Amid the clown’s frantic laughter, Batman Wayne’s heart, cool and transparent!

Harvey and Rachel, these two people, are very important to him!

Rachel was his beloved.

If only he hadn’t been to transform into Batman every night and suppress the evils of Gotham City.

How did Wayne break up with Rachel?

Harvey, on the other hand, is Gotham’s hope! It’s Wayne’s hope!

Wayne found that, in his way, he could no longer suppress Gotham’s sin and darkness.

He is the Dark Knight of Gotham, but Gotham needs a Light Knight more to eliminate the darkness of Gotham by means of the Great Light.

And Harvey, the new prosecutor who is jealous and hateful, and has the means, is the best candidate!

Wayne believes that with his help, Harvey will be able to become Gotham’s Knight of Light, pulling Gotham out of the mud and out of the darkness!


But now, these two people who were extremely important to him were all captured by the clown!

“Damn! Damn it!!! ”

In a fit of rage, Batman punches the Joker in the face, smashing his head with one punch!

But at the last minute, it deviated a little and hit the wall next to the clown’s head.

Seeing Batman’s restrictive and incompetent and furious appearance, the Joker couldn’t help but burst out a strange and terrifying laugh.

“Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!!



Laugh, laugh!

Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!! ”

Looking at the crazy Joker, Batman feels like he’s going crazy!

He lifted the clown’s collar and asked viciously:

“Where did you keep them shut?” Close where! ”

“Oh oh, so you want to know this?”

Why not say it earlier? ”

Hearing this, the clown’s eyes revealed a strange light.

“Harvey was locked up in… Rachel is locked up in…

As a reminder, there are now eight minutes left before the explosion.

This little time is only enough for you to save one.

So…… Who do you choose to save? ”


Hearing the Joker’s words, Batman’s heart sank to the bottom again.

The Joker actually locked Harvey and Rachel in two diametrically opposed places!!!

As the clown said, the remaining time is only enough to save one.

Who to save?

Who the hell to save!

Intellectually, Batman should go to Harvey.

Because he is Gotham’s Hope, Gotham’s Knight of Light!

But…… He’s not just Batman, he’s Wayne.

Bruce. Wayne!

This is a weight that heroes can’t bear!

At this moment, Wayne was no longer a hero, but a mortal.

A mortal who has some concerns and is more selfish.

With little hesitation, he rode straight to the bat motorcycle and chose to save Rachel!

Police Chief Gordon, on the other hand, takes someone to save Harvey.


Wayne rode a bat motorcycle and raced as fast as he could to the place where the Joker was holding Rachel.

But when he arrived, he was dumbfounded!

Once again, he was teased by the Joker!

The Joker deliberately reversed the location of the two of them!

That is to say, Batman clearly wants to go to Rachel.

But when he arrived, he saw Harvey!

For a moment, Batman only felt that his brain was blank, and there was a feeling that his heart was like ashes.

But he is not an ordinary person after all.

He quickly reacted and rescued Harvey.


A loud bang.

Just after rescuing Harvey, the place where he was imprisoned exploded!

Flames erupted, igniting Harvey’s gasoline-filled left half of his face.


Harvey covered his face in pain and kept howling.

On the other side, the speed of Police Chief Gordon, where can it compare to Batman?

By the time he got to the place where Rachel was being held, it had exploded!

In a roar, the woman that Wayne and Harvey loved turned into fly ash!

Everyone’s hearts are full of pain, and they want to be imprisoned in the police station by the clown, the corpse is in pieces!

However, Batman and Gordon don’t know that the Joker is already in trouble with the police station at this time!


The inside of the police station has actually been dismantled by the clown for two spies.

With the help of the spies, he successfully kidnapped a police officer and was surrounded by a lot!

“What are you going to do?” Put down the murder weapon in your hand, you can’t escape! ”

“Let go of that officer, you’re already surrounded by us!”

“Give up resistance, you can’t escape!”

Although the clown kidnapped a police officer, he was still surrounded by a dozen policemen with guns pointing at him!

Looking at it like this, the clown seems to have no escape with his wings!

However, the clown, who was surrounded by a heavy burden, did not panic at all, and revealed a strange smile.

He said:

“No, no, no, I didn’t want to escape. Give me a cell phone, I just want to make a call. ”

After hearing the Joker’s request, the officers looked at each other.

Finally lost a phone to him.

After the end of the phone, the clown quickly dialed a phone.

At the same time, in the detention room, a suspect suddenly heard a ringing call in his stomach.

This suspect is the Joker’s subordinate.

After being caught in, a bomb was sewn in the stomach by the clown.

Now, it’s time for the bomb to detonate!


A loud noise, fire splashed!

Before the bomb exploded, the Joker hid under the table in advance and prepared for defense.

The officers at the police station did not have time to react and were seriously injured.

Some are closer, or even killed directly!


“Hahaha! Hahaha!!! ”

When the smoke cleared, the clown crawled out from under the table.

Looking at the wounded, corpses, blood and ruins on the ground, the clown suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed, as if admiring some perfect work of art.

In this way, he danced a strange dance in a pile of ruins.

As he jumped, he walked outside the police station.

At this moment, this mortal’s body exuded an incomparably strange and incomparably chaotic atmosphere.

Like a natural demon!


And this is exactly the trait that Chen Mo is most satisfied with.

Su Jing, Liu Ningxue and Scarlet Witch, who have been secretly accompanying Chen Mo to observe the clown.

After seeing these things done by the Joker, he finally knew why he was favored by the Demon God Lord.

Just because, the clown is born of darkness and chaos!

As long as he exists, it can bring endless chaos and fear!


First more to give, thanks to the “1582xxx2653” 588 points tip!

Thanks to the 4000-point reminder ticket of “Night_ Night” and the 500-point reminder ticket of “I really call Huangfu Emperor Tai”!

So many reminders… I’m afraid I can’t do so much…

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