It’s when Iron Man is pressuring the last horror score/son.

A strange black mist suddenly rose in the desert!

This black mist was like a sandstorm, and the sky and the sun were engulfing them!

Just a trance kung fu, Tony is wrapped in an endless black fog, and the line of sight does not exceed a meter!

“What’s going on? Could it be the man behind the scenes, the means used to kill me? ”

At first, Tony thought it was man-made.

So he lowered his head, trying to continue to question the terror sub-scorer.

But when he looked down, Tony saw a terrifying skeleton!

The previous horror had actually turned into a skeleton in his kung fu of looking up and looking down!

This abrupt scene frightened Tony back one after another, and his heart was pounding.

“This… How is this possible? This guy was fine just now.

The kung fu that turned his head was so dead? Still turned into a skeleton? ”

Tony’s throat rolled a little, and an extremely ominous premonition arose in his heart.

“No, I have to get out of here quickly!”

With the idea popping up in his mind, Tony used the remaining combustion of the steel armor to fly like a rocket into the air.

In a flash of fire, he soared into the sky and headed straight for the clouds!

But after flying for half a day, Tony was still wrapped in a thick black fog, and he couldn’t see a trace of sunlight at all!

This made him panic even more!

Because according to his speed, after flying for so long, he can see the universe!

But now, Tony is still in the black fog!

“Something is wrong, these black fogs distort space, and I can’t fly out at all.”

Or… These black fogs were just my hallucinations, and I was still in place. ”

Tony was very clever and quickly thought of two possibilities.

But the most important thing for him now is to land quickly.

There is not much fuel in the steel armor!


In desperation, Tony could only give up the idea of leaving this black fog from a high altitude and land on the ground.

It didn’t take long for his feet to step on solid ground.

This confirms Tony’s previous idea that space is distorted!

So he flew for half a day and couldn’t fly out.

What’s even more terrifying is that at Tony’s feet, there is a familiar skeleton!

This gave him goosebumps, a strange sense of coldness that eroded his entire body!

Tony was flying around in the sky just now, shaking up and down left and right.

Under the influence of the black fog, he had long lost his sense of direction.

How could it have landed so coincidentally in the previous place when it landed at this time?


Everything is so weird!

Everything is so gloomy!

Even in his thick steel armor, Tony didn’t feel the slightest sense of security!

“FK! FK! How could I be so unlucky? ”

Shocked and frightened, Tony could only vent his fear and uneasiness by scolding.

But in order to survive, he quickly lifted his spirits and explored in the black fog.

Since you can’t fly out, let’s try to go out!

With that in mind, Tony walked up in the black mist.

He couldn’t walk in one direction with his senses, and he didn’t dare to make a half-step mistake!

However…… Half an hour later, Tony looked at the skeleton at his feet, his face slightly pale.

After wandering around for half an hour, he was back to square one!


Tony gritted his teeth and continued to walk straight in a different direction.

However, half an hour later, he saw the familiar skeleton again!

At this point, Tony’s complete collapse!

He took off his energy-depleted steel armor and collapsed to the ground, lying on the edge of the skeleton’s skeleton, his eyes blankly looking upwards.

A scene of the past flashed through Tony’s mind.

He remembered his dead father…

I remembered a little pepper that accompanied him…

I remembered the more than ten years I spent absurdly before…

I also think of the innocent civilians who were killed by the weapons made by Stark Industries…

At this moment, Tony’s state of mind changed dramatically.

He vowed that if he could get out alive, he would change his way of life!

It’s just a pity… Wrapped in black fog, he seemed to have lost the possibility of survival.

Tony could feel that his life was passing little by little!

This feeling is very painful!

But he couldn’t stop it!

An endless wave of fear wrapped him up!


Tony. When Stark was struggling on the edge of life and death, Chen Mo was silently staring at him.

This strange black mist was naturally Chen Mo’s means.

And Tony, the famous Iron Man in the Marvel Universe. Stark had seen it, which made Chen Mo feel quite interesting.

So he used some small means to tease him.

As for what to do with Tony who just became Iron Man. Stark……

To tell the truth, Chen Mo hadn’t thought it through yet.

It seems that whether it is killed or subdued, it is not very good.

A lot of interesting things are lost that way.

This world is not simply the Marvel Universe, but also the existence of the Joker and Batman.

If you mix them together and let them fight to the death, by the way, you are harvesting the world’s fear value.

Guess that’s a lot of fun, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Mo did not intend to put Tony. What happened to Stark.

A little harvest of his fear value, and then let him go, let him play freely.

Seems to be the best option.


The reason for this choice is actually related to Chen Mo’s state of mind.

When he was still weak, Chen Mo was bent on becoming stronger, just to survive!

But now, Chen Mo’s strength was getting stronger and stronger, and he had reached the point of an evil god.

Take the universe right now.

Chen Mo did not dare to say that he was absolutely invincible, but there was definitely no one who could kill him!

As a result, Chen Mo’s state of mind changed dramatically!

He would no longer be practicing like an ascetic like an ascetic again.

It is also a good choice to properly experience the joy of life.

This is one of the reasons why he condensed his body and came to Earth.


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