you know where your grandpa's wallet is hidden?" Qiancang pressed his forefinger with his right index finger.

"I saw him hide the money in the inner pocket of the coat in the closet before, a little bit here and a little bit there." Ran Ya's mouth twitched.

"Then your grandpa is home now?" Qiancang asked.

"Not yet, he likes playing cards very much. Didn't you go home before, they started playing cards after you left for half a minute." Ran Ya pouted, a little angry.

"Then go to your grandfather's house, let's hurry up." Qian Cang urged.

"Okay." Ran Ya sighed.

"What?" Qian Cang looked at Ran Ya.

"I finally know why it is said that house thief is hard to guard against. I am now a house thief." Ran Ya pointed her right index finger to her nose.

Although in the movie world, there are many dangers that cannot be avoided, it does not mean that all dangers are unavoidable.

Now that the body in the attic has been found, Qian Cangyi doesn't need to go to Fan Yuantang again. Once exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, he proposed to go to Ran Ya's grandfather's house, which is also Lao Wang's house.

Lao Wang's house did not live too far, and could form an acute triangle with Fan Yuantang and Chen Po's house.

With Ran Ya leading the way, Qiancang soon came to the vicinity of Lao Wang's house.

"You go in to see the situation, I'll wait for you outside." Qiancang Yi hid around the corner.

"Yeah." Ran Ya nodded.

A few minutes later, Qian Cangyi followed Ran Ya into Lao Wang's house.

Like Fan Yuantang, Lao Wang's wife has also passed away.

With "internal response" leading the way, he found the wardrobe with the winter coat hanging in no effort.

"Inside?" Qiancang opened the closet.

"Well, I'm on the left and you are on the right, searching one by one." Ran Ya began to search.

Qiancang searched the coat on the far right side, and found no red banknotes. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. The closet was too narrow.

"Let's give in." Qiancangyi said softly.

"Huh?" Although Ran Ya was very curious, she still stepped back and gave way.

Qiancang Yi stepped on the bottom of the wardrobe with his left foot, took out half of the coat on the right with both hands, and threw it on the back bed.

Then, he put his head in, turned on the helmet light, carefully looked at the wooden board behind the closet, then held it with his right hand and tapped it lightly.

"Sure enough." Qiancang took out the focus dagger, inserted it against the gap ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and pulled it outward.

"Did you find anything?" Ran Ya was infected by Qian Cangyi's atmosphere, and her expression became more and more nervous.

Qiancang Yi ignored it and continued to exert force while gritting his teeth.


The wooden board behind the wardrobe moved slightly.

"Come on, help me remove the clothes." Qiancangyi took the remaining clothes out of the closet.

"There is something hidden inside?" Ran Ya leaned over.

"Ran Ya, stand by the side first, don't look, you know?" Qian Cangyi already had a guess in his mind.

What's hidden inside, maybe...

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