Batman is like the last line of defense in Gotham City, guarding that little bit of poor justice.

The collapse of Batman means the collapse of Gotham justice!


After playing Batman to the point of collapse, the Joker directly slaps his ass and leaves.

Now, with the protection of the Demon God, there are so many things he can do all of a sudden!

The Joker’s stage was just a mere Gotham City.

And now, he’s going to be on a hundredfold bigger stage – the Lighthouse Country!

“So, where do you choose?”

The Joker’s eyes wandered around the map.

Soon you will see the cosmopolitan metropolis of the lighthouse country – New York!

New York City is much bigger than Gotham City, and there are more capable people.

I believe it will be more interesting there!

Thinking of this, a big eerie smile split on the clown’s face, and then disappeared into the same place.

At this point, the Joker left Gotham City for a larger stage.

Believe that he is there, there will be better play, bringing more fear and chaos!


“Lord Demon God, have you seen so much time and effort poured into the clown’s body, so you just went with him?”

In the chaotic darkness, the Scarlet Witch asked Chen Mo with some curiosity.

“The Joker is a born child of dark chaos, and as long as he is alive, he will bring endless fear!”

And under my protection, no one can kill him! ”

Chen Mo said lightly, and at the same time pondered in his heart, the complexity of this world seemed to be getting higher and higher.

Since both the Joker and Batman exist, Superman should also exist.

I just don’t know where this incredibly powerful guy is hiding at this moment.

Maybe he is still looking for the mystery of his own life.

After Superman is born, this universe has one more S+-level strong person who may be comparable to Gu Yi and Odin!

It is also possible … Stronger!

However, Chen Mo did not intend to deliberately look for Superman, there were too many interesting things he could do!


“Let’s go, let’s go see a movie.”

Chen Mo suddenly thought that Su Jing’s cartoons about him seemed to have recently been put on the big screen.

It just so happened that he didn’t know how many years he hadn’t seen a movie.

This time, I have the opportunity to relive the feeling of that year.

By the way, see how the quality of this movie is, can it help Chen Mo spread fear!

Although there were some doubts about why Lord Demon God suddenly wanted to watch a movie, the three beautiful female believers were 100% obedient to Chen Mo’s decision.

In this way, Chen Mo, who was thin and tall and wrapped in a black trench coat, surrounded by three big beautiful women, casually found a movie theater.

Su Jing, Liu Ningxue and the Scarlet Witch, these three great beauties, are more distinctive and incomparably eye-catching!

But I don’t know why, the man in black who is surrounded by them in the middle gives people a chilling sense of terror!

This sense of terror even suppressed the color and desire of the old squirrels, so that they did not dare to look at Su Jing, Liu Ningxue and the scarlet witch more.


At the end of a movie, Chen Mo’s eyes were a little drifting, as if he was recalling something.

What he recalled, of course, was not this movie.

I have to say that this comic book movie is very good, basically retaining 90% of the quality of Su Jing’s original comics!

Through the audience’s reaction, Chen Mo knew that this movie would definitely explode!

But what caused Chen Mo to reminisce was the years when he was a human being.

With the passage of time, the human years accounted for less and less in Chen Mo’s life.

Seems insignificant.

However, occasionally reminiscing about the state of weak childhood, it is also quite interesting.

This feeling is similar to remembering bitterness and sweetness.


During the following period, Chen Mo and three beautiful female believers wandered through the cities of the earth.

The places Chen Mo traveled were no longer limited to the Lighthouse Country, but to any corner he wanted to go!

In the process of traveling, Chen Mo met some “acquaintances” in his memory.

Some were accepted as believers by Chen Mo, such as Hawkeye and Quicksilver.

There are also some who were randomly shot to death by Chen Mo, such as sand people and hate.

Before you know it, it’s time to 2008.

Chen Mo came to a desert area in the Middle East and admired the majestic and magnificent desert landscape.

Of course, the so-called majestic and magnificent is only for ordinary people.

Chen Mo had seen stars explode, engulfing the entire star system.

He had seen giant meteors streak through countless planets.

I have seen the silence and birth of a universe, which is the transformation of nothingness and all things.


Therefore, just a desert could not cause Chen Mo’s mood to fluctuate.

He stopped thinking of a man, Tony. Stark.

From another world, the beginning of the Marvel Universe, began with this man, starting in 2008!

If nothing goes wrong, Tony. Stark is now being held in a cave in the desert by a group of horrors, sub-sons, and sons.

And Iron Man will also be born in that cave!

Of course, after Chen Mo appeared, the world line had been changed.


Tony. Stark’s experience these days is almost from heaven to hell, and then from hell to heaven.

The twisting of one hundred and eighty degrees back and forth made his whole body almost faint!

Tony had been happy to sell his arms and weapons in Afu Khan.

The sales were very successful, and it earned hundreds of millions of yuan by hand, and it is estimated that there are still large orders in the follow-up.

Who knew that on the way back, eating hot pot and singing songs, they were banditized… Horror points, sons to rob!

After being abducted, Tony. Stark is locked up in a cave and asked to craft a lethal weapon.

Otherwise, send him back to the West!

Although Tony is a playboy, he is unusually intelligent.

Even if the conditions were so rudimentary, he still worked hard to create a pair of steel armor, and wanted to use this armor to kill it!

However, just as Tony’s armor was about to be completed, something unexpected happened!


On this day, Tony is quietly making Mimi’s armor.

Suddenly, his companion said with a change of face:

“Something went wrong, and those terrible points and sons suddenly ran towards us, very fast!”

“What? Shouldn’t they have eaten at this point in time? ”

Hearing this, Tony’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to collect his armor, but it was too late.


There was a muffled sound, and the door was kicked open.

At this moment, Tony’s heart was cold.

His armor was not yet completely complete and did not have the ability to fight.

Being discovered at this point is tantamount to saying that Tony has lost all the capital to flip.

He…… It’s over!

Thinking of this, Tony’s head ached sharply, and the scene in front of him twisted and twisted as if he was about to pass out.

In his eyes, the heads of the horrible sects and sons were striding towards him, with a murderous look.

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

At this moment, Tony was desperate to the extreme.

However, when the five-year-old-three-thick, sinister-looking head walked up to Tony, he “poofed” and fell to his knees in front of him.

Tony. Stark:?????


Thanks for the 10,000 tip from “AndiRo123”! The owner was atmospheric!

Thanks for the 1000 tips of “just finished the exam”, love you!

In addition, I would like to thank you all for your monthly pass, Momoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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