Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1256: Li factory

Scream, panic, trample.

The workshop suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

After the ghost workers appeared, people were panicked. Everyone worried about whether the workers around him were ghosts.

The entrance of the workshop became a crowded hard-hit area.

As soon as Qiancang chose his back against the wall, he stood at the corner and observed the remaining two directions.

He looked at everything in front of him from the perspective of a bystander.

The ghost workers who suddenly appeared were not as dangerous as imagined. At least, from what he observed, the ghost workers had no intention of attacking actively yet.

Up to now, all the casualties in the workshop have come from panicked companions.

Ghost workers have been doing only one thing-work.

Never-ending work.

Ghost workers are like robots, and even more in the interests of the boss than robots, because they don't need to consume electricity.

The ceiling lights began to flicker. At this moment, all the employees raised their heads, hoping that the lights would return to normal.

However, things were completely different from their expectations. After the lights flickered more than a dozen times, they went out again.

Qiancangyi suddenly felt a distinctive touch coming from his left hand holding down the wall.

The previous touch was cold and smooth, but now the touch is hot and humid and sticky.

He brought his left hand to his eyes, then lowered his head to make the helmet light flash.

Although the time is short, he still sees the situation of his left hand clearly.

The original clean left hand had been dyed red, and the ground meat mixed with blood and water stuck to the palm.

On the dim wall, two blood-colored arms slowly stretched out, trying to stretch out Qian Cangyi's face.

Because of the light, the danger that should have been noticed right away was discovered after a second

When the **** hand was about to touch Qiancang's eye, the leader of Time Tomb activated instantly.

The air becomes thicker and thicker, and each movement requires a lot of physical effort.

The heart seemed to be grasped by a big transparent hand, and the blood stopped flowing.

The money warehouse moved.

So tired!

The feeling of using the skill for the first time appeared again, and the cells under his body seemed to be torn apart by a huge force.

Qiancang endured the pain and avoided the blow.

At the end of the skill time, he quickly moved away from the wall.

After confirming that he was temporarily out of danger, he bent over and squatted on the ground, panting slightly:

"what happened?"

"Is it the negative effect of fatigue?"

"The pain has disappeared. It doesn't seem to be a real injury, but more like a warning from the body."

Qiancang took a deep breath and turned on the helmet light.

Now that he has been attacked, he can no longer take into account the impact of equipment, after all, life is the first.

The lights came on and bright circles appeared in front of the field of view.

The walls of the workshop have completely changed, and the original white walls have become squirming flesh and blood.

The walls made of flesh and blood often show human faces and hands, as if the entire wall is made up of people.

The ceiling and floor are the same scene.

Within a few minutes, the clean and tidy workshop suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth.

Qiancang thought of the famous horror game scene.

If the normal factory is called the watch factory, then the factory we see now can be called the inner factory.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at the door of the workshop.

The crowd hasn't noticed the abnormality of the workshop yet.

If these employees queued in and out according to the normal situation, they may have all left now, but the actual situation is that most of them have not left.

The five or six people in front had a dispute and blocked the entrance. No one took a step back slightly, which resulted in getting stuck at the door.

The door was blocked, the people behind could only watch, and the people in the workshop continued to squeeze toward the door.

As soon as Qiancang looked away, he looked towards the production line.

The ghost workers still stick to their jobs, and don't care about the panicking living people around them.

The movements of their hands are as precise as a robotic arm, and each movement is accurate to the millisecond.

Judging by the requirements of the factory's senior management, these ghost workers are real "workers."

Qiancang breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the current situation, the ghost workers have no intention of attacking, that is to say, it is still safe for the time being.

What happened yesterday suddenly came to his mind.

Lin Hui's death is undoubtedly related to ghost workers, indicating that ghost workers will attack living people, which is not in line with the current situation.

Where is the problem?

As soon as Qiancang felt a chill in his back, he pressed his right thumb on his temple.


There is a difference in time.

At that time, we were on a break. Will the ghost workers follow the factory rules and regulations? Will rest at the same time close to midnight?

Qiancang glanced at the wall clock on the far wall.

The environment of the workshop has all changed, leading to changes in the wall clock.

On the dial, all the numbers and scales disappeared, leaving only a second hand spinning.

It seems that in this world, time is no longer needed, just keep doing it.

"It's useless."

Qiancangyi chose to believe in his memory.

He remembered that when the lights were turned off, there was about a quarter of an hour before supper.

All this is thanks to the employees in front of him always staring at the wall clock and reporting them from time to time.

"You can eat in half an hour!"

"There are still 25 minutes."

"I'm a little hungry, why there are still 20 minutes?"

Counting the time of the riots after the power outage, there are about 7 minutes left before the break.

Qiancang Yi feels that the situation is not good.

If his guess is correct, the ghost workers in the entire factory will be released in 7 minutes.

At that time, the entire factory will be a nightmare scene.

"First rendezvous with Qian Jiangyue, the situation upstairs should be the same." Qiancangyi decided to find Qian Jiangyue first.

The two have exchanged their positions.

The only entrance was crowded with people, and it was impossible to get out.

In fact, there are a few more outlets.

First, the structure of the workshop is designed with two entrances and exits, but one of the exits has been locked by an iron chain.

In addition, the corridor and the workshop are not walls, but separated by plastic partitions. The purpose is to allow inspectors to see everything in the workshop from the corridor.

In an emergency, you can choose to smash the glass on the plastic partition directly.

However, it is interesting that almost no employees do this in the entire workshop.

Every employee still subconsciously abides by the factory rules and regulations.

The monotonous and repetitive work even smoothed out their desire to survive.

Qiancangyi was naturally not in this list, so he lifted the stool and threw it at the glass.

With a bang, the glass shattered.

As soon as Qiancang knocked off the spikes on the corners, he threw down the stool and jumped onto the corridor by supporting the window edge.

This scene was seen by the employees who were still crowding at the door. After a leading employee did this, their minds were also opened up, and they began to learn a lot. The windows were all smashed, not one left.

With such a chaotic scene, coupled with almost no lights, even if the factory wants to be held accountable afterwards, it is impossible to pursue a certain employee.

There are 5 minutes left.

Qiancang always walked upstairs, but when he came to the top of the stairs, he realized that he couldn't do it at all.

The stairs were choked with water and crowded with employees.

These employees are leaving the building with the crowd.

"It seems I can't go up, let's see what's going on outside first?"

Qiancang always walked towards the end of the corridor.

There are windows at the end of the corridor, and the viewing angle is not bad.

At this time, the window was blocked by curtains, and the outside situation could not be seen clearly.

He came to the window, took a deep breath, and stood on guard, then grabbed the curtain with his left hand and pulled it open.

The helmet light illuminates the window.

In the dark night sky, a blood-red lightning flashed across, illuminating the distance.

The whole world has completely changed.

The towering chimneys were densely covered, and the sonorous impact sounded from afar.

Baidianhui Electronics Factory is just one of countless factories in the world, even one of the ordinary ones.

Suddenly, a pair of feet appeared above the window.

The money warehouse took a step back.

The feet outside the window continued to move down, and soon after, Qian Jiangyue's face appeared.

Qian Jiangyue pointed his left finger at Qian Cang Yi, and signaled the latter to step aside.

After Qian Jiangyue retreated to a safe distance, Qian Jiangyue waved his left hand, and the hard iron block smashed at the window.

Shards of glass scattered all over the floor.

Qian Jiangyue jumped into the corridor.

"Yu Xuefeng has no abnormalities. Of course, this is also abnormal in itself." Qian Jiangyue reached out the window with her right hand and retracted the chain.

"3 minutes." Qiancang said.

"Those ghost workers are going to do it? That said, run away?" Qian Jiangyue pointed out the window.

As an actor in a **** movie, there are naturally a few more escape routes than ordinary people.

There is only one problem now.

Can you avoid danger by escaping?

This is simply not certain.

Qiancang frowned and asked:

"What do you mean when Yu Xuefeng has no abnormalities?"

"It's completely different from last night's performance?"

Qian Jiangyue nodded and replied:


"To be precise, Yu Xuefeng's performance tonight is completely different from last night, like a different person."

"Yesterday's Yu Xuefeng was confident, calm, and humorous. Today's Yu Xuefeng is bitter and cautious, making me sick."

"I don't think a person's personality will change so much in a day unless he is sick."

Qian Jiangyue hesitated to speak but stopped.

Qiancang blinked his eyes and suddenly thought of something:

"Do you think it is possible that Yu Xuefeng was possessed yesterday."

"I mean like us, occupying the original body, manipulating the body to do what you want to do."

"Yesterday's Yu Xuefeng may also be like this."

Qian Jiangyue touched her chin with her right hand, nodded and replied:

"It is possible, it seems that the other party did not come today."

Qiancang Yi added:

"It is also possible to change a body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was Yu Xuefeng yesterday, and today it is another employee."

"Just... what is his purpose?"

Qian Jiangyue's expression suddenly became serious. He looked down at the ground, actually looking at the image from the Eye of Tracking.

Qiancang didn't speak, but waited quietly.

At the same time, he was still calculating the remaining time in his mind.

1 minute.

With 1 minute left, the ghost worker will stop his movements and focus on the living people around him.

Qian Jiangyue raised his head and looked at the entrance and exit of the workshop with sharp eyes:

"The person we are looking for is on this floor!"


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