After rescuing the people he could, Gu Yi hurriedly followed the breath and tried to track down Han Junfei and the Red Skull.

Not long after she left, the lighthouse nation’s army also arrived.

When an officer-like man saw this, he froze.

The army that reinforced the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation was all gone, buried under the snowy mountains!

Even the fighter jets are gone!

Fortunately, he saw several soldiers who had been rescued.

So the confused officer ran quickly, crouched down and asked one of the surviving soldiers:

“What happened? What about Captain Lighthouse Nation? What about the rest of your troops?

Even if there is an avalanche, the plane will never have an accident, right? ”

“A… A man in a black robe, he… He killed everyone and created an avalanche!

Captain of the Lighthouse Nation, in… Below. ”

“What? One man wiped out an entire army? Are you kidding me?

So many planes and tanks, are they all toys? ”

Hearing this, the officer asked in disbelief.

The soldier who was seriously wounded and dying said:

“That… The black-robed man, claiming to be… He is one of the Ten Great Messengers of the Twilight Sect.

Red Skull also… Also…”

Speaking of which, this seriously injured soldier could no longer hold on, and he died of exhaustion!

He knew that his life was short, so he did not argue with the officer just now, but just wanted to tell the information he knew.

However, he tried his best and did not speak up.

In addition to this soldier, several others were also seriously injured and in a coma.

On the way to the hospital, they all died!

In desperation, the lighthouse nation mobilized heavy machinery and began to dig these glaciers.

Then dug for a long time, and did not find the lighthouse national captain.

Many of the bodies of the other soldiers were found, but several were still missing.

After speculation, they judged that the captain of the lighthouse country was probably thrown into the ice gap.

You must know that there are undercurrents surging in these ice crevices, and there are many underground dark rivers!

If you fall to the surface, the ghost knows where it will be taken.

So after half a month of search and rescue without results, the top brass of the lighthouse country gave up.

On the other side, Gu Yi did not catch up with Han Junfei and the Red Skull.

After dealing with Gu Yi so many times, Han Junfei also learned to be shrewd and knew how to avoid the pursuit of this powerful magician.

This matter ended like this and became one of the major unsolved cases in the lighthouse country!

The “Twilight Sect”, “Ten Great Divine Messengers” and other materials were sealed in the confidential archives.

The average person, simply not qualified to view,

At this point, the lighthouse nation didn’t know what this classified file meant.

It wasn’t until many years later that the lighthouse nation realized how terrible what was written in this classified archive!


After getting rid of Gu Yi’s pursuit, Han Junfei let the Red Skull get rid of the egg and continue to develop back in the Hydra tissue.

And he himself quietly sneaked into the place where the Red Skull and the Lighthouse Nation Captain had fought before.

Because there’s still a good thing left here – the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube!

Han Junfei didn’t know what the Cosmic Cube was, but he could feel that there was a huge force inside!

Come to think of it, would the great god of fear like this kind of thing?

Therefore, after throwing off Gu Yi, Han Junfei quietly lurked over again, planning to take away the cosmic cube buried by ice and snow.

He had made a small mark on the Cosmic Cube, so it was easy to go deep into the ice and bring the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube out.

Just when Han Junfei was holding the Cosmic Cube and planning to pat himself on the butt and leave, he suddenly saw a huge team searching for something in the ice and snow.

The man who was the leader made Han Junfei feel somewhat familiar.

After a little thought, he suddenly remembered who this person was.

Howard. Stark.

A famous scientist in the lighthouse country, but also a big rich man!

If Han Junfei could foresee the future, he would know this Howard. Stark also has an identity.

That’s Iron Man Tony. Stark’s father!


Han Junfei did not know this, but it did not affect his decision-making.

He looked at the Cosmic Cube in his hand and suddenly came up with an idea.

This thing, Han Junfei a martial artist obviously did not understand the research.

Better to let the professionals come!

And this Howard. Stark is a scientist and a rich man, and although he does not have great power, he can also be regarded as an elite.

As…… Pull him into the Twilight Sect and become a believer in the Fear of the Demon God?

Thinking of this, Han Junfei came to Howard with a flash. Stark’s side.

Holding up the Cosmic Cube, he asked in a strange voice:

“Are you looking for this thing?”

“You… Who are you? ”

Howard was startled by the sudden appearance of Han Junfei, and his hair stood upright.

His hunch told him that this black-robed man was an extremely dangerous being!

And what he was holding in his hand was exactly what Howard wanted for the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

“What am I?” How come someone always asks me this question today.

But since you sincerely want to know, I’ll tell you.

I am…”


Han Junfei originally thought that it would be difficult for Howard to join the Twilight Sect.

At the very least, it takes a lot of talking.

After all, the previous Lighthouse Nation Captain was a die-hard element, and he would rather die than join the Twilight Sect.

Who knows, when he showed his extraordinary power and told Howard of the existence of the Twilight Sect and the Dread Demon God, he readily agreed to join.

And the eyes are full of curiosity and curiosity.

Where Han Junfei knows that capitalists have no state, they will turn to wherever there are benefits.

Moreover, the surreal elements of the Twilight Sect and the Dread Demon God made Howard extremely curious!

If he didn’t study this, he would not be able to sleep for several nights in a row!

In this way, the father of the future famous Iron Man joined the Twilight Sect.

Although Chen Mo was still asleep, he didn’t do anything.

But under his influence, the trajectory of history has quietly changed!


The first one is more sent, and the second is more modified immediately.

Already hearing everyone’s cry, Su Jing and Liu Ningxue will appear in the next chapter!

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